In which generation do you think video games died?
In which generation do you think video games died?
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Between late Gen X and early Millen was good shit.
early gen Z is where the cancer sprouted.
I say late gen y because Halo came out in 2001
halo still followed the roots of console FPS games, in that it was all either local multiplayer or LAN parties.
Robocop disturbed me as a kid with the sheer violence, but in a good way
Early Gen Z killed it
I was pretty much done with cartoons once TLAB ended.
For me when Ed edd n eddy ended
But the PS3 was great
but that's where it died, at the end of its life. this gen was dead on arrival.
You forgot Harry "Stretch their legs" Potter
>being "done" with something
quit being a melodramatic faggot.
This picture is so wrong.
Nirvana was the king of gen x gen y wasn't a thing till like 2005 2006.
Last of gen x was dying there
Games are as good as they've always been, you just have to look slightly beyond the mainstream. PC gaming is at a golden age and even if you don't like it you can emulate any game from any time on a moderately decent pc.
There's nothing dramatic about not finding any show to be particularly good in the last half decade.
The picture seems to be childhood culture, not teen stuff like Nirvana. Gen X childhood culture ended around 1990 but Gen X teen culture ended around 1997 when the Spice girls, Aqua, and Hanson became popular in America.
Generations come to age like 18.
So gen x would have started late 80s and early 90s
Gen y is going right now.
It's gen y that's fucked up. 5 to 10 years it will be gen z becoming the generation of age. Your picture is retarded op
That doesn't make you done.
>not going back and finding hidden gems
Gaming started dying with the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii. This is plain as day for someone who lived through it.
No, no, wrong. Generations are usually around 15-20 years,.
Baby boomers = 1946-1964
Gen X = 1965-1981
Gen Y = 1982-1997
Gen Z = 1998-?
I would argue it died with this and a little boom extra after.
Forgot to say, it's starting to come back in very small areas though, you can see this with the loot crate backlash and some games coming out now.
mods do your job and ip ban this spammer
I feel like the Japanese market really lost it's priorities during that time.
But now if looks like they got their rhythm back, while the big companies in the west are struggling too support their AAA format. There have been a lot of AAA bombs this year.
It began downhille in the early gen Z pictures
it was fucking dead by 2010
It was supposed to. Watching the guy bathed in chemical burst like a balloon gave me nightmares.
This picture makes sense from a kids point of a view I would like to see the teen adult form of it. Adult gen xers loved horror films and friends. Teens beavis and butthead and music.
I miss this era how blunt it was and how it was
Not the launch of 360 though, rather than what it changed to after that.
Despite how big Wii was it doesn't seem to have introduced major problems into core gaming the other audiences of competitors did, I think it's framed as a culprit far less than necessary by fanboys.
It was nearing 2010 when that shit really hit the fan.
Exactly, I actually stated (kind of) this in , there are areas that are just now starting to recover, kind of.
video games peaked at gen 6, there will literally never be another gen with as much room for creativity because of the obscene costs of development and lack of radical hardware shift
Put it like this, 2007 was the last great year for gaming until 2017, but 2007 did start a lot of bad trends despite its high quality.
2018 appears to be as good as 2017 or even better.
I think we have a positive trend going on here.
This is one of the worst years in history. Even worse than 2012.
Agreed. I think people who lived through the 2nd "death" of gaming can kind of tell when things are starting to get better, though being the "best year in gaming" for a long while doesn't mean it was an extraordinary year for gaming, it just means we're starting to recover.
I wouldn't be so quick to say it was the last great one for almost ten years.
With as big as the business in gaming has grown it's a good thing there's always been some great games every now and then despite the increasing amounts of negative trends. And as of recently, it seems like more games for people opposed to that kind of style have gotten product as well which is great.
I say the half way point and end of early Gen Z. Everybody was trying to copy each other. Kinect. The Last of Us was introduced. Online multiplayer games like CoD are at its peak
>The Last of Us was introduced
good game. everything from then on was a disappointment.
meh appreciate what you have now it can always go worse. late gen Z and early gen alpha will see perversions not known to those before, if gaming goes down this path of forced political shit and gender queer stuff. And if a new war or genocide or something similar breaks out then the propaganda in all entertainment fields will kick into overdrive.
I started on late gen x played quite a few nes games.
Grunge had a huge impact on my life which lead to the underground alternative metal death metal nu horrorcore industrial
Pretty much all music not pop from the era. That gen was so fun and perfect for my upbringing it isn't even funny.
DLC on consoles was the beginning of the end. It didn't snowball out of control until MTX shit though. Now everything has lootboxes and a cash shop and is laden with planned DLC as well as annual releases on a lot of titles.
If you asked me just two years ago, I’d tell you games are out. But after 2017 you can’t say video games are dead unless you’re a bitter old virgin. This year was amazing. I usually find 1-2 titles per year I actually enjoy, this year I bought like 8. And two consoles. For the first time in my life I bought a console and it wasn’t one, but two of them.
Only 2017 game I enjoyed was overload
These pictures are ridiculous because the older generations pass this shit on to the younger ones.
Who the fuck didn't watch scooby doo as a kid?
I watched Star Wars with my parents and I played Mario 64 with my 4 year old nephew like a week ago shit like this is timeless.
And Vidya started turning to shit in early gen Z I don't even have to think about it.
It's getting better the past 2 years or so though.
The pic is based on firsthand experience
Its shit.
Yeah and I experienced Scooby Doo firsthand on tv as a kid because they aired the episodes from decades ago every damn day.
Not being around when it was new doesn't devalue it.
They didn't. Video games are as good, if not better than ever. You just aren't a kid anymore, so things aren't as fun.
Zelda BotW
Super Mario Odyssey
Bloodborne (yes, not a 2017 title, but it was for me)
Persona 5
Prey (yes, I actually liked it)
Nier Automata
This is what I was talking about. This is more titles that I’ve enjoyed in 2017 and it’s more than what I’ve enjoyed in past 4 years combined. 2017 was absolutely amazing.
Did the early 2000s seem shitty to anyone? I've heard nothing but praise for that era.
Early gen z, when consoles started to panic because of Steam and they decide to implement "internet" in the worst way possible.
They didn't die. You just grew up, you faglord.
You also connect the environment and your feelings to the games, so as a
>parents loved you
>you got din dins
>didn't have to do anything
>still had friends
>still had hopes
>didn't take drugs
>slept a lot
>you can fill this out for yourself
>Knows Bloodborne isn't a 2017 title
>Posts it anyway
Nigga why
That and the mid to late 90's are the golden age of gaming it ended in 06.
Ps3 era
It ended in 07 actually because 07 had a ton of great titles.
I am a old fan of Nintendo but I cannot get into the new ones as much tho I am glad you had a good year.
I guess I liked elex and overload
Binding of Isaac antibirth and path of exile
Because the birth of contemporary Shounen Jump.
coincidentally when Naruto and Bleach was still arguably good, before they derailed.
Still leaves 6 great titles, more than I found in past 3-4 years combined. What did 2016 give us apart from Doom and DaS3? 2015 gave us 0 great titles, for example.
I can't entirely agree because a lot of those "extremely important franchises that shaped the gaming landscape for years to come"
Would spawn the sequels and knockoffs that were the dark ages.
You have call of duty in that image for christs sake.
Though I did enjoy a lot of those games.
Did Buzzfeed vomit on that image?
I'm not even trying to argue that 2017 wasn't a godlike year for vidya I'm just calling you out for being a dumbass.
And 2016 had Furi for one.
Meh, it was just a description of personal experience. I don’t remember a better year for gamers since 1997.
There’s 0% chance we get a year like 2017 any time soon again. It’s going to be painful.
I’m not even a Nintendo fan, apart from Switch, Gameboy was the only Nintendo console I owned. I enjoyed SMO a lot. Zelda not so much, but still a great game. I hope nintendo fans aren’t enjoying the games because of idiots like me, because I’d hate to see one of my beloved franchises turned into a “wider appeal” titles. But from what I gather, general reception was great with fans as well.
pretty much this, in ten years people will be nostalgic for the era of minecraft and youtube let's plays when whatever new popular trends take off, and the general consensus will be that any game from before 2004 is too old to play except among the outcasts and autists. Your parents are nostalgic for the good ol days, your children (assuming you ever get laid) will be nostalgic for parts of their childhood. In the 60's things were never the same after Vietnam. In the 50's things were never the same after Korea. In the 40's things were never the same after Pearl Harbor. Things change. 2007 is the year people currently feel things changed (Obama), people will recognize 2016 as the year things changed 5 years from now, and the beat goes on.
*I meant I hope non fans like me didn’t ruin these games for fans by developers making these games targeting us
True. In fact my Opa who's 80 says the Beatles ruined music and he misses the days of Bing Crosby.
what future meta influence could make gaming better? if we go by early to mid 2000's as the golden age, there was 9/11 and two wars broke out (afghan + iraq), maybe the whole tension and angst of that time helped creativity?
I'd say a war with north korea + draft could bring cool new games
To be fair I hated my childhood but found my my gamecube games overall better than the AAA games I played on my PC, which I did when I was a lazy degenerate at college. The latter was also during the simplest and the most relaxing part of my life.
Yeah the one where you bang two rocks together and throw it to your irradiated corpse pal is gonna be a blast.
They never "died". You've refused to find good games and instead bitch and criticize every single little thing about every game instead of just enjoying them.
That's some retarded correlation right there. Games were good in the mid 2000's cause PC devs were moving to consoles and bringing over their products, dev costs weren't extremely high, and a variety of other factors. The two wars didn't help shit with game development.
Early Gen Z
>what future meta influence could make gaming better?
As an /x/phile, the discovery of anything supernatural/alien would lead to the coolest game timeline, but that isn't going to likely happen. I want more Deus Ex-like shit, stuff that tries to predict the future, even if it's off and tries to off-hand talk about where the world is going, statistics and data to back it up, you know, world-building that is about OUR WORLD. I think we'll get some of that, but in a much more biased manner. More than likely some economic shit goes down at some point, people riot, some governments get destabilized, and we get a shit ton of propaganda-based games supporting one side or the other, I think Watch_Dogs, Wolfenstein II, Far Cry 5, these are all pretty close to where the zeitgeist for AAA games is going, making the conflict a "you're with us or against us" which will inevitably end in civil war. Eventually you'll see serious calls for secession from a bunch of groups. Japan won't give a shit about this, meaning the current divide between leftist gamers and right-wing gamers will become a West vs East thing even more than it already is. I think Japanese games will be on the upswing for the next decade, Western games will continue this dive and likely blame the racist sexist gamers for not buying their shit.
What would make gaming better? Personally I think revolutions, the rise of new (or old) governmental forms would be an interesting shock to the status quo culture.
>maybe the whole tension and angst of that time helped creativity
We would have gotten shooters regardless, but we would never have seen the COD/Battlefield push in the late 2000's. It would be such a different world if 9/11 didn't happen it's not worth guessing.
>I'd say a war with north korea + draft could bring cool new games
How so? More war games? More fallout/apocalypse type shit? The market is saturated with those already, I don't see what a new war would change creatively.