Fast movement speed and wallrunning

>Fast movement speed and wallrunning
>Complementary Titan gameplay
>Large level of pilot and titan customization with various weapons and gadgets at your disposal
>Runs well on basic PCs and all consoles
>Great singleplayer campaign
>Sup Forums absolutely detested it


The same fucking thread, every goddamn week.
>hurr Sup Forums absolutely detested it
>hueh no we didnt!!1one

its a shity CoD copy, glad its dead

Sup Forums likes it, though; it's just it rarely comes. But any time it does, people usually say good things

i enjoyed my time with it just wish there was more of it, im not a pvp guy but i would play this on line

>its a shity CoD copy, glad its dead

>Sup Forums absolutely detested it
But Sup Forums didn't. If anything Sup Forums mourned a decent modern FPS dying, because EA never wanted it to succeed, and just plans to absorb Respawn.

Have you played it? I was thinking the same thing before I played it and it completely changed my opinion in the other direction. The game is actually really really good.

why is the wingman elite the best gun in this game lads stim + shooting while running and ricochet is op

You clearly have not played it.

Not that poster, but I did play it and just couldn't enjoy the gunplay. Can see why people like it, though, it's a big step up over CoD and traditonal shooters in a lot of ways and doesn't pull any jewish lootbox shit, but for me, I couldn't help but feel the shooting dynamics were too similar for me to enjoy, personally.

>complementary titan gameplay

*blocks your path*

you forgot
>terrible balance
>terrible maps

The campaign is great, but they fucked up the MP badly.

It's shit now with the last few updates. Not even worth my time anymore, they literally have no idea how to balance the game.


High skill required game. Sup Forums prefers games you can't lose like jrpgs where all you have to do is stand outside a town and grind/rest until you're OP and nothing can hurt you.

>Using shitscans

Kill yourself immediately.

>Electronic Farts

>run around a small arena and shoot at things

10 minutes and you've seen it all and you lost $60 plus tip

>10 minutes and you've seen it all and you lost $60 plus tip

Filled with bots and autoaim weapon.

>Only available on Origin
>Only a couple thousand of players left
Don't have to worry about buying Titanfall now that EA has acquired the studio.


>titanfall 2 thread on Sup Forums
>it's literally only people from /tfg/ pretending to be Sup Forums randos

Just talk about the game on discord guys, literally no one else cares

Is it cracked?

you've convinced me to pirate it for the single player

The real reason? I bought Titanfall 1.

I hate that there are bots in multiplayer. Why the fuck they thought its a good idea to force add dumb as fuck ai in multiplayer?