What attracts people to Overwatch so much? Why is this shit game so popular?

What attracts people to Overwatch so much? Why is this shit game so popular?

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u just posted the reason.

Because it's fun and there's nothing else to play on PC. And don't bring up TF2. That game is way past its prime.

>look at me, I don’t like things that other people like, doesn’t that make me cool
Just fuck off

Because it's Blizzard's FPS. Why play any other FPS when you can just play Blizzard's one.

You posted it.

I want to cum on Mercy's high heels!

First and foremost it is made by Blizzard.
Character designs.
Watered down gameplay for people who've always sucked at FPS games.

>And don't bring up TF2. That game is way past its prime.

It really takes a special kind of casual to enjoy a game as boring as Overwatch. you've probably already thought about killing yourselves at some point so I recommend you take your own advice.

Look at these delicious soles

>Because it's fun and there's nothing else to play on PC.
>Still popular on PS4
>Nintendicksuckers still begging for it
Really fire those synapses.

I don't know
paladins(pre ob64) is much better on everything
maybe people only like ow because is a blizzard game

Ryujin ken wo kurae!!!

>First and foremost it is made by Blizzard.
I like OW and I haven't liked a Blizzard game since... TFT, I think?

The only truly great game they made is Starcraft 1/BW.

>genji is about to slice hanzo in half
>hanzo is just sitting there, doesn't even have his bow drawn

People have different taste to you believe it or not learn to accept it or forever be that one weirdo no one likes

Truth hurts matey

I know other people who play it and it is a decent looking game with passable balance. I'm sure this comment will upset someone.

I just realized that lol. What a fuckin maroon. Maybe he's going to use his sharringan.

It is drawn, he's just not aiming it, which is stupid.

Fuck you

O B S E S S E D tf2 valvecuck thread O B S E S S I N G about Overwatch #19003

He's just waiting for genji to come close so he can scatter the floor below him and win

si fun you nigger

you know fun?

It's the ideal game for normies.

Yeah but I havent had it since 1997

Or get a luck ass shot as Genji dashes behind him. As you can see, it looks like Hanzo is turning.

>make game where your focus is to make sure everyone have a good experience
>end up with one gigantic pile of shit
>people still play it

really fires my neurons

Cute girls.

It's fun and has really sick character design. I'm also very fond of the skins.

It's a great game that needs more updates to be loved by all

>Mighty Morphin Genji.

Nigger, that skin clearly is Kamen Rider inspired.

Christmas event starts today comrade

it's sad that cool skins like this are so rare in this game.

That is fuckin' fresh!
Don't play it but i'll definitely say that's better than hats.
tf2 is still very good. The only thing I have a gripe with is the grade schooler humor farting t. pyro

Does it really? Great. I have a shit load of stuff I wanna buy, starting with Genji's MERRY CHRISTMAS, and Hanzo's A GIFT... FOR YOU.

I'd say a combination of the Blizzard name (which hasn't been soured amongst casual gamers), high production value, and a bright, colorful art style which is really popular these days. How it's had staying power though is beyond me given how miserable it is to play.

For these two

Too bad that skin is rare as fuck.

>Getting this mad over a shite 10 year old game not even the developers care about anymore

It's one of the few 60fps multiplayer games on PS4 and I play with friends.

I just can’t take DVa. She’s way too OP for me. What’s the fucking range in her ultimate? It seems like I’m super far away but it will still catch me. And then if she kills a single person with it, she gets a new robot? That shits not right.

You know what that line is from?

She'll get nerfed here soon along with junkrat and symetra.
Shit is way too braindead.

I just like the way Genji sounds when he says it. I remember a few months ago I was put in a game with a trollish Genji who would spam that everytime he killed my team.

You get a new robot even if you don't kill anyone.

Her ult has a LONG casting time btw, pay attention and usually you can escape it. Also if your team has Rein and he doesn't suck he'll just shield you.

>nerfing sym
why also not nerf Torb while you're at it, she's already considered a troll pick ffs

You can actually see it in the UI, if the little triangle with the ! in it is red, it will kill you, if it's yellow, you're safe. Unless you're already kind of far don't try to outrun it though, look for cover.

>Dva ults
>stand behind a firehydrant or a lampost
>survive even if she ults 5 inches away
Was that so hard?

She gets a new bot Just after using it, it doesn't have to kill anyone
However, it's one of the slowest ultimates int he game, you have like 3-4 seconds to understand where the meka is coming from and get a cover. The only way you can die to that is either you or your team being retarded, or the enemy team being so coordinated to kill your reinhardt/get your shield down

>Also if your team has Rein and he doesn't suck he'll just shield you.

I think Symm can shield you too if she times her photon barrier correctly.

Nigga, she flies that shit at you. In the midst of battle, you think you’re safe. It’s hard to judge carefully.

In what elo? I'm in platinum and she's just as braindead here as she is in diamond. Anyone who can cheese like that while having a non aim weapon is a little gay.

But he didn't post Sombra.

>he gets killed by D.Va's ult

Like, ¿really? ¿are you in bronze? Shit's the most telegraphed ult in the game, only good for zoning.

when are those blizzard skins going to drop

>fun multiplayer gameplay that is updated regularly (basically one map or character or event per month at this point)
>nice visuals, bright and colourful designs with some cool concepts
>some of the cutest girls that western game devs have ever had
Pic related, perfection.

Superior black men like Doomfist.

The mech shines brighter than the sun when she jumps out of it. It's hard to lose track of it you bronzeshit

Oops he did.
Here she is!

>no goy! stop saving your time and spend your money on my shitty overmarketed click-to-kill weebfest!

Well, so can Orisa and Winston. You can jump in the ult as the monkey, drop shield, jump out and probably have nough time to fry the bitch. Or just jump above it and drop shield mid-jump if you're good.

Yeah, which is why I said try to find cover. The second you hear NERF THIS, run for the nearest wall and put it between yourself and the mech.

I just shoot people with my blaster pistol and play mei snowball when its around.

I want to impregnate and marry Olivia

But guys!! le so random funny shrek memes!! xDD
>I know it hurts sometimes but you'll get over it
>you've got nothing left to give
>you'll find another life to live

Game is Fun as fuck with friends, they trying their best to get a nice community out of it... 2 bad People are retarded

Is that supposed to be McCree's robo arm?

You must be 18 to post on Sup Forums

Or you can be Roadhog and hook her ult into your own team!

you must be 18 to post here

>tfw friend always gets murdered by ults because he doesnt hear it activate because he likes to listen to music while playing
What a waste

*muffled maniacal laughing*

There is the best and cutest girl

nu-blizzard is just activision now, so yes.

My team all reported me once for using the pistol once instead of pocket healing 24/7

Or you can be Genji and reflect it right back to them.

I've fucking seen that shit happen!! What a piece of garbage some people can be.
Here's the real mvp.

made by blizzard
has waifus

That happend to me once. In Ilios, the well map. The enemy D.va tried to catch people by surprise, ulted blindly over the walls and the thing was going to fall into the well... but Hogs gotta Hog.

Tears in my eyes.


Simply popularity.
People will play what others do, just like the rise of PUBG.
After that it comes down to retention and relevancy, with Overwatch barely pulling it off with their minimal updates and esports investments.

Do you think I could sell my account with Witch Mercy?

I haven't played in over a year.

This post is how you spot new people in Overwatch or people who are irredeemably trash. Which is especially ironic considering how much complaining there is about how casual the game is.

Gonna need links to these.

To put it simply: Overwatch attracts the braindead reddit users who only play it to boost themselves into thinking they are finally good at a game.

Pressing Q while looking at the enemy team and getting four kills does not mean you are good at a game. "Ultimate abilities" in an FPS game was a mistake.
The only redeeming quality is the porn this game mass produces.

Why is Pharah so CUTE


Most people have Witch mercy now if they missed it last year. Last years skins go for a cheap amount of coins during events

>that glorious feel when pocketing pharah as mercy

Can't go wrong with delicious brown.

Yes yes, you’re great and I suck. So what?

>has full shield
>chooses to die anyway

Any name of the person who made this?

>What attracts people to Overwatch so much?

I honestly don't know. When it isn't frustrating it's boring, and the whole game feels like it was developed in a sterile lab by market researchers. The maps are so poorly designed, the balance team is directionless and incompetent, the community is absolute garbage. Just a complete shit show all around.

That was good.

It's also really loud and the audio of it will let you know when it's going to explode.

I am extremely casual and still surprised when people die to my ult as D. Va, especially since I use it to zone primarily. If I kill more than 3 people with it I know I will dominate the game.

The three brown girls of Overwatch are the only good fucking thing about that pile of shit. Also fuck Ana, she isn't young nor is she as beautiful as her daughter.


>waifu baits
>extensive marketing
They pretty much took all the awful tropes that casuals eat up and threw a fortune into marketing to hype it up. And it paid off.
Besides that it has simple gameplay and bright, friendly colours, so casuals don't feel intimidated.
You know how the creator of Garfield admitted that he analysed all the popular comic book strips and designed his own specifically to be popular based on that and make him as much cash as possible? Overwatch is the same in video game version. Blizzard's goal with it wasn't specifically to make the game good, it was to design it in such a way that would attract as many players and as much profit as possible