Monsters you want to see come back for world? Besides pick related id really, it could be crazy with the new areas

Monsters you want to see come back for world? Besides pick related id really, it could be crazy with the new areas.

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*id really like chameleos, it could br crazy with the new areas and its gimmick.

Malfestio, I like Owls.

I don't really care for pickle honestly. I'd like to see fatalist and maybe laoshan.

Not gonna lie, malfestio always fucks my shit because of the control inversion. Really fucking makes me rage everytime.

>The Magalas
>Dah'ren Mohran
I get the feeling they're trying for the more 'realistic' looking monsters though to pander to new players, which is retarded, so I guess we shouldn't expect anything really big or semi-outlandish.


Fighting the Jyuratodos in that beautiful mud just made me so want to see how gorgeous bubble-dragon's effects would be.


I dont know man, the flluffy bat, undead uragaan(so happy normal one is in) and chameleos jr. Are pretty out there.


Fuck rajang, im still fucking mad over the double golden rajang quest. Im still really mad!

lucent narga
prenerf plessy

anything that will get you trash players that entered my rathalos rooms carting 10 times out of my fucking game. fuck off back to tokkiden


I want nighttime battles where I can barely see the shit jumping from tree to tree


I dont think casuals were playing fucking tokiden before user, this will probably be the first hunting game.

Tigrex. It's predictable but punishing, a series staple, and I'd like to see its dated assets given a fresh take.

I never thought about that, now I want fluffy fox to make its return, too.

good. it'll be easier for them to get off my franchise so i don't end up farming 5 star rathalos as endgame which is what im really fucking worried about. the rathalos and diablos in the demos were so slow

Kirin, unironically

if the leaked list is to be believed (it's been right about every monster so far), jho is in the game

A monster I really want to see come back especially with these jungles is this guy. By far my favorite fight in the series.


and the pickle is in world

Who is angrier, molten rex or savage jho?
Wanna hit me with that list senpai?

is this a pre nintendo thing? why does everyone love this thing so much


Imagine this fucker chasing you in the forest now that there isn't loading times.

Duramboros, for sure. I want to see it whack the shit out of Rathaloses and other flying wyverns with its tail out of the air

Rex. Joe's just hungry.

He's such a great fight.

Is that a gimarimops? A trangularus reps?


Holy shit i completely forgot about him, he wpuld look stellar in world.
The hunger makes him MAD

Just to have more unique body types and not having Wyvern Hunter: World again.

It was really scary back in FU.

Vaal Hazak
Pink Rathian
Azure Rathalos
Black Diablos
Oroshi Kirin
Kushala Daora

You know those are already confirmed from the last trailer?

That's the list dumbo

Alatreon pisses me off because Hammer is my favorite weapon and his head is too high for a pounding. Also sleepbombing feels like cheating.

Oh boy, sleep bomb autism.


>not being able to hammer Alatreon

He dips his head down with a lot of his attacks, putting it in prime position for a superpound. You should be more angry about the fact that his head flails around too much while he's down to effectively combo

How about bringing in more Frontier monsters?

Hammer is probably one of the best weapons to fight Alatreon with. I had to farm him solo a lot in 3U.

How did you get the head?

Jho has to be in it. Favourite monster. I also want
Plesioth to piss everyone off
Yian-Kut Ku

japs got extremely butthurted when FU got hypnocatrice and lavasioth

I want ludwig! I want orphan of kos! Is it possible to craft the kos placenta? Instabuy!!!1

You have to rely on superpounds and uppercuts a lot, but his head dips down whenever he turns around or does an elemental ability. The windows are pretty tight though.

If he starts flying and the ballista is down it's not an entirely bad idea to just Farcaster out to force him to land.

I hope he returns and shows up in every high rank quest together with Joe. Wouldn't that be fun?

here's a more fun idea
make up a new monster
>Mantis Shrimp-like Carapaceon that is essentially the new Deviljho, but only in areas with large bodies of water in them

There are several I'd love to see come back, the list would go on, but if I had to pick it would be a boss level monster. Like Akantor or Fatalis.

Top 3 would be


Elder Dragon


Just a big fuck off Owlbear

Fast as fuck

Same here but it was fun adapting to it, wen tfrom learning how to run away to fighting just as normal when it inverts

An empty dragon husk that's being controlled by spores.


Gimme my main man Gogmazios.


Damn right. Especially since swimming isn't around.

Are there any of the Fatal Four that wouldn't be well-received returning monsters?

Also, fuck you for making me find another Gammoth image.

>when stuff like this exists

Stop basing everything off the beta faggot

Zinogre, Gore Magala, Seregios and Barioth are the big 4 I'm hoping return in the base game or at least through updates/dlc


My main man Duramboros and they better have a tundra with Jade Barroth in it because normal Barroth was too much of a pushover. I wouldn't mind that orangutang bat elephant from 4U either desu.

>MH World
Not my series.


More like
>Not on my console

>it could br crazy with the new areas and its gimmick.
Nope, too hard, cant afford to scare the casuals.

I'd love nerscylla to be in, and have swingy wars with her


I noticed that as well actually like the dash Just wasn't what it used to be

This handsome fella, I mean just look at that majestic horn and powerful arms, not to mention the magnificent tail

Plebs, if you know what to do you literally never get hit

More Rathian/Rathalos variants, they are such epic fights

>there are people who didn't like this fight
What is their excuse?

guildmarm, please

I liked it until it turned into a fucking balloon

Oh please, that could be anyone's opinion

Then what do you think of my eyebrows?

Beats me.

How's world in the guild girls department? Can they beat her?

With how monsters can fight each other Deviljho is like a shoe in.
I'd like to see Agnaktor or Gore/Shagaru

I don't like the handler at all so far

Don't really know since I slept all trough the beta (really bad cold before someone asks), the handler looks kind of wonky in what I've seen of the trailers

I'm hoping that they'll at least include the Marm's outfit in some dlc or something

I'd never thought I'd say this but Gypceros and for only one reason. I think the idea of seeing another monster attack the gyp and wreck the it's shit; Gyp could then pull its fake death. Watching some newbies go to carve it thinking the Rathalos or whatever killed it would be hilarious.

Zinogre, Deviljho, Brachydios, Tigrex and Rajang can fuck off. They DON'T need to be in every game. Same for rathalos, but that fucker will never go away. The one that needs to come back is Narga, which is actually a fun fight, and best boy pic related

I was getting ready to write an angry post, but I kinda agree. Plus it's always hilarious when new players rage at Gypceros' stretching tail swipes and flash stuns.

>He doesn't want Tigrex back but he wants the gay bubble dragon
He's not even the best out of the 4.

Khezu and Tigrex.

But also the Magalas.

>All the good monsters can fuck off

What time is/was the Beta over?

I’m not sick of hunting yet

>Wingless Rathalos
>Pink Rathalos
>Blue Rathalos
>Snow Rathalos
>Green Rathalos
>Fire Rathalos
>Tar Rathalos
>Toxic Rathalos

A couple of hours ago.
>mfw I have to wait 1.5 months to touch World HBG again

As long as you don't turn it off, you can keep doing missions forever :^)

It NEEDS to return

They could have at least left solo offline fuck I couldn't play yesterday

Deviljho, Rajang, and Nargacuga are fights I want to see in full hd glory. Diablos was one I DIDN'T want to come back. Such a shitty fight. And I'm tired of Rath but I know that's never going to go away.
I think Handler is cute

What's wrong with Tiggy? He's fun to fight.

No, it's a shit fight where you have to run around constantly waiting for him to end his autism charge. And then gen 4 decided it was ok to give him a turn around charge. Rajang is also not a good fight, he's one of the most mechanical and predictable monsters.


I hope Akantor makes it in, if only so I can use his Hunting horn again.