No gam........
No gam
You could've gotten all those free if you'd just bought pokken. That, sonic forces, and senran kagura are the only games that matter.
>special collection of FE
>not Xenoblade 2
>Sonic Forces
Please stop posting
>Fire Emblem pictured twice to bolster collection
>all these multiplats
>sonic forces
The box is massive and dident have room on shelf same with bo tw ce
>Buys literal shovelware just to have a quality over quantity collection
I don’t even hear actual ponies claim this anymore, it’s knly ever falseflagging consolewarriors
>mario shit
>generic jrpg
>multi plats
>a zelda
yeah nice range you got there
>everything that invalidates my argument is shovelware xD
Eat shit, soynygger
He even put FE Warriors twice for the picture, eat my ass
Buying games just to build your collectionn. I used to do that when I was a kid.
>Sonic Forces
The Switch has had a pretty great first year but that's not really helping.
and only 2 of them worth a damn, enjoy waiting 2 more console generations for the next rehash
where are the games, OP?
Sonic Forces is more game then the interactive movies exclusive to PS4.
>being a snitch
OP poo poo.....
They are all equally shit, kill yourself.
And that makes the games shovelware because...?
Switch has no third party support
>Musuo shit not shovelware
Same exact gameplay as Dynasty warriors, Berserk, Hyrule warriors, DQ heroes etc.
>Marks over Cave Story
Hows does it feel to be a faggot
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Everything else doesn't matter, as they are either multiplat or mediocre.
But that's still leaps and bounds beyond what PS4 and XBONE had at their release so good job I guess.
You don't know what shovelware means, faggot.
>Cave Story
better on any other device
weebshit AND rehash
>FE warriors
every FE I've played has been shit, dunno about this one cause I don't bother
>LA noire
shit AND better on any other device
>pokken DX
>sine mora
not my cup of tea
>splatoon 2
>sonic forces
>mario odyssey
>xenoblade 2
>FE warriors
I'd say you have 2 maybe 3 games worth playing on that list, and some other 2 to 3 shovelware games to play while you await better releases. The rest is shit and you wasted your hard earned dollarydoos. Not impressed.
This is the absolute state of Sup Forums, everyone.
>Pays for cave story for the n'th time
>Pays for cave story
I don't know, you tell me.
What's gam?
Why does nu Sup Forums do this?
>Cave Story
Rehash of what? Are you using the fucking word correctly? It's a port of the SAME CAVE STORY GAME.
lmao could do this all day aspie
>in another form
How is Cave Story on Switch? I already have the Steam version, anything new?
>multiples of the same game
>literal last gen games like LA Noire
The boost mechanic makes the game as interactive as a movie tho, it last as long as a movie too
At least they got their 90+ exclusive in the first year.
>Multiplats don't count as games
Simply the most epic of memes
>they bought Cave Story
>they bought the INFERIOR version of Cave Story
Nintendies are grasping at straws
literally only 2 games i would play
Switch has coop
If I harp on PS4 users stuffing their lists with multiplats and ports, it's only fair to do the same for the Switch.
>Not having the Explorer's Edition of Breath of the Wild.
>$60 for cave story, a game that was released 15 years ago for free on PC
Multiplats don't count. There's a reason the PS4 was called the Bloodborne machine.
It came out for $30, its still a lot but if you're gonna shit on the price of the games dont go doubling the prices.
>multiplat is not a game
Jesus fucking christ.
Zelda, Mario Odyssey, and Mario Kart 8 are the only good ones. The other ones are game only a nintendnygger would buy
No one's saying they're not games dumbass. They just don't count as a reason to buy any machine.
That's why there's literally zero reason to buy an Xbone, and why there's no Microsoft fans here.
Thank you for the arbitrary guidelines user.
Why would you buy a game that you could get cheaper and play at a exponentially better resolution on PC or even another console?
Switch version is technically the best version
It allows you to skip cutscenes
Translation still pisses me off as fuck though
Some people actually like that feature.
>Switch version is technically the best version
>He bought Cave Story's re-release
Go ahead, explain to me why a game that is frequently on sale for $5 and can be played on toasters of any variety was worth $30.
I'd say portability, but the 3DS, DS(i), GBA, and PSP versions already existed before it.
I mean unless you're going to make a case for enjoying the visuals of Cave Story 3d, it is the most feature complete version of the game. I dunno if it's worth $30 but it has most everything plus coop.
60FPS is the best way to do it
Like I said the translation is still fucking garbage, but keep posting your wojacks instead of trying to prove me wrong
>yakuza 0
>persona 5
>gravity rush
Were people really attached to the original fan translation that much?
Its just better
I enjoy Balrog saying "HUZZAH!" instad of being the fucking Kool-Aid man
I enjoy Momorin casually joking that chivalry is dead after telling the story of the Doctor throwing her off the island instead of saying "men who treat women without respect are barbarians"
Its nitpicky yes but the original translation just has better flowing and less awkwardly written dialog
It's a physical edition of a great game on a good console. That's all the justification you need.
>multiplats and weeb games
There's no reason to buy switch other than Botw and Mario. You can emulate BotW with no problem, and Mario isn't worth it
Where's your Skyrimjob?
fuck you PuyoPuyo tetris is awesome