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Character creation was a neat gimmick, but it definitely cheapens the inclusion of individual characters.
>Reverse rage is back
>Free super bars when KO'd twice is back
>Run counter is back
As far as I'm concerned it's dead on arrival.
70% confirmed but they didn't state there was a Switch version at the reveal, it is done then, like Tekken 7 they are aiming for higher tech.
The alleged leak saying it would be PS4 and Switch only was deluded.
Wrong, CAS does not replace default characters nor do they detract from them. What a poorly thought out post.
Glad your concern doesn't matter then, as long as it is filled with things casuals eat up then Soul Calibur VI will erase the taint that was Soul Calibur V, it might have already since they are flat out saying it is a reboot now.
cool. guess we'll see how it turns out.
Good thing you're not the gaming public.
Enjoy SFV arcade edition.
So there's still a chance for Talim and Amy?
Why play default characters when you can roflstomp everyone online with your custom? It's the same with those shitters who use equipable weapons in T7.
Is Talim back? That's all I care about.
I hope Pyrrah grows into a decent character now, Soul Calibur V is done away with, she don't grow into a clueless tool.
>Run counter is back
Please for the love of god don't be true.
Who knows. Sophitia may not even get married and have kids now, though.
Talim and Amy already existed in 1586, they were just younger. The possible erased characters are the ones introduced in Soul Calibur V.
Her hand was already promissed to Rhotion in Soul Calibur I, they marry at the end of the game.
Why call it 6 if it's a reboot?
When was she corrupted by Soul Edge? If she learns about that at all, she'll probably take a vow like Ivy to not have kids.
>Soul Calibur VI will erase the taint that was Soul Calibur V
>While having all the worst things from V in it
Yea okay buddy.
I know, right?
I would have called it...SOUL BLADE
Same reason why the sequel to Mortal Kombat (2011) is called Mortal Kombat X
well no shit it's a reboot, in SC5 all the fan favorites were old hags. what a shitshow
There is going to be a Nintendo Direct next month. I would guess Nintendo wants the Switch trailer to be a surprise with pic related coming back to the roster.
Last time I played Soul Calibur is in PSP with Kratos as the guest fighter and I barely remember SC characters with the exceptions of
>Soul Reaper Nigger
>The fully armored lady knight who uses a lance as her main weapon
>the guy who uses nunchucks
but I will never forget Ivy, I still fap to her til this very day.
Anyone here can name SC characters I failed to name above?
At the end of Soul Edge, when she broke one of Cervantes' twin swords, one shard penetrated Sophitia. She married and had kids knowing well what became of her body.
She would be too young to fight.
Until they remove run counter, I won't be buying it. reverse rage kinda sucks but I could live with it. Run counter though… fuck that.
I'm a casual who only plays this series for the single player stuff, with other non-fightan friends and dicking around in CAS. I get why the free super bars are dumb but what's the issue with the other two?
>all moveset animations completely recycled
>that recycled mitsurugi pre fight opener animation from 2002
its going to be mvci all over again
I wouldn't put too much stock in it. This entire Switch launch year has proven literally no one bet on the Switch's success, even the previous close partners and even those actually releasing stuff on it so far. Its success will see more people dedicate games to it, but it's lower level of hardware will also making porting nontrivial and that's not something 3rd parties like to have to deal with regarding Multiplats. If the game is close to done, that means pivoting towards a Switch release probably isn't in the cards for launch. And none of the "leaks" that predicted SCVI on the Switch have really panned out otherwise.
Well it was nice as long as it lasted.
I hope everyone that is still buying this game enjoys their no moving simulator
Fully fledged Chronicles of the Swords and complete Story Focus, things that were not present in SCV and Soul Calibur VI is bringing back.
>Reverse Rage
>Rounds slow down as your moves do less and less damage the lower the opponent's health gets
>Run Counter
>If you're hit while moving it stuns you briefly, making movement risky, meaning that matches are a stand still as no one wants to risk moving
>it's going to be mvci all over again
>Implying the recycled animations were the problem
Namco has gone on record saying they will support the Switch big time in 2018
Oh shit, those are things even I noticed that bogged down SCV, that's too bad.
Who the fuck is gonna care about the story when the gameplay is still shit?
>a girl that beautiful born in Ottoman occupied Greece
>not in a harem of some dirty Sultan
unless they revert the guard impact mechanics I am not interested
>PS4 guest fighter
How would you react?
That's all cool and all but what about DMC5?
Not now nigger, we've just found out how shit the game is gonna be.
Nobody got time for discussing guest characters.
Lots of people as the Netherealm sales numbers can attest.
Yes they will support the Switch, doesn't necessarily mean all games they make will be on the platform, they are promising exclusive titles.
>oh no, you can't movement around without risk!
>why is there risk-reward in my fighting games!
Do something stupid, get punished.
At least its about the game and not fags erping about tits and feet.
>oh no, you can't movement around
>why 3d movement being punished extra hard in this game about 3d movement and positioning a bad thing?
Just fucking take a look at top level SCV matches and tell me run counter is a good mechanic.
the more important question though.. will it have great boobs
Do people really play with skills on?
Why would you do that?
>top level
>playing a game like SC "seriously" instead of just goofing around with your friends
Fuck off to Street Fighter or BlazBlue.
>single button combat
*breathes in
>retards think reverse rage and run counter mechanics are final
The game is still a long way out, just go complain and give feedback to devs, saying how bad those are. They could have tweaked those system a lot too, maybe it's better to wait until full footage of multiple matches or a beta are out, though.
These were the only SC top level that are actually fun to watch.
Or you are just one of these guys
Thanks for showing everyone you're retarded and don't play fighting games.
>The game will emphasize how you can enjoy the fun of sword fighting with a single button. They are also fixating on production.
>Critical Edges are also being prepared. While their command inputs were difficult in Soulcalibur V, they can be activated with a single button in Soulcalibur VI.
A bit weary at this bit.
Soul Calibur V was fun
I just wanna beat people up as Billy Mays and the Old Spice guy again
During reverse rage you take 50% less damage from moves that deal less than 18 damage, and the only moves that deal 18 or more are telegraphed and risky as fuck. Good players nearly don't attack at all when the opponent has reverse rage because the risk/reward ratio is super messed up.
It's the same with the run counter. If you get attacked by anything while 8way running it's a guaranteed 50% combo (the damage bonus of the counter gets applied to the entire combo, not just the first strike). When you see high skilled players in sc5 they don't even move at all because the reward for it is just too small compared to the risk of losing half your health.
And these two combined make it so that high skilled players won't move or attack at all.
This isn't even the problem that reverse rage causes, your post reeks of "I don't know shit about high level play but I heard Aris complains about it"
The problem with reverse rage is that it only affects moves below a certain damage threshold, encouraging the winning player to use stronger (but riskier) moves to finish the round. It has nothing to do with "rounds slowing down". There are tons of games where you take less damage as your health gets low but it affects all moves equally so it doesn't affect gameplay and is just a visual trickery on the lifebar.
The armor breaking mechanic has its own meter (indicated by your health-bar flashing). GI and RE don't cost super meter, but they do drain this one.
Joycon support confirmed.
Comfy soul caliber on switch here we go!
Its gonna be casual trash for the masses, because they dont want to canibalize their competetive game that is T7.
You fucks will still buy it for waifufagging I'm sure.
>your post reeks of "I don't know shit about high level play but I heard Aris complains about it"
>response is to literally copy and paste Aris' rant about it from his SC6 video
Modes with customizeable stats in fighting games are 100% trash 100% of the time, but a character creator that lets you make your own character with the same stats and skills of a default character, but with the appearance you want, is great.
It's backwards as fuck. It's a 3D fighter which pushes you into treating it like a 2D one.
This is the sad truth. It will have all of your titty monsters from back then, so whatever they serve you, you will eat it up. Maybe even another nintendo guest character for extra nostalgia.
Wonder how long until modders get into it on PC. Even simple mods could go a long way.
Everyone and their dog called it mk9 though.
But what if it's actually fun?
>Been playing soul calibur 4 since it came out now
I just want a new good soul calibur dammit.
Why the fug. That Guts shit only works in GG where you can switch to low damage but high hit combos to effectively do more damage to low hp enemies.
Fuck fun, it has to be hard core for the e-sports crowd. Heaven forbid you make a game people can play with their friends for some fun.
Ask Mortal Kombat fans. They've been holding up that corpse for decades.
>mfw CHADgol isn't in it...god...
t. /fgg/
Fun is subjective, I found SCV more fun than SC3, but sure as fuck would have loved if SCV had 3s single-player content.
i want these guest characters!
more info might come out this weekend at the Bamco event
>Just fucking take a look at top level SCV matches and tell me run counter is a good mechanic.
>been watching tournament 4 year old SCV tournament matches for the last few days
>it looks fun as hell
Wanna link some """"bad"""" high level SCV matches which highlight these """"bad"""" mechanics?? (And don't just link some Viola bullshit, she was obviously OP but not a mechanic issue)
All this bitching about Viola, she didn't even win a single tournament as far as I know.
>What if a game that is shitty mechanics is fun
I mean, i would like it to be good but it usually don't work like that.
Have you played it?
It is quite simple. You are a casual moron and what you think is "fun" is actually bad. No need for me to prove or show you anything.
Who in their right mind would use those telegraphed moves that late?
Netherrealm drones has ruined this genre.
I hate them more than i ever hated smashtards at this point.
at the end of SCV's competitive lifespan, half of all top 8s was viola
the winners just knew the matchup because they played it so much
No but i have played SCV that and seeing as SCV has most of the shit in V i can draw good parallels.
Have you?
Run counter is anti casual, though. I mean it's the casuals that scream at tourneyfags. SCV was the tourneyfag game.
>No I haven't but I've played previous game!
Well the games not out yet, is there any way to let the devs know of our concerns directly. Twitter maybe? It doesnt do any good to complain here.
Are you fucking brainlet or what?
Are you perhaps in this picture?
>"muh SCV had shitty mechanics"
>Was still played in tournaments for 2 years after release despite zero supports from the devs
Yes we all know you heard Aris bitch about the game, if you listened to him correctly you'd have heard him say that it's just his personal opinion because he prefers 2 and that 5 still had its fanbase. Those mechanics you all suddenly hate so much won't prevent people from playing the game, especially if the game gets proper support this time and if the game doesn't end with retarded balance.
what a fucking faggot you are
Are you retarded or just pretending to be?
Custom character's don't have special stats in the actual serious mdoes
>shitters who use equipable weapons in T7
equipable weapons are a joke though? you'd have to be retarded to get hit by a high with 200 frames of startup