Playing through this for the first time right now, what is the best play-through strat?

Playing through this for the first time right now, what is the best play-through strat?

Talk no Jutsu

Play as a Mexican and go full unarmed plus explosives

Just play the damn game and figure it out on your own

sounds like fun but can I use a 6 shooter I want to be El Bandito

if you have all the dlc it doesn't matter. the level cap is so high you can 100 all but maybe 3-4 skills and you get ass loads of perks. then there's implants and stuff. just pick whatever sounds to you.

stealth arche....stealth smallarms

yeah i got the full collection w/ all DLC

Do what you want works 100% of the time. Even weak loadouts still work. Just don't pump charisma at character gen. It's almost totally worthless.

>but can I use a 6 shooter
yes there's .357s, .44s, .45-70s, in the base game and probably another zillion more revolver mods.

Take Skilled and Trigger Discipline are best traits, and have a decent endurance for the bodily upgrades next time. Whatever you do, be sure to get Jury Rigging (which requires skill level 90 repair and level 14 to get). Makes you a lot of money and you get repair on the go.

Speech and Repair are your friends
Allow for easy money and a lot of extra options in quest
Do whatever the fuck you want for the rest
Seriously, I haven't had a single playthrough really stall because I fucked up in the beginning

kill sunny smiles

Guns, Speech, and barter are the biggest main stats, you need guns, you need to be able to talk yourself out of and into certain situations, and you need to be able to kill shit effectively with most conventional weapons. The rest are mainly for specialized builds or more advanced roleplaying. If you feel you might get hurt a bit too much put more into medicine, and if you want to make sure you can unlock most of the weapons and good loot that's barred behind hard and very hard locks start dumping into lockpick early.

Best Special stats for that kinda "safe-route" are Per, End, Ch and either luck or agility depending on whether you wanna rake in mad dosh and see crazy shit happen or play it extra safe and use the FUCK out of VATS(Agi)


10 0speech
100 lockpick
100 science
100 repair
100 guns

Thanks for the input errybody, but I think I'm going full Legion on this first time through the game, I enjoyed how they dealt with the degenerates in Nipton

DiploSniper (ie Speech+Sneak+Guns or Energy Weapons) is the ezmode gamebreaker build. But if you get bored with that a melee/unarmed tank character is always fun.

I just started replaying recently myself. A few pices of advice:

1. I can't remember the best SPECIAL combo, but you want Endurance to at least 8, intel and agil to be 7 or 8, charisma 1, everything else 5 or 6.
2. You will use speech A LOT to solve problems, recommend striving to get that to about 50-60. You will also want Repair and Lockpick to about 50 each as well, and higher as the game goes on. Guns is good for your combat skill, but ammo is plentiful so Energy is not bad either.
3. Immediately go to to Freeside / Vegas as soon as leave the Doc's house. Try not to do anything to get Level 2. You want to get the intel implant first, to maximize skill points.
4. You will have to go directly north and hug the hills on the east side to avoid the Deathclaws. Go play blackjack at the Atomic Wrangler to get 2000 caps so you can get into the strip. Also go by Mike and Murphys or whatever its called and see if they have Naughty Nightwear for sale (gives +1 Luck). If you suck, just save and reload (or get the mod that disabled the time limit). Get 1 cap short of the minimum before you get banned from each casino (i.e., 4999 caps at Atomic Wrangler) then either to play craps with full bet on 00 / 0, or play the slots to maximize number of caps you can win before you are barred.
5. Repeat at the other casinos until you have about 35,000 caps or so. Go to the Vegas medic east of town and get all the implants except the Charisma one and the Regen one (unless you really want it, not that great).
6. Go all the way back to Good Springs and continue game as normal. Honestly, I would pump up Speech, Repair and Lockpick faster than any combat skill.. this will maximize the XP you get as you go.

Buff criticals and sneak around with a sniper. You actually cannot lose.

Set your charisma to 1 or restart. Get decent luck for free money. Go high endurance and your dick will be super happy at lv 30.

Dlcs do not have to be played in order, but lonesome road should be the last thing you do before finishing the game. You dont really have to pick a faction early but dont bother with quests in goodsprings other than the tutorial. Shotguns are hot garbage.

Stealth crits, and crits in general, are OP. Keep that in mind when looking at some of the perks. Also armor is trash so just use whatever gives you the nicest stat bonuses. You will get a hat that gives you +5% crit chance and never degrades. It blows most shit out of the water.

The game will crash a lot. Be prepared. Or get stability mods if you are not retarded.

>Meta Answer
Guns, Speech (Breaks the main game), Preferred Unlocking Mechanic, Repair
>Honest Answer
Fist Weapons (With training and leveling up you can have a lot of diverse moves that do different things and you get OP once you pick up a Ballistic Fist), Energy Weapons (Wacky fun, good damage, inf ammo guns, and you can cause chain links explosions with a perk), Speech (Still broken), and Survival (Food becomes strong, More crafting, and I think it adds something else)

Honestly FO:NV is the only RPG i've played where damn near every build is viable.

It's almost like the antithesis of minmaxing.

Personally, I loved using shotguns.

>Best Special stats for that kinda "safe-route" are Per, End, Ch
Charisma is a dump stat, like every fallout game.