How do I into Grand Strategy?

How do I into Grand Strategy?

EU? CK? Hearts of Iron? Which is best as babby's first?

probably start with ck2

it's has less complexity

CK 2

Just buy more DLC for EU4, CK2, HoI4 and Stellaris, good boi

Hearts of Iron 4 is great as baby's first.

Victoria 2 was the last one from Paracux worth playing.

Unless you're a pay piggy who enjoys spending 1400 dollars for a half-complete game.

1. do not buy the games
2. if you do, don't buy the DLC. you will understand when you see how much it costs.
3. it depends more on what interests you than game mechanics. EU4 would be my personal choice to "start" with.

I tried getting into Europa from a sale a while back and I had a hard time getting into it. So many things to manage that I never knew what I was fully capable of or what I should be managing to do what I wanted at any given time.

>Which is best as babby's first?

Definitely HoI IV.
Then go CK2 if you want to stay for the memes or EUIV if you want to stay for the gameplay.

Whoever says that CK2 has less complexity is fucking retarded, "De Jure" and succession rules are totally not easy to understand for beginners.

>Not Vicky 2

>1500 hours on vicky 2
don't do it user

and I bet you had fun every second of it nigger
My 1700 hours of DotA 2 on the other hand, fucking shoot me

1. Head over to /vg/ and find the /gsg/ (Grand strategy general) thread. Read the OP.

2. Never buy any of these games. Even the older ones are still expensive and have fuck loads of DLC. Just pirate them. /gsg/ will have a link on where to get them.

Hearts of Iron is the hardest title, in my opinion. Followed by Victoria 2.

The easiest is a toss up between CK2 and EU4. Crusader Kings has more moving parts and RNG but it's simple. EU4 is slightly more complex but not by much. Read up about them and decide between the two.

>Hearts of Iron is the hardest title

Nigga you fucking what.
I completely agree on I, II & III but IV is literally babby's first grand strategy

Victoria 2

CK 2 is what I started with.

If I buy vanilla EU4, can I play an older version or am I stuck with the latest patch? I hear they make the game shittier with each update in order to sell the expansions.

Has gone to absolute shit. You'd be better served going to Reddit at this point.

Its more like they release patches as DLC.

eu4 is pretty easy to get into
ck2 is probably not a good starting point because of its focus on titles, ranks, inheritance, succession, etc.

Hi Grandi

>Definitely HoI IV

>And he decided to never play grand strategy ever again

Ah yes because literal MLP mods in the OP is a sign of a healthy general

I don't see any MLP mods. The autist making these OPs and starting a war against Grandi really needs to tone things down though

It's gone now but the last few times I've checked there has been one

Stellaris is a very good entry-level.

we all know the real reason everyone plays stellaris
>build human galactic empire
>purge all xenos
and as a bonus
>become immortal machine gods of the universe wiping out all organics in existence
fill so many cliches weve wanted to do for so long
>make clone armies
>create a meta human race
>achieve psionic god like powers
>hivemind that devours everything in its path
>religous fanatics deus vaulting throughout the galaxy
i really hope they add planet destroyers
would make my fuckin day

EU4, HoI2 and Stellaris are only good Paradox games. HoI4 and CK2 are garbage, and Victoria 2 is fun until you figure the game out (~10 hours at most unless you have brain damage) then it becomes by far the easiest Paradox game. Whatever you decide to play however, under no circumstance give Paradox a single dime, pirate everything. Their jewy policies should not be rewarded. I would sooner give money to Creative Assembly.


I can play HoI3 no problem.
I have no fucking clue how the hell to play CK2.
You can just buy the base game and pirate the DLCs.

its so boring tho

>blob navy
>ram blobs into each other
>invade half their planets
>take 3 of them
>wait 10 years
>do it again

I literally use the game to fall asleep now it's so tedious and boring

The fun of Stellaris is pretty much roleplay and being able to adjust your playstyle.