Will it be another week of literally nothing, or will it be actually something? Who cares, the time has come
New Humble Bundle Thread
Will it be another week of literally nothing, or will it be actually something? Who cares, the time has come
>humble bundle
>it's neither humble
>nor a bundle
Expecting nothing, but hoping there's something better than what the Jingle Jam Fucking DLC Fest bundle has been spitting out.
That bundle is $35 for not even one game I want and don't own.
I'll sell stuff from Jogcast for a fraction of historical low (paypal, steam wallet if that's possible) or exchange for something of equal value that I want. Dungeon of the Endless, Garry's mod and puzzle games excluded.
They got bought out.
Since then they have offered only shit.
They dropped 3 DLC packs for F2P games on the same day.
One was for D&D Idle Champions.
One was for Crusaders of the Lost Idols.
One was for the Neverwinter MMO.
All three are priced at $20. That's how they're hitting the $850 value, using overpriced packs of shit to pad between $5 games.
the "supplies limited" looks like a straight up lie too, wonder if I can get a refund on this grounds
Everything is limited, but enough people probably haven't bought the bundle for that to count.
I doubt there will be a new bundle this week. They are sitting at about indiegala quality at the moment as well.
Someone posted this pic a few days ago and the thread got deleted right away but this is a leak of the yogscast bundle , it has been correct everyday since
Hard to say whether or not it's a lie. If they have half a million keys for every title, then there are "limited supplies" to work from, despite the excessive number.
Doesn't everyone have like 8 copies of this by now?
That shit was free recently and it's still dead, isn't it?
if 5 its nothing budle
If 0 It's fucking nothing
If 1 It's fucking nothing
If 2 It's fucking nothing
If 3 It's fucking nothing
If 4 It's fucking nothing
If 5 It's fucking nothing
If 6 It's fucking nothing
If 7 It's fucking nothing
If 8 It's fucking nothing
If 9 It's fucking nothing
If dubz it's Fucking Senran Bundle
Is it just the android bundle, or are you expecting a pc games bundle?
Android bundle dropped yesterday
Literally nothing again
Ah, okay.
humble capcom bundle calling it
27mins early frienderino
might be that you have to add 1 hour to that, looking at the racing bundle timing
Just calling it early
humble roguelikes bundle
$1 tier - rogue legacy, and 2 procgen twinstick shooters
$5 tier - nethack with all DLC, adom (free edition), binding of isaac rebirth
$15 tier- nuclear throne
yikes, that's even worse than I anticipated.
why did you post the thread so fucking early?
Anyone got the Dungeons, Monsters and Dragons book bundle? I'll give you RUST if you can get me a link for all of them.
we are 20 minutes away from the usual Bundle reveal, nigger
sent ;)
1 hour and 20 minutes
Monthly bundles reset at that time
Weekly bundles are an hour and 17 minutes away
? = 3 plus two
literally all shit
just like last year
If 8 it's a PlayStation bundle
anyone wants to exchange for some jogcast shit? I need to cut my losses
What do you have/want?
No one wants that shit
Check out these dubs for Humble Nothing Bundle.
I have jogcast and I like any good games that aren't sports / racing. I also like paypal dollars, great opportunity if you actually want some of that jogcast dlc.
I don't know what a jogcast is but I'm researching for someone who wants to trade his Shadow tactics key with something else.
hey can't blame me for trying
lol I will trade you steam cards not worth more than 11 cents each per game
>I also like paypal dollars
Are you cute? Wanna meet irl?
Only notable garbage I have is Choice Chamber, Dangerous Golf, and Quiplash 1
Also some deponia games and Cook, Serve, Delicious!
Want Garry's mod
I have the entire Yogscast Bundle aside from Dungeon of the Endless, willing to send some keys if you like.
3 it's literally nothing
it's actually good
Maybe. What we talking, here?
aight, I'll deal for Quiplash
[email protected]
Would you send me Rust?
[email protected]
I'm not cute, don't know about those others who replied.
If 5 everybody who ever got a bundle dies tonight
Going to be another hour, dumbass
Let's play a game.
Get yourself banned to receive a key of your choice. Don't forget to add an e-mail address.
in 1 hour dumbass
An hour to go for fucking nothing
>inb4 I was merely pretending
>all that garbage
Not even worth resetting my router for
I'd rather be banned than have any of that trash.
Sent, check your email senpai
>That shit was free recently and it's still dead, isn't it?
Probably, I'm not sure but the only relevant classes was the berserker and that chick with a shield. The rest can fuck off
>Want to play support
>pick that Sultan from Aladdin but with funny sceptre
>Can't heal for shit
>Sceptre does nothing
>The only relevant skill is slowing down the enemy
>Constantly slow others down and fly away on my faggy magic carpet.
>sending a random user with a temp mail address a game expecting an exchange
>an hour to go
Let's kill some time, anyone want this shit?
sent ;)
Van Helsing pls!
[email protected]
wurm please
There is a video, right?
>posting 2 address for double the free games
>posting NSFW shit
wtf nigger, are you some kind of 12 year old shitskin?
no and the pic makes her look deceptively good, the rest of the set is actually very disappointing
Would like video please
hello newfriend enjoy your stay
wurm is literally half a euro on any keysite
There is 20 seconds between the two posts, retard
[email protected]
give me free games now pls
[email protected] here, I got the mail but I can't open the image. Can you maybe copy+paste the key and resend it? Thanks :)
sent ;)
Back to the donald
>he scammed me out of the shittiest edition of quiplash
the absolute madman
You can just pirate jackbox stuff and they work fine
thanks for wurm, friendo :3
thanks downloading bloodborne on steam right now :3
how do I delete this from my library
Strafe would be so nice!
>newfag keeps dumping nudes
How much longer bros
Got it now, thanks! And I will play it
43 bings
Go to the support page for the game and there is an option at the bottom of the list.
What was it?
Now what should I do with this musoushit?
u know ;)
Got banned before and not gonna do it again.... even for free games.
you should gift me burning blood ;)))
[email protected]