How's your game coming along?

How's your game coming along?

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I typed out all the ideas I had for a horror game I had a dream about and was so tired last night I turned off my pc by holding the power button down and forgot to save. Looks like it isn't getting out of the idea phase

You're bad at things.


Is there anything akin to DarkGDK but more modern?

I would make games with that back in high school, I know it is totally outdated now though, it was pretty easy to use though and I could grasp it easily. I just want a game development library for C++ not an entire all-in-one development suite like Unity or anything.

Furthermore don't recommend Ogre3D it's shit.

Got a bit burned out in Blender and Unreal for a while, so I'm focusing on writing down the narrative.

Thinking maybe I should force myself back since writing doesn't give me any sense of progress (due to the fact it's mostly complete in my head anyway..)


explain to me this recent push for godot

This doesn't seem balanced at all.
Otherwise it looks cool.

I can dig the concept but the visuals are too cluttered and busy

it gets harder on later stages and pretty much impossible on sun stages.

i was controling the enemy in that mode.

3.0 has support for C#, python, and 3D. it is both easy and completely free.

Is there a valid excuse to use a pre-existing engines for 2D games?

you don't want to waste time reinventing the wheel.

It came out and did pretty well, thanks for asking. Next mountain time, I guess.

Is 3.0 out already?

i'm gonna make a game like starbound but its actually gonna be good

It's new, and free. People are getting tired of the GM workflow and turned off by the pricey licensing. I'd be wary of starting a serious project in Godot until it has some successful titles on its belt, however.

What do I do if I suck at making music for my game?

Don't know what the fuck to do for music

I wanna learn C++
Is Godot a good engine for that? Or should I just stick with UE4?

Do you anons even use your game for anything other than playing it yourself?

What do you mean? Like earning money?

All other popular engines have totally fucking retarded licensing policies and their devs are hell bent on extracting as much money from your potential success as possible.

If you are just going to make freeware you can use whatever you want, but for people looking to actually make some money, Unity's license for example is total Jewish dogshit.

Earning money, getting into jobs, finding ways to improve yourself etc.

Working on rooms

it's hard to write a game and not improve yourself

Godot uses a proprietary language called gdscript, it’s based on Python.
It’s possible to code in c++ in it, but it isn’t standard and can be cumbersome.

Shipped my last project like 2 or 3 weeks ago and it's up to ~10 million unique users, so that's pretty fuckin' slick.

As for my next thing, we're doing sort of a fun "game jam" week, just to try out silly pet projects. Working on using bluetooth connections for multiplayer mobile games, simply because I never have before. So far the main game has come together super fast, so I'm to the actual networking research. Hopefully it goes smoothly.

Get a game near completion, advertise on rebbit that your looking for a musician, they won’t get paid but they will get 100% of the ost sales.

If it’s a free project, make shitty bit tunes in a mixer or look for free use music.
Lots of good creative commons music on here, make sure you look at the specific licensing on the song/album pages though, some have more restrictive policies but there are still plenty of CC-BY songs that you can use for practically anything you want including monetization as long as you credit the artist.

Got racial skills working and hooked up to their proper modifiers, now working on a basic save system. Which is so much easier with so little persistence.

Pretty good, hopefully we'll have a demo ready within 2 months. Starting on marketing soon as well for a kickstarter. Here's a look into the first room.


Well, I've earned about 3k from mine, which I've been told is pretty good since it's a cheap, first project in a niche genre.

the art is good, what is the gameplay like?

A guy who made Monolith earns money, I guess.


Git repo is by invite only. I don't think I'm actually allowed to share the jam stuff, because if customers saw something they liked they'd get up in a tizzy that we're not actually adding it. A bunch of wild shit gets made that we all know won't ever actually reach production.

It's a metroidvania inspired by Beksinski


metroidvania is kind of vague, the combat is like castlevania or is it unique?

I like the aesthetic

It's not coming along.

I'm a mainframe programmer. When I get home, I'm already burnt out from writing code at work.
Plus, with the type of coding I implement in the mainframe world, I just don't have the mindset for the PC programming world.

is the art/gameplay all you, or do you have a small team going in on it?

>absolutely no drawing skills
What do.

It's fine. Last few things I added was some face/accessory options in the character creator, a glow-y affect to the respawn crystals, and an animated normal map for the water.

Are you the next star citizen

Don't know if it's going to be a vidya, a borad game or anything else.
I'm currently writing the fictional universe and the lore/characteristics for the different races/factions.

It's like a Warhammer 40k universe, but less dark and with more wacky stuff.

No because my game is actually in a playable state.

pls rate my game.

i wanted to make just a character creator. nothing else. you have inspired me somewhat.

I'm currently just dicking around, no clue what this game will be. Looking for a programmer if anyone is even slightly intrigued.

don't make it a video game, write a book or something. video games should have their setting and story adapted around their gameplay, not the other way around

This reminds me of the original resident evil games. Looks cool.

Only thing I'd suggest is to get a texture for the wall instead of using a flat colour. You can get loads of them from cgtextures, it's where I go for my textures because they're free even for commercial projects.

thinking for a way to do my inventory system now.
How do i do inventory systems anyway?
my first thought is to store item_id and item_quantity at each slots, but how do i read the item_id??
I mean how do i know that 0001 is healing potion and 0035 is an iron sword??

>video games should have their setting and story adapted around their gameplay, not the other way around
> implying
A story first approach is perfectly serviceable for something like a classic rpg.

Dunno, honestly. I'm open to all possibilities.
Warhammer, for example, was born as a board game with figures but it can be easily adapted into various good games.
My objective is to create a universe, then I'll see.

Oh I also drew a map for the ingame map screen. Still not 100% finished yet though.

The world will be more like Hollow Knight but the combat will be slower paced with emphasis on preparation.

I'm the team head and programmer. We have an artist who is also doing animations, a composer, a sound designer, and just picked up a guy to do marketing for us.

Will the Yellow Sign be in your game?

no the game that has 10 mil people
Start practising, talent is doing the same thing over and over like an autist until you get it right.

yup, working on a survival horror with fixed cameras. pretty much have all the mechanics done already and set up a framework to expand easily if needed

There's definitely going to be cosmic horror in the game, dunno about specifics yet.

Anyone know what the repercussions (if any) are for using a pirated engine?

I'd imagine they'd have a very strong case for suing you for lose of profit.

I give up

You fucking shiba, you said that last week.

Don't give up user! 100% of indie devs that give up fail, but only 98% of indie devs that try fail!


I start getting idea about making a porn game these days

tyvm for this link

Whats the best engine for making a 2D beat em up? Flash AnimatorFag here


A opinion: I really don't like when side-scrollers cams suddenly stop, just because they reached the end of the scene. If you make a smooth logarithm stop, it will look much better with your detailed artwork.

The way the shading is makes me think of Killer 7.

If you have an iota of artistic ability or talent, then I would make a porn VN or porn game in a drag and drop game making engine.

Seriously, porn is like easy cash. I don't understand why more people who are artistically talented don't make porn games because it's basically guaranteed money.

>I don't understand why more people who are artistically talented don't make porn games because it's basically guaranteed money.
Artistic integrity. Also, make porn once and people will bother you for more for fucking forever.

One of the things I still have to do is refactor and clean up the camera logic so it's definitely going to see some changes from how it is now.

This is why you do it anonymously

Advice anyone?

No idea. I've had a copy of fusion 2.5 forever but I haven't touched it yet. Used to make stupid shit in Klik & Play and Games Factory as a kid. Maybe I should get to it to kill free time since I'm fucking unemployed now and have plenty of it.

what is the best engine for an fps that can allow a server browser

it's not about reptutation it's the artistic equivalent of being a prostitute

wanna collab user? i can model some lewd waifus in blender


Good to know. These small details few people remember make a big difference in the overall feeling you have when looking at the game.

I’m a freelance musician, pls msg

this is not a joke. I really just wanna work on something

I'm good but thanks. Gotta get in the groove of things anyway since it has been a long time since I've fucked with this stuff. Perhaps there might be another user that could use your lewd waifu making skills.

Yea, I agree. It would go against my principles to release an unpolished game.

>he doesn't his own engine
how is it to not have your own programmer guy
>not having a team of at least 3 people that meet up irl

I need to learn how to write and draw, I know the coding for what I want to do and I'm the design is good enough for what's basically a passion project that will go nowhere but it just feels bad to have cringy character designs and writting

I like the far background statues, but the scale and depth of everything else in the background seems fucked.
How close are the closest pyramid mountains supposed to be? How large are they? Seeing how they blend together with the ground the character is walking on - not very large, I assume but then why are the ones in the far distance the same size as the ones closer to the viewport?

Pretty sure my artist intended it to look like it was building up to giant dunes in the background from the small ones in the foreground.

I-I dont know where to start...

Reminder that if you're making a 3D game, you should take the time to learn how to model well before making a shitty looking game with simple aesthetic.

I didn't notice at first but now it's hurting my brain more the longer I look at it

funny how im the opposite.

Maybe it's just me but the scene doesn't read like that, at all.

I'll bring it up with my artist, I think I can see what you're talking about. It isn't really clear that they're supposed to be growing in size as they get further away.

>nobody is interested in my game
>if i give up and work on something new ill just be known as the dev who never finishes anything
>if i keep working on it ill never be known at all

yeah it was one of my inspirations