Top: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

top: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

bottom: Monster Hunter Worlds

can anyone here tell me what's wrong with the bottom picture. I'll give you a minute.

One of them has the saturation option turned all the way up?

Ridiculous amount of visual clutter. The realism meme was a mistake.

Top has jaggies, bottom has Jagra

This. I feel like a fucking old man who can't keep up with the action but there's just so much shit and it has motion blur on consoles.

Top game had too much clutter too! Lets all go back to PS1 games XD

jaggies were introduced in 3

what's wrong is that OP's (probably a salty Nintendo cuck) turned up the saturation to the max and then took the photo

because the game doesn't looks like that

>top has jaggies

>Footage represents game in unfinished development

that's a promotional shot from fucking Capcom you cuck.

You stretched the resolution and turned up the saturation on an in development screenshot?

Yeah but unlike you, some of us have played it and can tell you that's a bullshot with saturation cranked up.

How fucking retarded do you have to be anyways to think that is real? Do you not even know what Photoshop is?

google "Monster Hunter Worlds gameplay" and that's one of the first screenshots you find.

I thought the demo was a bit washed out actually

it isn't like that though, you sperg.

Tried the beta. Game is far from looking like that. Its much darker.

I thought the original complaint was that everything was washed out and not saturated enough?

Is your complaint that the UI in MHW takes up far less revenue, that there is more foliage in MHW, and that the demo was the best MH demo ever released yet?

If you're having World problems I feel bad for you, son
I got 99 problems but a Switch ain't one

Where's the moustache?

>I thought the original complaint was that everything was washed out and not saturated enough?
And now it's too saturated
>Is your complaint that the UI in MHW takes up far less revenue,
>that there is more foliage in MHW,
Only in the sense that it just makes the area design busier
>and that the demo was the best MH demo ever released yet?
I've never bothered with demos
>severely outdated rap reference
Holy shit.

>And now it's too saturated
No it isn't. You'd know if you had anything other than a Switch.
>Only in the sense that it just makes the area design busier
Yeah, way better to have no foliage because the system can barely handle 240p.
>I've never bothered with demos
So you haven't played it. Got it.

>I've never bothered with demos

Ugh it's different
It doesn't have the same le comfy game feel hold me Sup Forumsros

Bottom HUD looks like something out of Assassin's Creed.

Is it like Dark Souls ?


delete insect glaive and I'll stop complaining

it's japanese dark souls

Nintenkiddos, all this impotent whining and bitching about MHW is NOT going to get you the game on your bing bing wahoo tablet. Why do you keep doing this?

Bottom is a terrible screenshot that looks like it was made from a youtube video or a jpeg with terrible artifacts

Is this the new "I am an MH World" shill confirmation image? Because the only posts I've seen with it seem to be sucking the game's dick and shitting on Nintendo for some reason.

No that's what the game ACTUALLY looks like in 4K HDR10 mode enabled

You need a HDR10 capable display to actually appreciate it

Something you PKEKS and Nintenbros will never ever have

So get it on your PC where it'll play at better frames and with customization graphic settings. Can't wait to turn off motion blur and sweetfx if possible.

i wonder if Sony would let cappy put some dark souls dlc in this game. would be cool to fight midir and get hollow armor or something

Are there any rewards for playing in the beta?

Well it is a PSP game, if it was any smaller you wouldn't be able to see it.

dont post that image its just going to ramp up shitposting to an unbearable degree and we wont be able to discuss the game at all


Yeah you get bonus items in the full game

You unlock some potions and stuff for each of the three missions that carry over to the real game.

Bottom one looks vastly superior

Do you just need to beat the 3 missions to get everything? I don't have much time to play so I just want to get the rewards.


How long are Switch owners going to continue this crusade against MHW?

Each mission gives a different set of rewards. It's really not a big deal, it's all minor stuff.

Until they get the game
Which means the shitposting will never end because the Switch will never be getting this game

to the anons that helpe in that diablos+barrot quest
thank you i was the guy with the GS thanks alot

Great fucking hunts guys

>can anyone here tell me what's wrong with the bottom picture.
I'd say it's a picture of a Monster Hunter game, but the top is also a picture of a Monster Hunter game. That's the only thing wrong I see with both pictures.


how long is your supervisor going to tell you shit up every single thread with console war shitposting?

LFG Diablos

You cherry picked the bottom image to A - look jagged, and B - crank the saturation way up.

Not even a nice try, nintenbabbie,

>play on pspro in framerate priority mode
>silky smooth with no drops in SP
Can't wait to try this shit in MP, will let you guys know how it all goes. Can you upload recorded clips from PS onto here? If I just have to download and covert it should be easy enough to do.

normies like the shiny grafix


A- Monster Hunter
B - Casual shit for normies

I would kill for the Elite Knight Set from Dark Souls. Fuck, if they could add the Moonlight Greatsword I would suck Sony’s dick Sony’s dick forever.

>Video has x monster boss fight
Man I wonder how far the casuals are going to get when they realized that the game is nothing but monster fights where the only change of pace is gathering or fishing missions. My guess is probably high rank if they even get that far.

who /insectglaive/ here

I've done
>Diablos + Barroth
>Rathalos + Great Jagras
>Jyuratodus + Barroth
Is Rathalos + Anjanth possible?

>you can now dodge forward with lance

>no drops

Why would you lie like that, my man

Holy shit the Longsword is so good.

Why can't nintendo into anti-alising?

Consolebabies are so used to 30fps anything above it seems like 60

Easily, It's Rath+Anj+G. Jagras that's hard.

>No it isn't. You'd know if you had anything other than a Switch.
I got everything but a Xbone, as there's no reason to have one.
>Yeah, way better to have no foliage because the system can barely handle 240p.
I don't care about the specs of a system, if a scene looks messy, it looks messy.
>So you haven't played it. Got it.

I can upload SP footage to see if it's really the case or if I'm just retarded

Damn, what weapon did you use?
I use CB/GL and only got at most 5 min left after Rath

Top has a monster with a great design and the bottom monster looks like shit?
Did I win?

Dual Blades, with +4 attack mod, +4 food buff, and Demon powder, and the armor cloak I'm forgetting it's name.

It's 45-55fps at it's best

The only problem is you being a faggot op

>throws up pieces of the aptonoth he just ate

The satisfaction of being correct on the internet.

I've been playing MH since the first one stateside. Worlds is fucking fantastic and feels like what they really wanted from the beginning.

is monster hunter filled with timed hunts? not really a fan

>go back to ps1 games
Would be nice to go back to an era of good games

Not enough rooms are being posted in the last hours of the beta. Let's hunt Rath then Diablos



Just killed Rathalos 3 man looking for fourth to do Diablos.

Posting in this thread too.


Yes, but they're like 50 minutes long. Only the demos have short limits.

Actually wait, this goes on until tomorrow afternoon. I still wanna hunt though

Wasnt there a set similer to this in Generations or 4U?

>I got everything but a Xbone, as there's no reason to have one.
Then you'd know you're wrong and that it isn't "too saturated."
>I don't care about the specs of a system, if a scene looks messy, it looks messy.
Maybe to retards with blindness. The foliage in the game doesn't look busy. It looks fine, and certainly better than past MH titles where textures looked like smeared diarrhea.
Then play it instead of going on Google images or your favorite twitch streamer and pretending you know how the game actually looks.

No health bear in MHW

>Anorther nintendo toddler thread moaning about MHW


>Then you'd know you're wrong and that it isn't "too saturated."
There's no correlation user. I just think it looks too saturated.
>Maybe to retards with blindness. The foliage in the game doesn't look busy. It looks fine, and certainly better than past MH titles where textures looked like smeared diarrhea.
I'm glad the textures are clearer, but I think just throwing in random crap for the sake of it does nothing for the settings but bog it down the clarity. Much like bad textures.
>Then play it instead of going on Google images or your favorite twitch streamer and pretending you know how the game actually looks.
I didn't make the thread user. I'm just responding to it how it's presented to me.

>People mad that we finally have cinematic tier visuals in a MonHun game

Is Generations worth getting or should I just stick with MH4U? I don't have a job or money to get the console for the new game.

>The water slide that the Rathalos can cause
All this environmental stuff looks great but I can already see how annoying it's going to get after the first time it happens. Frankly those things are probably going to ruin a lot of hunts.

>water causes Rathalos to fall giving you a free jump attack
>hunt ruined

>There's no correlation user. I just think it looks too saturated.
It isn't.
>I'm glad the textures are clearer, but I think just throwing in random crap for the sake of it does nothing for the settings but bog it down the clarity. Much like bad textures.
Foliage in a forest area isn't "random crap for the sake of it" you dumb faggot. Christ.
>I didn't make the thread user. I'm just responding to it how it's presented to me.
So you're going off images taken from google that look compressed and shit compared to the actual game.

>we finally have cinematic tier visuals in a MonHun game

how do i use those flying thing to move to areas?

You mean fast travel ?

Just use the map and pick a camp

What is the chinkshit called?

Monster Hunter Chinkline

I mean i see people use those flying monster as a vehicule or something