Anyone else kinda sad that the first SMT mainline game since Nocturne on console is on an underpowered shit like the...

Anyone else kinda sad that the first SMT mainline game since Nocturne on console is on an underpowered shit like the Switch. I mean I have a switch but god damn that is depressing.

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Who cares, SMT hasn't been good since SJ.

The based god Kazuyuki Yamai once said, that the reason for SMTs being on handheld is simply because it's comfy to dungeon crawl while lying in bed

I care, I've played them all and its sad that we have the Switch as the next home for SMT.

No. I'm glad.

>being angry about games you don't care about
the absolute state of autism

4 isn't mainline now? Even with the 4 in the title?
Not to mention it's a fucking SMT game. Even on PC they would still make nothing better than P5 and that looks terrible even for a PS3 game

We have the same games, and are also excited for smtv. Cool guy op

>SMT gets held back by hardware


why bother
besides, it uses Nocturne grafix anyways

I never said it wasn't, it is on a 3ds though. Which is what I said.

I'm excited but I wish it was on ps4, so it can look and play it's best.

Funny that you post that pic. Xenoblade 2 looks better than anything Atlus will be able to pull off even on stronger platforms

>This faggot again
Didn't we tell you to fuck off?

>Graphics whore

yeah because the ps2 wasnt a pos in terms of hardware, dumb sony dicklicker


Did you really have to make this thread. I wonder, are you the same retard or another user that found his stupidity a fun shitposting subject?

You realize Nocturne was on an under powered console right?

>graphics or console specs mattering when they have no budget or can make their games run well
Nocturne was on the PS2 and it aged well because of art design, Catherine and P5 for same reason
Only thing I'm disappointed in is that there's still time before gameplay is show and that I need to save up money to go idort.

who cares about Persona™s spinoff anyway
SMT is bad
it's just the darksouls of persona

It's Atlus. It could be PS4 Pro or XboneX exclusive and it would look like an early PS3 game at best.

At the time it wasn't retard.

When have Atlus ever pushed technology?

Nocturne looked like shit and Persona 4 and 5 were made for systems a generation behind.

It also runs like shit and goes to less than 480p when monsters are on screen. Your point? Another game held back by the switch.

It absolutely was

Post your favorite demon

Yes it was, by far the weakest. You probably think there was a big jump from 6th to early 7th gen

You forget that Atlus is a pretty small developer. Making Nocturne for the PS2 was a massive undertaking for them at the time, and the game's assets were reused to hell and back in their other PS2 games. With Persona 5, they were still essentially making it as a PS3 game and that was a big piece of work as well. Making SMTV for Switch makes sense for them.

When the ps2 came out it was top of the fucking line. Dreamcast and Xbox came out later. For consoles it was pretty revolutionary.

Resolution doesn't drop while docked, and Atlus should be fucking ashamed if they make their games 720p docked in the first place. Hallways and flat geometry

Yeah, because now I have to wait years to emulate it.

>this is what sony bronies actually believe

Yes it does, I always play docked and when there is too much shit on screen it goes sub 480p. The streaming technique they use is still present in docked. Look it up.

>OP tries to make a console war thread
>Gets BTFO'd by SMT fans

>Dreamcast came out later.

From what I understand, Atlus isn't like Square Enix where they make a shit ton of expensive graphics engines to the point where all of there games are stuck in development hell

This guy is bait, stop replying to him

He spent hours in a Bayo thread trying to argue that the Switch is barely an improvement over the 3DS and that because of this SMTV won't have NPCs or good dungeons, and that only PS4 could allow the franchise to "progress". Then he started saying senseless shit about GPUs and shilling MHW

Sorry meant Xbox. But really even the dreamcast wasn't that big of a jump. Shit like MGS2 looked better than anything on it. Or even silent hill 2.

>Making Nocturne for the PS2 was a massive undertaking for them at the time
>SMT Nine
>Xbox: 2002
>SMT Nocturne
>PS2: 2003

>shilling MHW
really embarrassing

Nocturne came out in 2003
Fuck off

I never said it wasnt an improvement over the 3ds kek. I just said that SMTv will be barely an upgrade over the 3ds.

The whole point of talking about MHW was to show that hardware can push a series further.


Dreamcast came out first, retard.

I've actually seen So(n)yboys on Sup Forums saying the PS2 was the strongest that gen. Most recently last week.

Dude I have literally seen it look blurry when there is alot of shit on screen. He even talks about it while docked in the video.

Not at all; in fact I'm happy.
The Playstation brand, the Xbox brand and PC as a whole are the worst thing that could happened to videogames as a whole. Shin Megami Tensei deserves better.

I would love the switch if it wasn't an underpowered piece of shit. Just wish they made a real console.

And I've never found it blurry docked. Ever. The AA is even so strong that I doubted it was as low as 720p in the first place. And you bet your ass Atlus won't be adding AA to their game

I don't know, it chugged a bit for me last night but I hadn't restarted my console for like a week so maybe that's the reason.

>SMT being held back by poor hardware
The absolute state of Sonyroaches.

It is a real console. It's the last true console in a market full of shitty low-end PCs disguised as consoles.
Being powerful doesn't mean better, as the PS4, XO and PC prove.

>everybody forgets that nocturne assets are just reused from NINE

Wasn't NINE largely outsourced while Atlus was also focusing on Nocturne? And even then, that only changes my statement in that part of NINE's assets would have gotten reused in Nocturne. It was still a big leap for a small Jap dev that had been making low production value RPGs for PSX/Saturn and 16-bit consoles before that to shift gears into fully 3D modeled and animated games on PS2(/Xbox).


It definitely chugged, but that had nothing to do with resolution. The game has some sort of memory leak with towns, or at least Torigoth which I visited plenty of times.

Except the ps4 has some great games, and even though the switch had a great year once all the first party games have been played out there will be nothing to play.

It's an underpowered piece of shit.

You are trying too hard

>being a FATLUS Graphicfag
the PS2 was an underpowered piece of shit too OP. Even Persona5 barely uses the power of the PS4. fuck off

It's not a console it's a handheld

>Except the ps4 has some great games
No it doesn't. Everything that is good on the PS4 is better on PC.


Its library is pretty much PC levels of mediocre

Resolution != Good graphics

Even when it drops it still looks gorgeous because of the art style

Too generous.
P5 barely uses the power of the PS3.
And it was made expeting to use its assets for many years to come.

Guaranteed persona 5 would make the switch shit bricks even though it isn't graphically impressive.

Who cares? I have never played it undocked, it's a useless feature that helps people rationalize why they are putting up with an underpowered shitty console in 2017

Get over it, Sup Forums is Nintendo's property now.

>I have never played it undocked
user, I

Doesn't help when you can't see the graphics because of it.

Why would a SMT game need to be on cutting edge hardware?

Persona 5 is a PS3 game, and it probably isn't even maxing out that system either.

>just wish they made a real console.

Yeah because that worked so well for them with the n64 and gc? We totally need a third shitty PC in a box

>I have never played it undocked

>Why are guns so shit? to kill someone you have to reach them and bludgeon them to death with something that you can't even grip correctly. What, the trigger? No, I never used it. Why?

because SMT games have always been a powerhouse graphics right?


It's hilarious how easily console war shitposters invalid themselves when it comes to SMT. I doubt you've even played Nocturne faggot. Let alone all the other games.

>I have never played it undocked

>Persona 5 would make the Switch shit bricks, when it runs fine on PS3

Then again Persona 5 was held back by PS3 hardware which is even weaker than the Switch. And said game is the most technically impressive Megami Tensei title to date.


Yeah I love when games like XB or Zelda drop their fps because the switch is trash when it comes to hardware. I love that!

Fucking retard, BUT DUDE HANDHELD


I just don't see the point of it, battery life is shit, all games look shitty undocked anyway. Why would anyone care? I just want to play the games.

I mean for fuck sakes theres no headphone jack in the pro controller. It's embarrassing.

PS3 is stronger than the switch so yeah exactly.

Because SMT is know for its high end graphics lmao

Stay mad

Is P5 your first atlus game?

>is on an underpowered shit like the Switch.
Every single exclusive it has is underwritten by this sentiment.

Nintendo's garbage hardware should be criminal. It totally detracts from the quality of their games which are actually completely presentable when running at valid 2017 resolutions. Just look at how gorgeous BotW is on Cemu. But on Switch? It looks like someone smeared vaseline on the screen

Aren't SMT games basically text adventures with the occasional enemy sprite on screen?

>Comparing performance of massive open world games to turn based RPGs

Simply epic

As far as I know there's a game on both PS3 and Switch, Skyrim.

It is barely functional on PS3, and while not amazing it is a lot better on Switch, so you're wrong and baiting.

>buy a handheld
>complain that its a handheld
OP you madman

Not by a long shot, why?

>Persona 5 was held back by PS3 hardware
Imagine being this retarded.

>PS3 is stronger than the switch

Nobody gives a fuck about that game. It struggled to hit 2 million with a combined PS3 and PS4 install base of over 150 million.

Are you saying it wasn't?

>PS3 is stronger than the switch
Oh, you are a sonybro. I see, everything makes sense now.


Dude skyrim on the switch looks awful though and uses tricks to look nice. There is barely any flora and AA is out the window. I mean look at it it looks like vomit.

SMT could be similar in that regard, traveling the wasteland, that's what they have always wanted to do, but instead because of shit hardware we have a cursor to go around tokyo. Sad.

I have a switch though lmao. Doesn't mean I cant call it what it is. A shit console that is barely passable in 2017. DUDE STREAMING TEXTURES


The only thing holding Persona back is Atlus' inability to make a AAA quality game in a reasonable time frame.

Persona 6 could release on the PS8 and it's still going to barely look like a PS4 game.

They're typical JRPG gameplay, with demons you build/catch instead of the usual party members.

Switch is more than powerful enough to do something like SMT.

When are mods going to ban Sonyroaches? I'm sick and tired of their stench, their mindless worship of a company and their efforts to destroy gaming.

Fucking WiiU out of all thing was more powerful than PS360 ran #FE fine and dandy.

Why Switch which is more powerful than WiiU would have any trouble running the damn thing?

It's a fucking turn based JRPG not a open world game.

OP's a falseflagging idort. He basically an idort who participates in console war shit.