Does Sup Forums still play this? Who's your favorite Vault Hunter?

Does Sup Forums still play this? Who's your favorite Vault Hunter?

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>Does Sup Forums still play this?
No because I already soloed like 10 times. I'm just waiting for the inevitable Borderlands 3.
>Who's your favorite Vault Hunter

I main Axton but I think Zer0 is the coolest, and I think Salvador is the objectively strongest.
On another note, when is Borderlands 3 coming out? I can only wait so long :/

I liked the turret guy and dual wielding mexican i tried the robot girl but playing as a girl when you're a guy is for wierd

Anarchy Build Gaige from the ground up when you first start the game. Krieg is tied up there with her though since everything about his play style is stupid fun. It's like he's what Zer0 was supposed to play like if you invested in his melee tree, which makes him the only cyber ninja character I know of that's actually boring to play as

After recent Gearbox fails dont hype yourself too much

>It's like he's what Zer0 was supposed to play like if you invested in his melee tree
Not really. Zer0 is supposed to be a silent killer not a killing machine that transforms into a giant psycho that burns himself and other opponents around them. Krieg is much more fun on the long term, but then again the first playthrough as him sucks ass because you don't get the Awaken the beast skill until TVHM.

I want a robot arm handjob from Gaige

I was thinking more along the lines of getting to the skills that prolong your decoy/invisibility with each kill you get with the backstab/sword dash. You can get maybe 2 or even 3 chain kills like that, but the damage isn't usually enough to kill anything in one backstab that's not cannon fodder like those unarmored pistol bandits. Heck, sometimes the backstab doesn't even do as much damage as a few headshots from your gun would

Guys, I need to know:
Is Gaige legal?

Maya, but Gaige is better for playing nowadays since there aren't many people to coop with anymore.

Krieg main master race

I agree with that, Melee Zer0 should've been a bit stronger. Sniper Zer0 seemed like the most viable endgame build for him in that regard, but it was the most boring one to me.

So is Burch at bat for Borderlands 3?


Burch is working for Riot now last I Heard.


I believe Gaige is the strongest character, I have no idea who runs second though.

>age 18
Too old.

Salvador is the strongest by far, then Krieg.

>Playing first time, friends take zero and maya
>Say fuck it and take the midget
>He's actually pretty fun and i saved everyone several times
Too bad i never gave enough fucks about game to try out krieg too

nope. op8'd each class a long time ago.
fibber+bee+discord gaige.

I'm playing through the game with my sister.
Still anxiously waiting for Borderlands 3.

Cool, I don't have to feel bad abou-
>favorite color: purple

Everyone wants Borderlands 3. That shitty engine teaser got like 2 million views.

Ah. I didn't notice a similar thread. Pardon.