> Pervert!
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she says ecchi in jap IIRC. i thought that meant something else while hentai means pervert.
Do weebs really find this funny?
Nobody can convince me Japanese media as a whole aren't shit.
this is so fucking stupid, I can't believe anyone would ever play this shit
Garbage trope
>this will never be you
I dunno, this looks funny AF to me
>Nintendo releases a game with sexual assault
What the fuck happened to Nintendo?
I find it cute. it establishes her character right off the bat.
Don't forget to swap characters and try new blades every now and again.
Don't forget you can check treasure you didn't open but discovered on the map. Take some time to return and open ones you passed earlier. Lodsa of emone and croes
Don't forget you can boost your blades field skills which helps with opening more treasure. Check the green skills in the affinity menu. Things like "feed blade their favourite food" or "kill X in Y region"
Don't forget you can boost your salvager rank in argantum
It's more or less a synonym, but hentai's got more of a sexual deviant vibe to it.
This is some stupid shit. Fucking weebs.
They want sales
Ecchi is literally just the Japanese pronounciation for the english letter 'H', which stands for Hentai
Sounds like a yes
>girl sleepwalked in guy's bed and barely touched his arm
>sexual assault
go...go on user...
>tfw no titty monster blade partner to go on adventures with
I'm not a weeb and I thought it was just cringy enough to be funny. I'm sure it's a trope that's way overdone though. This game really seems to have all of the anime tropes.
every category of media has good content and bad content
to judge the entirety of a country's content from a single webm is kind of simple-minded, don't you think?
She didn't consent.
It's sexual assault.
Wait, really?
No one is playing your shitty game faggot.
so if your mother is a sleepwalker and ends up in your bed you expect to be sued then ?
You don't know what weeb means kid.
It's not my job to educate you on consent.
Yes, that's also why ecchi is written in Karakana.
The term branched off of hentai in the 50s
I like tsunderes
>bitch is in the wrong
>still blames guys
Yeah, I wouldn't play a game that consists of a single 72 seconds long cutscene either.
retarded shitposter
You forgot the Crab of Core Farming
kek oh c'mon that's cute
I'm starting to realize that this might actually lead to some butthurt because it's showing a woman being wrong about sexual assault.
Why can't this happen to me? Where is my Mythra?
Anyone know of a list for which areas drop what treasures from salavge.
This is what ruins anime or any japanese games for me
there's always that one annoying tsundere
This is cringier than the Atlantica.musical in KH2.
Do people actually play this weeb garbage?
She become so cute when she start to open herself to Rex.
Her reaction to the Rex's lap scene was moe as fuck.
So do anime girls want all guys to be gay or aesexual or something?
fujoshis want to have sex with men who like more than one gender
they wear unisex clothing and fantasize about all sorts of sex. sex with tiny dicks, sex with firehose-type dicks, sex with men who are in turn sleeping with other men.
He could play something more cringe-inducing
Like Cuphead
its a common anime trope for comic relief.
Anime girls just want cute anime boys to be their friends. They're not interested in them sexually. That's what tentacle monsters are for.
Have a (You).
>girl fucks up
>doesn't apologize
>still blames the guy
>girl is never called out and the guy ends up apologising
Why does this happen so often in Japanese media?
Can i skip these cringe blade segments?
Because in Japan you're allowed to show that girls can be in the wrong.
Yes yes, cliches are bad because Sup Forums told me so.
Now post the cat. I see nia shilling, delcious cholcate, cute pies, rabbits and of course the main 2 cuties aegis but hardly any Butler cat. Why.
>barely touched his arm.
Nigga that arm was her personal property and was nearly suffocated by means of snuggles. Fuck you mean?
This game doesn't have actual romance does it? Haremshit ruins games for me.
Still the best girl (Pyra is great too).
I find it funny as a cliche rather than "haha, he did something perverted"
I did actually find Nia's "One Eye monster" comment funny, I wasn't expecting a dick joke to be acknowledged in game more than anything else
If you count 2 sister blades that used to be 1 Person and one cucked cat to be what a Harem consists of, then sure.
>these segments are great
>the absolute state of self insert faggots
W e w
>Sexual assault
Top kek. Never in my whole life I thought I would see a Sup Forumstard turning feminazi.
>get KOS-MOS
>on Morag
I was told not to waste overdrives to transfer blades to Rex though
Reminder: Rex is in the wrong here
He acted like a Buffon while Mrythra just did what all women would do in this situation which is freak out
Cliched classical nip literature bullshit meant to build empathy for the male protag. In classic nip literature the female heroine/protag/lead tends to be shitty, useless and fuck up a lot. Then near the end the female tends to sacrifice herself for the sake of the male hero to save the males protags life in a shitty attempt to make a dramatic scene and shit.
So just like how many in the west write shit shallowly, lamely, and clichely similar to the classic shit they were forced to read in middle and highschool. Shit is the same in the east with kiddos there reading there equivalent of their classics. That they then rip off and shit since that is what people are used to and expect.
So yeah simply put. They are just copying the writing techinuqes, styles, and whatever that they learned in middle/highschool. That since nerds are sure to know or be familiar they then rip off simply to just make a commercial product that appeals to as many people as possible as to make as much money as possible.
Classical literature inspires many a person and even more so many a nerd do not even realize how much the shit influences.
>dense MC
It's a Japanese game, what did you expext? It's written like a bad to love ru ripoff.
Fucking garbage
Makes the game come off as uninspired. They don't look or sound at all like scavengers that live on the back of titans when they act like "EHHHHH???" "UGUU KAWAAIIII DESU NE~?" It's retarded, really.
This pisses me off more than the one in the OP
You can pinpoint the exact moment Nia's heart breaks
he's not dense. nia shows absolutely no romantic feelings towards rex prior to that point and rex is already in a romantic relationship with pyra. he's just letting her off easily.
How much does Nintendo regret this after the rabbit tits backlash?
But then again they have been publishing the Bayonetta games.
honestly who wouldn't stare?
This physically hurts.
Who can defend this?
Two nukes weren't enough.
How do you go from this, to this
How can western developers even compete?
I've barely watched any anime but I know exactly how everyone is going to respond as well as all the animations that will go with it. How in the fuck do japanese people and weebs put up with seeing literally the exact same shit over and over and over and over? Seriously.
I dunno, ask the FE fanbase.
How can anons constantly complain about anime on a anime focused website? There are plenty of other imageboards, forums and other sites to browse if you don't like it.
>removing Pyra
Kill yourself
Some Japanese games have decently written romance
I am glad I never even considered buying this game nor do I have a Switch.
do people really say this?
Mother fucker, I love anime and this defense is fucking pathetic. He's literally pointing out the tropes and asking how weebs can take the same bullshit over and over again. I fucking hate people that use this "waaaa why are people criticizing overused anime tropes on an anime-based imageboard?!?!" You sicken me, you weak, weak piece of human trash. If you get the opportunity, you should just end yourself.
yeah don't, rex gets the ability to use anyone's blade
>Xfags going to completely ignore the stupid shit that happens in X
fuck you our combat is miles better and doesn't break 30% into the game
Wow user next thing you'll tell me is there are people who actually criticize videogames on a board designed to discuss videogames. What a bunch of hypocrites, why don't they go somewhere else?
>Weebs have low or non existent standards
News at 11.
Zeke is the real protagonist, sorry
this scene is being posted for the who knows manyth time and and we are just going to ignore that these weeby scenes are outliers in this game?
As opposed to
>I love you Rex!
>I love you too, Nia! I love all of my friends equally!
>Aww, that's just like you Rex! Hehe~ ;3c~
>this is literally never brought up again
If you have any love for anime or anime games you should still not defend being served the same tired old shit constantly. You are a simpleton retard and your attitude is exactly why creativity stagnates in every medium and why unique voices are passed over in favor of safe and familiar tropes being recycled forever.
He's not dense, that's actually a perfect way to let her down