Botw thread

>be me
>playing BOTW on CEMU
> 9.9/10 game of the year 2017
>having the best vidya experience of the last 10 years
>tempted to buy a Switch
>reach Ganon
>shitty fight ends in 5 min
>no post-game
>you're back to your savefile
>dlc is just more memories

FUCK this I'm not buying a Switch anymore
How is it possible to drop the ball so hard?

Other urls found in this thread:

>be gone to Sup Forums


Who are the best girls in the game, regular NPC or otherwise?

>Who are the best girls in the game, regular NPC or otherwise?

Mipha is great.

You must have fucked like animals after.

>tfw we didn't get DLC where we could play as her and get to know her better

>completing more and more of the game makes it so the final boss fight becomes progressively shittier and able to cheese it

I mean I get what they were trying to do, but that's not a good idea at all

I won't lie, he looked very alpha in the cutscene when looking at Zelda while wearing the skull of slaughtered enemies

also it was fully maxed barbarian set, so around 20 killed lynels

>Who are the best girls in the game, regular NPC or otherwise?
riju is great too

hope you enjoyed shitty motions controls

>hope you enjoyed shitty motions controls

I did a whopping 4 shrines with motion controls and used my mouse.
Yes it was shit, I won't deny it, but it was free and I got to play and finish a great game so I'm in no position to complain.

>inb4 someone says enjoy your 15fps

>he actually did the divine beasts before ganon to make the game easier

>he thinks ganon fight is hard because of a longer healthbar

lmao @ bragging about beating a kid's game

It is underwhelming a bit but knowing zelda loved link and they will repopulate and rebuild hyrule after all of this warms my heart enough to not be mad af about the short story and underwhelming endboss

Did you plan on buying a switch for a game you've already finished?

>entry level Skyrim clone
>a great game


how did zelda live and not age for 100 years anyway???

>shitty fight ends in 5 min
>no post-game
This is what happens in every zelda game, though

this was patched.

And the boss rush beforehand.

Probably some stupid shit like goddess magic. Link has an excuse he was in cryo.
Zelda was just cheating
(Altho desu if they made post calamity time like 5y instead of 100y it wouldnt make that much of a difference at all).

Riju is cute! CUTE!

Too bad you don't get to play any of that.

Fuck I just want Minecraft/Harvest Moon Zelda don't I?

>Zelda was just cheating

Cheating as in using goddess powers to hax and keep herself 17 for 100 years

Don't be lazy and setup a phone gyro control.

I spent like 3 hours trying to solve Za Kasho shrine with a mouse, then did it on my first try using a phone.

And cheating on Link?

>no big expansion focused on rebuilding Hyrule after Ganon
It could have been so cool

have a 1080p one

>>>no big expansion focused on rebuilding Hyrule after Ganon
>It could have been so cool
play Dragon Quest Builders

Master sword only

It was not. I've been doing it a shit ton.

I felt really bad for Mipha. She was so devoted to Link, and he probably didn't even care even before he lost his memories.

we playing the same game here? Never saw this once during my 100+ hours

Such is life

>and he probably didn't even care even before he lost his memories.

protip: he didn't care afterwards either

>he did five dungeons instead of just one
The game would have even fucking less content if he hadn't

I want Zelda: BoTW Builders though.

there's plenty of content in botw


>I pirated a game
>Enjoyed easily 40+ hours
>a slightly flat final boss makes me justify pirating

You were never going to buy a Switch, you double nigger

prove it.

Oh wait you can't

DQB was all right

Not fantastic, but all right

>>a slightly flat final boss makes me justify pirating

many wrong assumptions

1. I don't have to justify piracy, I just don't give a fuck

2. It's not just the boss, it's the fact that you can't continue playing after him, with the castle free of malice and the villagers thanking the hero and shit, maybe some reconstruction sidequests

3. I also mentioned the weak DLC as reason for disappointment

Please don't mistake me for OP. I think the game is tough enough with a decent learning curve and anybody who's done floor 10 trial of the sword on master mode will agree

>on master mode

not a big fan of artificial difficulty

>post game on a zelda game
But why?

Frankly that floor is utter bullshit. It has health sponge enemies that regenerate if you don't hit them for a while. And you have to fight them on a tiny platform with water that they will happily sit in

>But why?

>people say thank you and recognize as a hero
>you help rebuild
>zelda is in her castle
>friendly guardians say hi by saying beep-boop to you

pretty cool/10

>It has health sponge enemies that regenerate if you don't hit them for a while.

isn't that always true in master mode?

>>playing BOTW on CEMU
>on overclocked 980TI
>on 6 core, 12thread CPU
>runs like SHIT

>>on 6 core, 12thread CPU

what's the clock speed


Cutscenes don't count user, everything runs at 30 there

t. Another CEMUfag

>on overclocked 980TI
Doesn't matter, emulation is CPU bound
>on 6 core, 12thread CPU
It's Ryzen, isn't it?


>Reproduce a loyal lineage of knife ears.
>resurrect a whole civilization from its ashes with your own fucking hands

Sounds terrible, absolutely horrible.

Are you using a guide? You should be using a guide

>friendly guardians say hi by saying beep-boop to you

I'd instantly hack their legs out of ptsd and instinct alone

I know right

a guide for what? I downloaded some graphics packs from github and they didn't do shit, what else can I do?

I also get so mad when I find out the fun I was having wasn't real.

>some fag on tumblr make a really great mipha porn
>nintendo then taking it down and threaten to sue the ass out of him
>he post one more post telling his followers about it and all stuff got delet

So you're saying you don't have cemuhook that allows you to use the fenceskip hack, or even a full shader cache? What graphics packs did you tick?

I have a full shader cache
I have that
fuck I didn't redownload it for my current setup

That's a fault in the games design, they shouldn't have cut down health but should have been able to be used in a cool as fuck team attack, the game already becomes easier thanks to the compounding effects of character upgrades, why the fuck did they think that it would be better to trivialize the final boss fight even more. I love the game but there are so many stupid faults that could have been fixed, I could have made that story great with only small changes, and I'm a gameplay fag.

can I put this on high on a 980Ti?

If you have the newest DLC installed that means you need to have FPS++ that works with it. Try Bsod gaming on youtube, not even shilling but that guy is literally your go to guy in stuff like this

Source please.

Do you have an archive or at least the artist's name?

why would you ever go for high with that grapichs card?

nah it's gross there's a vagina and all

because mine BTFO's 1080

Always put on low

doesn't that make Link's legs go through the ground?

that doesn't affect me at all on a 970

I own a Switch and I have to say, OP is justified in pirating it.
The final boss was lack luster and the voice acting sucked.
I own Odessy, Bomberman, Splatoon2 and BOTW.
Geodesy is disjointed.
Bomber-man has shitty single player campaign and shitty multiplayer maps.
Splatton 2 is fun, but full of furries.
BOTW is fun but it's shrines suck and so do all the memories and the final boss.
I'm doing the DLC now and I'm not fond of the stupid shrines they add to the plateau I thought they would have added another dungeon more like the divine beasts.

What? No. If it did then I must be blind as hell for not noticing it for months already

>doesn't that make Link's legs go through the ground?

that was fixed back in 1.7.x


are you ok?

Kinda agree.

They really should have made the last fight much harder.

I was expecting some crazy fight. I had miphas grace, 3 fairies, yellow hearts maxed, and 20+ full heal meals ready to go.

In the boss fight I think I got hit like twice and not even half my health taken. One of the biggest anti-climax I've ever experienced if not the single biggest.

many hearty durian meals
fullrestore + yellows

full set of savage lynel bows
and then they give you the shitty bow of light and beast-ganon doesn't even hurt you

That's why, like I did in Skyrim before I ditched it completely, I will beat the final boss after I really feel like it. Until that, I'm gonna enjoy myself some open world goodness

Is this the hourly botw crying thread? Someone else post the picture.

I decided to go to Ganon because I was "done"

I had a fully maxed barbarian set,
tons of savage gears
100 of any kind of arrow
hearts and shit
ancient gear and armor if needed

I was starting to feel tired of shrines and I had explored all the map and got all the memories so I said welp it's time


This is why i stopped playing Zelda games after wind waker. They are so goddamn unsatisfying to finish. Feels like you're building up to something and then lol the end bye


Well, yeah. That's what I said. Every good thing must come to an end.

Also please tell me you didn't cheat by save editing rupees and shit

>Also please tell me you didn't cheat by save editing rupees and shit

nah but I did abuse the bowling a bit

I used the editor because I can't get to display my playtime in cemu
unless I'm stupid

I guess on wii u you check outside the game?

>I used the editor because I can't get to display my playtime in cemu
I'd like to know this as well

>I got to play and finish a great game
It's a newfag plays his first video game episode

At least Hyrule Castle was kino but yeah the final boss was a huge disappointment. The DLC dungeon and boss were the best in the game surprisingly but it's a slog getting there.

>At least Hyrule Castle was kino

you mean 23.976 fps?

Remember the master cycle can make sharp turns/drift by holding A and X why driving or while standing in place.

Also, holding X and then A for a sec or two and then letting go of X lets you do a boost start like in the mario kart series or stand still mini turbo for you mario kart wii players :3c

>you mean 23.976 ~ 0.000 fps?

I'm playing on the wii u version and this loading lag never happened.

Every single thing about this post makes me think you're still in middle school.

>tfw that cj mod is suddenly meta