What would you do in this situation?
What would you do in this situation?
Get in the giant freaking hole that suddenly appeared in the bathroom obviously.
Enter hole
Fuck the chick from the first level instead of rejecting her
Would open the window and scream for help.
So windows in his apartment are indestructable?
He tried that, the room is basically sealed in another dimension, and no sound gets out.
play a good game instead
He even tries to dig through the wall to his neighbor Eileen with a spoon but can only make a peephole sized hole before it simply stops working.
Call Kramer
What would you do in this situation?
I know about sound but he never tried to break windows afaik. Digging a wall and breaking glass is very fucking different tasks. And that was pissing me off the whole game.
>pinning the ghost and then fuck her
>fuck every nurse that you see
>fuck giant head
sloppy kiss and then oral
what a story mark
Use my crowbar to pry off the locks
I think there might be a comment on breaking the windows, but i do remember for sure him trying to open them and banging on them.
This game should be remade, it had a lot of cool shit, shame it was rushed.
See what's in the fridge.
Would burning down the place work?
I don't get it. This looks exactly like my apartment.
I'd turn around and go shitpost on Sup Forums obviously.
go back to sleep
Turn 360 degrees and walk away.
Why is this game so disliked? Beat it this year and I really enjoyed it
>Those Eileen escorting sections
>Fucking ghost enemies
>Atrocious combat (But SH series never had good combat let's not kid ourselves)
>Bland levels
>Worst story of the 4 main games
>Couldn't even fuck Cynthia
I'll never understand how people enjoyed this garbage
Because it's radically different from the first three and going through all the areas twice with the second time being an escort mission is tedious.
>worst story
that's 3
dude, the fuck you a child or something. You don't understand silenthill? The door is not locked up. Neither are the window or walls. It's symbolism. It's all about about the mind. In EVERY SILENT FUCKING HILL GAME... fucking noobs.
check the fridge first