How do you feel about yet ANOTHER Neptunia game?
How do you feel about yet ANOTHER Neptunia game?
I love Nep!
Doesn't affect me in any way other than having more art come out of this and have more things to jack off to. People can waste their money playing it if they really want it.
Please no, my wallet can't take it.
I want to cum in that nep
It's the same game though isn't it?
I rather play this.
More of Tsunakos delicious art
>try to get into neptunia games
>buy Hyperdimension rebirth 1 and 2 on steam
>1 randomly stops on enemy turns and there's nothing you can do but end task
>devs known about it for years but never fixed it
>more nep
Male protag ruins it, looked interesting otherwise
Never encountered this before.
I bet it's your computer.
>tfw you will never fuck Tsunako while she draws lewds
Its just a redo of VII where they changed a few mechanics and added the VR scenes, but otherwise its utterly identical.
how about more delicious tsunako?
is it worth it if I never played VII?
VII is the only Nep game you may be able to objectively call "okay" as a game.
>clearing backlog
>thinking of bumping up VII due to recent threads
>this game gets announced
Time to wait again.
The problem with Neptunia is the lewds.
There's some mechanics changes. If your interested read up on both and play the version with the mechanics you like better.
yes, the improvement to the battle system is significant enough to justify getting it even if you don’t have VR
It is. But meme loving weebs with no standards make this game profit. At this point they're willingly buying a 3D RPGMaker clone with every sequel.
about that PC nep RPG maker game...
I literally buy every Nep game and I only played the 1st one and never finished it
Its not freezing. The game still runs, the enemies just don't take their turn and it forces you to end the game process.
Black Heart? Moar like BLACKED Heart amirite?
delet dis
Same story but with different battle system and VR bits.
Male protag is actually good for GT games since Otton is kinda shitty without a man to play off. Otton and Io's conversations in Moe Chronicle were great for this reason. While yes, it ruins it from the harem self-insert aspect it can make things better by having solid conversations between Otton and the MC.
How is the battle system compared to VII? What does it play like?
I thought this was just a VR'd version of the last mainline game. Is it not? !F's marketing is garbage at this point.
Awkward mix of frumpy and cute
feels good
i love neps
I didn't know Otton was in it. Tough rather than removing the male protags I just wish they'd give us a gender choice for the protag, doesn't seem like it'd take a lot to implemenent in their games.
>Moe Chronicle
>google this game
>oh english subs in the azn release, nice might pic it up
>available from these sellers
It's on Steam so you don't have to pay the import and aftermarket markups.
It's on steam dude
All I've played was Rebirth 1. Do the next 2 games get any better? Rebirth was decent enough, but the combat started to feel really dull after the game kept throwing dungeon after dungeon.
I mean if people are willing to buy it, then the market should provide it.
No, you get more of the same with Nepnep games and more recycled content.
They do make minor changes and improvements to the battle system and other features each game, but overall it plays about the same
I actually got mine on a trip to china about $32 straya so $16 burger. But yeah steam has it otherwise try to find a budget store.
Otton's the mascot character of GT. The only game so far that had him not be as great at playing off others was 7 pirates due to it being an all female cast. Still funny but nowhere near as memorable as his talks with Io.
Why is it called "Moero" instead of just moe on steam?
The full title is Genkai Tokki: Moero(Moe-Ero) Chronicle. However since moero comes off the tongue a little weird pretty much everyone calls it Moe Chronicle.
Ask how nintendofans feel for another mario or zelda game,that's the same feeling
I want to get into Nep games but there are just so many of them. I have rebirth 1 and 2, when I beat those I'll get 3, but where do you go after that? Didn't see a rebirth 4 and then there's this 7 game?
The rebirth titles are remakes and this isn't a VII it's V-II as in Victory II as in the sequel to Rebirth 3. Though technically this is a V-IIR because it's V-II redone in Unreal with VR support
It isn't 7 its V2. The third game (PS3 version - rebirth3 on steam/vita) is called HDN Victory. V2 is basically Victory-2. That said all three games are pretty stand alone that even V2 doesn't require you to play RB3 to understand the whole story since only one scene in the true end actually carries across to the game.
Order in other words is HDN1/RB1 - HDNmk2/RB2 - HDNVictory/RB3 - V2. Spinoffs don't matter and are basically if you enjoy the series and want more there are other games you can play. They have different genres from the standard ones. Look at gameplay before making a decision though.
I'm not sure how I feel to be honest family, I bought VII about a year ago and I got distracted and never got around to playing it.
Is it as good as Fairy Fencer F?
> I got distracted and never got around to playing it.
Same. I can never finish these 50+ hour JRPGs anymore. Same with P5 and Berseria.
Someone gifted me the first Rebirth and Fairy Fencer F but I still haven't got around to trying them. I hear I need to use a fan translation for 1 and 2 or something though. What's the deal with that?
Some autist proud of his elementary Japanese decided to take out any sort of charm the games had and replace it with incredibly stoic, proper conversation. Like stick up the butt sort of conversation.
Oh. That doesn't sound too bad then.
Enjoy, user.