What are some times where pic related happened?
What are some times where pic related happened?
Other urls found in this thread:
your least favorite game
Deus Ex HR.
Samus Returns
Hitman Season 1
playing Oblivion after literally everyone on Sup Forums told me it was shit and not to bother
Batman Arkham Asylum
>always online DRM until only a short while ago
>episodic format
>keeps Absolution canon and borrows elements from it
>still ends up being possibly the best Hitman game in the franchise
I really hope they can keep it going after going indie
Personally Tokyo Mirage Sessions
I was expecting Persona tier weebshit and got a legit game with a theme?
Metroid PRIME
hype as fuck for 4
Dragon's Dogma
after 3 (which i honestly liked) with how thing turned in the present i thought they were going full PIRATES ARE COOL XDD!!! but sailing around in your ship just fucking man-o-wars sideways is really fun
blackbeard a best
Fucking this. Game looked horrendous from the first trailer but aside from some gripes, it turned out to be pretty good.
never have seen Sup Forums do such a 180 in opinion before, it was pretty incredible. That leak was the best thing to happen to them.
i sometimes think how awful and not fun it is compared to morrowwind and even skyrim and then i go back and play it and always end up playing for a few hours. its a great game even if the level scaling is completely fucking stupid.
>looks nicer than you thought it would but is still inedible
Mario vs Rabbids
Literally every game because opinions aren't facts.
Wind waker comes to mind.
Everything about it from when it was announced with cell shaded graphics to interviews made it look like Miyamoto was gaping his asshole open over my plate.
But it ended being really good, one of my favorite Zelda games
the longer i look at it, the more i laugh, also, is that a mario odyssey spoiler? i have not played it yet.
Well the problem was the absolutely garbage multiplayer beta, so everyone naturally assumed the single player would be the same.
Earth defence force.
I forgot how sometimes a game just needs to be fun until I picked this up randomly for 5 bucks.
>Implying my opinions aren't facts
Found the underage and/or reddit
Link Between Worlds.
i like how you can get a house in that spooky spider town
it was a comfy game and the races and lore is actually interesting and not just boring elf vs dwarf vs human tolkien bs
Kind of but it doesn't really reveal what happened.
What's the yellow guy supposed to be?
yeah, it's too bad mankind divided was such a let down. china was comfy af
so do what Sup Forums says?
Rainbow 6 Siege
D44M is probably the most recent example.
Fire Emblem Echoes
any Nintendo game
Just boring game, hold w until you're in the arena part of the level and press x to awesome
Yep. Having the beta for the multiplayer that was more Halo than Doom was horrendous but thankfully the sp turned out good.
Dumb seibah
>Found the
Why do you think there's only one?
>underage and/or reddit
Why, in your mind, these two are interchangeable?
Also the game is free on uplay for a little while
I think it's meant to be Alm from Fire Emblem 2 Remake?
Gimme that goldbar
just checked it's metacritic, it's 81, yeah that's probably it, the hair and colorscheme's off, but for some reason the pauldron matches
>Wind waker comes to mind
Nah, Wind Waker was exactly what it looked like. Piss easy shit for babies that was unfinished and have gigantic empty world.
Monster Hunter World
might replay it when i have the time. i was full warrior last time, what should i be now
it's kind of stupid that a guy who knows nothing about magic to be archmage but idgaf
Most underrated game of the year
Metroid just keeps WINNING lads
Then play on a harder difficulty, you will get vaporized if you don't dodge.
Oh definitely
>Why, in your mind, these two are interchangeable?
First of all, learn fucking grammar you stupid shit. Secondly, get the fuck out because you're clearly both.
>have to install fucking uPlay
Pick one.
yeah got it yesterday on another account.
what happens if you try to play a save with dlc in a version with no dlc?
Why does this butter make "clunk!" noises?
No that's the dude who bitches about commoners in Echoes
Fire Emblem doesnt have that many wojaks around
>First of all, learn fucking grammar you stupid shit.
Please, sensei, tell me what I did wrong.
>Secondly, get the fuck out because you're clearly both.
meh, created a secondary account to make use of the free games and have pic related
not that i've touched any of them since but it's free
because it's real butter and not high cholesterol jew
Double Dragon Neon. The first trailer of the game had a 50% dislike ratio. It didn't have any humor in it, the game was running slower than the final product, the animations were sloppier and the graphics in general weren't finished. Also no one knew about the 80s twist/skullmageddon or anything like that yet.
Then the game turned out to be nice and somewhat beloved.
it's fernand, a new character
For what reason? Would you also literally eat shit if I told you it's free? Are you Finnish?
Noone but this has happened loads of times
prolly i guess
Wow, so you are that one guy who bought Recore? What a coincident
RE7 for sure
The actionfag tears are just the diamond encrusted in the gold bar
> t. I always thought handhelds were for kids
Yeah, but, It's Mario. There's not much to the story.
HiTMAN 2016
Fallout 4
i did a mix of stealth and magic i like being sneaky
gonna boot it up now, i have no idea what i wanna do.
Persona 5
But SR was mediocre as a result of the game being designed around the shitty counter mechanic, and was entirely outdone by AM2R.
a gold bar? but i wanted food
>Food Metaphor
The counter mechanic is absolutely useless. You can kill enemies faster without it.
Gold can be used to buy food
>The counter mechanic is absolutely useless.
It is your primary source of energy, ammo, and aeion as enemies will drop plenty of them when countered and counter-killed and barely any when killed normally. Furthermore, whether you kill them with missiles or not, it doesn't change that almost every enemy in the game is designed to just instantly use a counter-able charge attack the moment Samus enters their range. In their quest to make Metroid's combat more interactive they actually managed to dumb it down and homogenise all the enemies.
It wasn't a complete turd but honestly it wasn't great either. I liked the atmosphere and being able to explore a station instead of just being tunneled from level to level, but that was about it. Only the hobo phase was decently fun and I spent about the last third of the game just sprinting past everything since fighting every single fucker was never worth it.
>dont buy bitcoin
>dont buy switch
>btow is bad
>pc gaming is a meme
>xc2 is shit
Mass Effect: Andromeda
Breath of the Wild
It’s opposite then.
Nobody will get the joke but I appreciated it
Holy shit this. Can’t believe how underestimated this was. It sucks they only just added the fucking vs multiplayer
Tell me more.
Ninturd is garbage. Deal with it.
This. The demo made me believe the game was complete shit. I waited until it was $20 to buy it and it wound up being great.
Mario + Rabbids
Gold can be exchanged for goods and services