There are 0 fucking reasons why this game isn't coming out on the Switch.
What the fuck is this shit? Is Sony bribing Capcom again?
It's even more insulting that they add a Megaman costume for the cats when it's a franchise heavily associated with the NES and Nintendo by proxy.
There are 0 fucking reasons why this game isn't coming out on the Switch
Other urls found in this thread:
>0 fucking reasons
Here's one! It would run sub 10 fps
>duuuur muh graphix! muh fps
Not an argument, retard. The Switch is powerful enough and Capcom is no stranger to stuffing formerly console MH titles into handhelds flawlessly.
Here;'s another!
Most games runn like shit on the Switch, even old last gen games.
>2 different IPs spouting meme shit
Phoneposters are the worst.
>The Switch is powerful enough
It barely runs on a regular PS4.
You're a deluded child if you think a handheld could actually run it without a huge visual downgrade
Shitty architecture with a shitty GPU.
Even fucking Bethesda has that piece of shit Skyrim running better on the Switch than the PS4.
user, it makes more sense to take the time to make a good port and generate hype for a switch version maybe 1 or 2 years down the line
Yeah and the version of skyrim on switch is the 360/PS3 version, not SE.
Except it essentially has all the visual improvements of the SE.
>b-b-but this useless detail
No, sonybro, no.
The time to hype would be now, making a Switch version while both the console and the game itself are at their height of marketing and success. Making a port of an old game 1-2 years down the line will hurt sales because by then Switch owners will have too many games. don't forget that most of the MH fanbase owns a Switch since it's the successor the the 3DS.
And who knows what sort of rival series Nintendo could even come up with while Capcom doesn't put it in their platform?
Shouldve bought an actual console.
Zelda is a cellshaded game that runs at 800p/30fps with very frequent fps drops.
Mario Odyssey is a cartoony game that runs at 800p/60fps with heavy optimisation and looks graphically about the same an upscaled Wii game from 2007
Doom has a resolution of 600p with lower than the lowest PC settings, and the whole game runs at ~25fps if played on the hardest difficulty
Xenoblade 2 runs at 368p/30fps in handheld mode with frequent fps drops.
The Nvidia shield was never designed to play full fledged games.
I'm getting it day one on the PS4 but I'd probably get the Switch version if I had the choice. I really wish that the PC version had a release date.
>it makes sense to release a Switch port years down the line
>when other systems will likely have MH Ultimate World and anyone interested in the game will have bought a PS4 for it already
By your logic, the Switch should continue getting ports of older games so they can continue to get hyped up years after everyone played them.
>actual console
Oh yeah, the console with one game.
THIS. The beta runs at15 FPS on the fucking PS4.
The only way it would work is if the B-team made a new 3DS game with smaller maps that loosely resembled World's areas, gave it a HD coat of paint, then only released it on the Switch. Nintendo fans would likely never realize they're actually playing an upscaled 3DS port. The game would also retain the old mechanics (potion chugging, segmented areas, etc.) with one major change; adept style would be permanently enabled to accommodate the Switch userbase.
Saddest part? There are people out there who will unironically believe this hypothetical MH game would be "perfect on Switch".
>Capcom finally releases a MH with modern visuals
>it runs at 15fps on the most powerful console on the market right now
Not even talking about the Switch here: I don't understand how Capcom is allowed to get away with this.
>modern visuals
>good FPS
Choose two.
Because the switch's is 720p with graphic and particle downgrades?
Watch a comparison video, they put almost no SE additions to it, I lost all my hype to buy it for my switch when I found out it's not even the SE version.
Yeah, Monster Hunter World. The one game you can't have.
PS4 could barely keep up with 30ish FPS, mine WHIRRRED as much as a Sonygro does
>MH World
>PS4 exclusive
Just buy a PS4. They are cheap as fuck now and you can't possibly get buyers remorse from buying something you already know has no games.
There's 0 reasons for Switch to have it's exclusive as well.
It's not exclusive. It's just Switch non-inclusive.
>make a secret 3DS game and release it only on Switch
What did you mean by this??
Kek. I laughed.
For now.
>only posting JP sales
Hmm, I wonder why? And no, I'm not saying to look at VGChartz
*a thousand muffled sonybro screams in the distance*
Just posting the sales that matter.
Wait for January to see World flopping in the West because PS4 and Xbone players just want sports games.
this, as much as I love Nintendo it cant handle how they've built this new game.
just get a fucking PC you dweebs
>imbeciles actually believe this
One more month, and the crackling and hollering of Nintendo autist will fill Sup Forums like pigs on the slaughter line once MHW breaks 1M in two days.
>im angry and i'll insult people over predictions
Ninteniggers are jumping for joy for last gen ports.
Loving every laugh.
Remember that laugh once you lose another non-exclusive with World on the Switch next year.
Capcom hasn't done shit for the Switch. They probably didn't think it would be successful so the only thing they did was take the lowest common denominator, XX, and put it on the console. Now that it actually is doing well you can expect to see actual games put on it.
Also just play XX, it's great.
i love the nintendobabies crying, its funny as fuck.
>lowest common denominator, XX
>Also just play XX, it's great.
Didn't proofread your post, eh shill?
>children and NEETs whose parents will only buy them one console think other people get mad when games get improved by being developed for better hardware
Get rekt console warrior.
Idort master race.
it runs at 15 fps on the xbonex?
Loooooving every laugh.
nah, World is shaping up to be that if the monsters aren't made more aggressive
cry some more
The demo was exclusive to PS4 due to both Sony moneyhatting them and it also being released in Japan where nobody owns an Xbox console.
Ah, yes. The mysterious idort that owns all platforms yet takes sides against them when it's convenient.
Why nintendofags so mad about 1 game not available on Switch ? I thought they will get more awesome games in 2018 ?
world is the best MH game, and this is a fact, nintendofags are just upset they are missing the amazing beta right now
Didn't Nintendo technically lose Monster Hunter? That along with Dragon Quest have been synonymous with Nintendo for a while, and are now back on PlayStation. So what's being lost again?
Trust me, I rather this be either ps4 only or ps4 and switch.
Xboners bring nothing to the table and pc people will either pirate or just make the experience lame in some other way
Yes imagine all the remasters from 5 years ago, gonna be sick bro! bing bing wahoo!
nintendo already busted their load with zelda and mario, pokemon and prime 4 are most likely 2019 or later
>just make the experience lame in some other way
i look forward to breaking into the files and changing the game just to mess with autistic kids like you :^)
game can't maintain a stable fps on PS4, switch doesn't have a chance
Well they got XX to fall back under since they constantly cry and bitch about traditional Monster Hunter. I dunno what's wrong with them.
yes i can't wait for CINEMATIC 9 FPS on switch
>'a switch version would be shit because the ps4 is garbage' meme again
Is it certain its not coming to the switch? My guess is switchs getting it sooner or later.
>There are 0 fucking reasons why this game isn't coming out on the Switch.
The Switch is underpowered and can't run it, for one.
It already wants to take off when playing Splatoon 2. If you want MonHun, just play XX.
Nah, "bruh", I take sides against idiocy. In order for world to run on the switch it would have to basically be completely redesigned. It would barely eek out 10 frames as it is now, even with the resolution and textures turned WAY down.
Have you seen the recent RE DF video? The switch might get vita like gfx but worse. Alot worse
Take what you will of Capcom porting more garbage to Switch, but I think Sony is money hatting to hard for it to ever see the light of day on Nintendo. MHS is all you get, kid.
This. BOTW barely runs optimally it feels like at times, an open world at all is stressful enough on the switch.
this is honestly the best MH has felt since freedom unite, stop being assblasted nintendokiddies
switch can't run anything at the fps/resolution promised without severe compromise
Proof you fucking nintenbro
Get it through your fucking skull. Every single game that people put on the Switch that isn't tiny shitty indie games runs TERRIBLY on the Switch. A game with individual maps that looks at a PS2 game runs at fucking 368p ("bu-but there's a memory leak, honest!"). Patches can't save the fucking thing, BOTW and Odyssey, their biggest games, haven't been patched to run at better, consistent resolutions.
>caring about shit games
>caring about what system it comes out on when you should just pirate it
Found the retard
who /funlance/ here?
They believe Capcom should always be beholden to Nintendo like their lapdog. All the Capcom SEETHING comes from them when they don't get their way in multiplats and ports.
Dude I like my switch, but it's choking on XB2. MHW would melt the thing.
I would happily buy a switch version if they remade it in the style of Monster Hunter Stories, polished up with some better draw distance and foliage. Switch would handle that easily and it would look stylish.
>pirate always online multiplayer game even in singleplayer
Build a PC or buy an Xbox, special boy.
Deviljho's autistic cousin was a fun fight
All my rust came off by the time I got to him and I was doing guard points and shit again
Has anyone else seen the giant mud fish thing in Barroth's mission? Jyotodarus or something? I spotted it when following Barroth to its lair but didn't really get a good look at it and just ignored it without it seeing me because I didn't have enough time to try to fight it, but I haven't seen much mention of this thing and none of my friends knew what I was talking about at all
>The Switch is powerful enough
I timed out on barroth because I decided to take it down instead of focusing on the hunt, was fun, the prick likes to smash into larger platforms to make it harder to mount and flings mud everywhere
Nintendo babies having a fit when they don't have their way.
To which the majority of them have been unironically hyping up.
>It's even more insulting that they add a Megaman costume for the cats when it's a franchise heavily associated with the NES and Nintendo by proxy.
I know this is bait, but there are people whose ass are legit on fire because of this. Also, Megaman has been associated with PlayStation as much as it has Nintendo throughout the years.
>Monster Hunter is no longer held back by Nintedo's trash game systems
Feels fucking good man.
All of the classic Megaman games, almost every great X title, Battle Network, Megaman Zeo, Megaman ZX.
One (or two depending on who you ask) decent X games and then a bunch of shovelware-tier titles.
Rath room. Need one more
>Can happily play with friends on any of the other consoles or on pc
>Can use a headset to talk with them during intense hunts
>Get to play a game that isn't 30fps 480p
>First monster hunter game to have the devs promise to continue to release content after the game being released
But no, its absolutely trash for the sole reason that its not on nintendo.
>this is what americans actually believe