People can't afford both

>people can't afford both

At this point I can buy a bitchin' PC.

PC is for work, not gaming.

But what if his work IS gaming?

Then it isn't gaming, it's work.

I don't get paid to play vidya so it's really just some idiom for me.

But I do see your point.

>superior performance
>superior game library
>superior choice of control schemes
>can be used for work too, doesn't ever gather dust


>wouls love to have a gaming PC that is better than my laptop which serves me for everything else but gaming
>my PS4 and XO give me literally all games I am interested in
>no games interest me on PC

Now what? Should I get a gaming pc?

>fully dynamic openworld game
cmon dude, kys

I don't want both

And why would I want a shittier version of my $2000 gayman PC that has no games that I can't also get on Win 10?

At least Sony and Nintendo have decent exclusives.

ps4 has 2 games and xbox has 0

>no games interest me on PC
But all of the revelant games are on PC anyway.

pay 500 dollars for a console that is going to be obsolete in 2-3 years. Seems like a smart move to me

You could just buy a fucking computer at that point.

Why should I buy an Xbox?
Already have a PS4 for the occassional Nip game and a PC for everything else.

What's the point to own an xbone though? All the "exclusives" are on pc.

>bluray player
>bloodborne machine
Meanwhile on PC:
700 000+ games. Literally.

>Why should I buy an Xbox?
no, there's no reason to get one if you have a PC

I can, but I choose to only have a ps4 because I have no use for an xbox. What games would I get? Fucking pubg? Fuck off

What if I paid $250 for it and a full price game at the time, brand new and I've used it every day for the past 2 years

>people can't lift both

Games are fucking expensive my nigger