This is a regular game ad in the 90s. There were hundreds like this

This is a regular game ad in the 90s. There were hundreds like this
imagine if Sony or Nintendo made a similar ad today..
Well that kind of ''machist'' culture was always presented in video games

I grew up playing SNES from 1993 to 1996 and PS1/PC from 1998 to 2001 I never became a sex addict because of this nor a leftist obsessed with social ''issues''
What's the big deal that today everyone gets so angry about this video game culture anyway?
Ads like magazine ads and video game culture are not reality.. so much useless obsession about it

Other urls found in this thread:

Cool blogpost, nerd.

Please reply to this thread or I will remain a virgin forever. If you ignore this post I will never have sex in my entire life.

>things were different in the past!
>people used to do things differently... now they do it a different way... wtf
Woah... you're right OP...

Look if you had to use a naked woman to sell your game then the game was fucking shit. You can scream about SJWs until you're blue in the face, and you will, along with a dozen other retards, but the simple fact of the matter is games should sell on their own merits, not because your 13 year old dick got hard over some second-rate playboy shoot.
>reeeee liberals liberals liberals liberals
Go ahead, just keep going. No adult will listen. This shit was pathetic then and it's pathetic now. Go ahead and deflect by calling me an SJW. You have no actual counterargument and you know you've wanted to from the moment you saw this post wasn't 100% agreement that we need to gas the leftists.


>What's the big deal that today everyone gets so angry about this video game culture anyway?
Everyone isn't angry about it. It has always been a subset of the population that tends to be very loud and make a big stink out of it so they get a lot of attention. In the 90s it was the Christian conservatives and concerned parents. At the start of this decade it was the intersectional feminists. Most recently it's the "everyone I don't like is a nazi" crowd. Five years from now it will be some other obnoxious group of retards. The vast majority of real people don't give a shit.
t. old man

It was just advertisers taking advantage of your teenage hormones to sell you products, placing any kind of value on deceptive bullshit of that kind is retarded.

>Look if you had to use a naked woman to sell your game then the game was fucking shit
Your stick is so far up your ass you don't realise how retarded you sound.
Virtua Fighter, Sega Rally, Panzer Dragoon are all good games included in OP's image, but because the marketing department stuck a naked woman on the ad, your delicate sensibilities were affronted and the games are automatically shit.

>Virtua Fighter, Sega Rally, Panzer Dragoon are all good games included in OP's image
Then why didn't the advert reflect that? The advert doesn't tell me those games are good, or even anything about them.
>your delicate sensibilities
There is a person in your head who you are arguing with and it isn't me. This entire discussion is a total waste of time because anyone who doesn't agree with you is a triggered numale cuck feminazi tumblrina etc etc

Whole lotta good Sega's based redpilled alpha male advertising did them

Can't get addicted to what you never had

>I grew up playing SNES from 1993 to 1996 and PS1/PC from 1998 to 2001 I never became a sex addict because of this nor a leftist obsessed with social ''issues''
But you DID grow up to be a retard, so maybe you should have played less videogames.

>games should sell on their own merits
No product in history of mankind sold "on their own merit". Things are sold because smart advertisement hypes them up beyond these merits. If you make the greatest game ever and then just dump it on the shelves hoping that muh merits would sell it, you're in for bankruptcy and some miniscule cult following at best

>Then why didn't the advert reflect that? The advert doesn't tell me those games are good, or even anything about them.
That's not what you were saying. The games were being sold using a naked woman, which you said meant the games were shit, which is bullshit logic.
If you resort to calling a game shit because of how it's marketed and not because of how well it plays then yes, those are some delicate ass sensibilities.

It's not just video games. People, left or right or in-between, have an easier time than ever expressing their opinions. Telling the world you think something is weird, uncomfortable, or wrong is just a few taps on your phone away. Then someone can come back with just as inflammatory a reply with as little effort. The cycle continues, and it makes for great "slow" news when nothing is blowing up or no one is dying. When those things do happen, you can keep the news story going for ten times as long by getting that social media engine running. This pours over into every facet of life. Sports, business, video games, personal relationships... the content doesn't matter to most people; it's all about how they can use it to voice an opinion and be heard.

user, let me ask you a really straightforward question
Do you genuinely believe that anyone who thinks using a naked woman in order to sell a product which has nothing to do with naked women is actually a crummy way to sell a product because it makes the advertisers look desperate and clueless how to market a product to anyone other than 14 year old boys... is an SJW/libtard/leftist cuck etc?

Genuine question. Is it possible for someone to think it's a rubbish advertising strategy without them being offended by it? Can you wrap your head around that even as a possibility?

God, I remember in the early 2000's, some PC magazine had an ad advertising some mundane computer shit with anime chicks in bathrobes at a hot spring.

I haven't been able to find the ad again, but damn if I didn't beat my dick to that shit.

If I'm being real, I honestly do think that side of the culture at the time was embarrassing, and that ads like that were pretty tasteless, but it never stopped me from beating off.

I prefer the Segata Sanshiro ads, though the edgy Western ones are amusing in their own right.

Remember when there were men's magazines and Jimmy Kimmel hosted the Man Show?

The feminists are taking over and they're using social media to do it.

>Sega Saturn
One of the worst examples you could have picked.

These kinds of ads were shit and made me ashamed of being a videogame fan. Moreover they had next to nothing about the game itself because lmao boobs right?

I don't mind sexy content but when you sell a product, try to sell the actual product instead cheap fapbait.

And no, I don't mind suff like sexy women
in games, I love 2b from Nier A.

>if you had to use a naked woman to sell your game then the game was fucking shit

only a sith deals in absolutes

THIS! We have to act now, before it's too late.

This is the cringiest bullshit.

Now that is a reasonable statement. However you've again failed to acknowledge the fallacy in your original argument - condemning the games because of the marketing, and done in a brilliantly rabid fashion.

What you idiots always forget to mention is the fact that people didn't have access to porn back then like they do now. A sexy babe in a low cut top was gold fap material in 1994. In 2017 everyone is a few clicks away from women screaming in agony while fucked by a horse. One of the main reasons these kinds of ads became less common is they feel so corny in a time where real pornography flows freely. Who the fuck cares about a little cleavage in a gaming magazine when people are tuning in the Game Of Thrones to enjoy rape scenes the same day? Use your fucking brains, this shit isn't hard to figure out.

Am I doing it right?

easily offended idiots like this
thats what happened. letting this overly sensitive "ads like this make me ashamed to be a..." bullshit go on for a while and a feminist sjw distopia is what you get.

thank god trump is bringing political uncorrectness back.

people are pussys these days and need to be toughened up again.


one of my first magazine fap till i moved on to some of my dad's car/motor mags, and eventually to the actual, more raunchier shit. good times.

Society changes over time. It's not a very difficult concept to grasp.

unrionically this

Video games being targeted today is literally a scapegoat. Those retarded feminazis know they can't do jackshit in real important things, so in order to still get the feeling of accomplishement they target a weak medium, aka vidya. And as the majority of vidya enthusiasts are virgin soyboys who are glad some women are finally taking notice of them they do everything to conform to them.

>he never answered the question
Imagine my shock


No, I don't believe that. However you've again failed to acknowledge the fallacy in your original argument - condemning the games because of the marketing, and done in a brilliantly rabid fashion.

>but the simple fact of the matter is games should sell on their own merits, not because your 13 year old dick got hard over some second-rate playboy shoot.
I never bought games because of bait-whores. I never became a sexual freak because of that. I only find interesting using sexy women in the game ads.. I'd rather that than some hollywood whore at e3 or taking selfies with kojima
The over-hyped marketing is more interesting than anything only brainlets buy games because of women in ad

>In the 90s it was the Christian conservatives and concerned parents.
but they were right and we could have stopped Rockstar garbage if we listened to them

>No, I don't believe that.
Well done, you've taken your first step towards not being a complete retard.
Oh well. Still, there's hope for you yet. Maybe if you make several more shitty threads on Sup Forums just to cry about liberals that will help.

>okay you're right but you're still wrong and I'm still right and btw you're wrong
Americans. Every single time. Gotta love 'em.

>in a gaming magazine when people are tuning in the Game Of Thrones to enjoy rape scenes the same day?
that's the kind of thing I don't understand. The whole concept of women in video game ads in the 90s it was to make it hype, something like unreal and imaginary. Today it's explicit porn just to make you interesting in a garbage series with 20 minutes of dialog written by the same idiots who worship Big Bang Theory
Pic is what I find interesting and funny at the same time for a video game ad.

>games should sell on their own merits
I will only ever agree with this statement if you can agree that all advertising is inherently manipulative and, as such, all advertising is immoral. You seem to be relentlessly autistic about naked ladies used in advertising when the point of advertising is to draw your interest towards a product using duplicity. What other types of advertising do you have a problem with? In your view, where does personal responsibility on the part of the consumer fit into this relationship?

Look at the kind of garbage that companies do today when it comes to marketing their games
The worst of all:

This is a regular game ad in the 20s. There were hundreds like this
imagine if United Fruit or Naked made a similar ad today..
Well that kind of ''machist'' culture was always presented in fruit.

I grew up eating oranges from 1923 to 1926 and I never became a KKK member because of this nor a leftist obsessed with social ''issues''
What's the big deal that today everyone gets so angry about this fruit company culture anyway?
Ads like magazine ads and fruit company culture are not reality.. so much useless obsession about it

>only a sith deals in absolutes
go back to red dit and stop acting like a quote from a mediocre franchise is some kind of argument or slick retort

The most reddit/resetera post of the year
>But it's ironic xD

>Corporations are evil right? We're with you guys!
>That will be $59.99 BTW

Yeah but at least half the games on that page are pretty good. Also, kill yourself you neo-puritan fuck.

39.99 Season Pass™+tax

You used to be able to go to the magazine section in shops and there was a whole section of magazines marketed to males and all of them had sexy girls on them. Go to a magazine section today and there are no longer any magazines marketed to men with sexy girls on them at all.

You could argue that the internet killed them off but you could also argue that women complaining that men like sexy girls killed them off.

wew lad


Rockstar is a shit company but it's definitely not because you can kill hookers and there's inaccessible sex minigame code on the disc.

You caught me, user. My point about using cheap titillation in order to sell games instead of telling the customer anything about the games whatsoever is now moot. It was a stupid thing to say, and I'm sorry. And yes, I have autism. Well deducted. You remind me of BBC's "Sherlock" which I am a huge fan of because of my aforementioned autism.
And to answer your question, yes, I find literally everything offensive and believe everything should be banned.

Only a board destroyed by years of contrarianism + neogaf infiltration + lack of common sense can find controversy in a simple observation about how game ads are irrelevant to reality because people who play games don't buy games because a whore in the cover
You can sell a movie, a music or art piece which the only thing you can offer are sexy women but not video games
Sure you can argue weebs buy some games because of lolis or waifus but even so most of them didn't get into this because of any tv or magazine or internet ad

>People actively want to return to the days of "Here is a naked woman, buy my game" and "We have Blast Processing!"

If those magazines were selling, they'd still exist. Nobody was buying men's magazines anymore because why the fuck would you buy a giant pamphlet full of adverts which had a handful of photos of a z-list celeb in a bikini?
Seriously, think about what you're saying. Why the fuck would anyone buy these now that the internet exists? They weren't selling. Because nobody wanted them. It wasn't because women complained. If the people behind the magazines were making money, they'd still be making them.
Hooters still makes money, so Hooters still exists. It's that simple.
>b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but muh culture war

You don't have to be so insecure about your positions, user. It might help if you engaged with anyone in this thread who disagreed with you but it's apparent that something is holding you back. I hope you get the help you need.


Has there every been a bigger buzzword than Blast Processing?

multi-cultural and multi-ethnic

But do you have a Super FX Chip?

Four key checkerboard rendering with HDR

>video game industry, marketing and journalism

That review who exposed this was corrupt too
Everyone profit in the review business
If you were 12~16 in the 90s the best way to learn about games were magazines. It was difficult not to trust reviewers and buy the games they recommended but there is nothing you can do if you grow up without someone older to teach you about marketing scam

People think that because we're safer than we ever were before (i.e. not in the middle of the Cold War, or worse yet WWII) it's not out of line to assume we should be sheltered too.

That's what my dad says, anyway. He was born in the fifties.

Where's that Gameboy Advance SP ad where a dude just finished doing sex?

I remember as a kid you would walk past corner stores and they would have a poster advertising the latest playboy out the front of the store. I remember when women complained and made them take it down because it was too sexy effectively making it forbidden to advertise it. Around that time they also stopped selling playboy in regular super markets. If you are not allowed to advertise something don't you think it would affect sales?

Every videogame mag used to have at least one bikini pic in them for horny 13 year olds too, same with car magazines or any other male hobby magazine. Then mothers started complaining and they could no longer put girls in there because it was sexist. A big selling point of these mags was the bikini pics because thats what lured the boys in. But another big part of it was the jokes and crude male humour, which was also deemed offensive. This all happened before Sup Forums was even a thing. It all moved to the internet but not until it was already under attack. And now it's under attack here too. If they manage to stop it here there is no where else to go.

Ariana Grande has a song about having pussy sore after hours of sex yet lots of moms take their 10~13 year old daughters to her shows
They don't mind corruption they just feel bad when they think their vanity is at risk

There was something special about those reviews in magazines too. The reviewers would actually give negative reviews if a game was bad and they were actually like peers. They would use the same kind of humor and express the sort of honest opinions that you see on places like Sup Forums. But now all reviewers are bottom feeders who give good reviews to anyone who pays them.

Remember that australian videogame review show and they had that one guy who would give negative reviews sometimes so they quickly fired him and replaced him with that girl hex and nobody cared because they wanted to fuck her. That's kind of a microcosm of what's going on with the whole videogame industry. Just look at twitch.

Ariana Grande is marketed at girls though so it's fine. It's 'toxic male sexuality' and 'sexist/offensive/racist humour that must be stopped. Females can do anything and if anyone criticizes it they are sexist virgins with small penises who are just insecure bigots who hate all women because they can't get a girlfriend etc.

Do you genuinely want to buy gaming magazines and men's magazines, user? Be honest. If I told you that you could buy a gaming magazine or a copy of FHM tomorrow, and there's a picture of a sexy woman inside them, would you buy them? Honestly? And then again next month? And the month after that?

>Ariana Grande has a song about having pussy sore after hours of sex

What the fuck, seriously?

>who are just insecure bigots who hate all women because they can't get a girlfriend
Just because this turns out to be the case 99% of the time doesn't mean we should all be tarred with the same brush.

You got pandered to your whole life by media and it's made you an asshole

I can't believe there are parents who let preteens listen to this. That's so fucked up.

>Wanted to
M8 we all fucked Hex

"gamers" (as opposed to actual people who sometimes play video games) are scum and rightfully deserve to be treated as such

she said in an interview about her songs having double meaning and one of them is that vagina sore after sex
These 13 year old kids with iphones are already doing strip videos and sending them to 18 year old boys to be popular in their schools
all of that is totally fine.... until you say it's interesting L.A whores in a video game ad

I am also offended. Won't somebody please think of the children?

That isn't the point I am making. My point is that when it is a male oriented realm and males express their interest in women it has been attacked over the last few decades and most of the time it has resulted in the expression of male sexual interest being forbidden. Male oriented fantasies are banned from the mainstream. At least white male sexual fantasies.

But on the other hand you can look around and clearly see an increase in sex in a lot of media. However this sex is not marketed at men, it is often marketed to women, such as GOT big sexy barbarian fantasies or the music industry. You will also notice that it is never just a hot babe enticing the audience. When there is heterosexual sex marketed in the mainstream it is either aimed at female fantasies or involves some kind of interracial aspect. Sexy girls to entertain males is forbidden. It is only allowed in the most sleazy of circles now, never in the mainstream because such depictions are labeled as sexist. Magazines are just a previous example of this happening.

This didn't end at magazines it continues even now and you should be well aware of it if you are paying attention and browse this board regularly.

>I'm fine with sex being sold to 13 year old boys in gaming magazines - what's the problem?
>omg guys, 13 year old girls are hearing lyrics about sex. this is haram and western civilisation is doomed.
Literally Sup Forums logic.

Personally I just ended up with stinky fingers.

I'm not even going to bother to read your ebin redpill post because clearly the answer is "no"

You wouldn't buy the magazines, and nobody else would. But keep blogposting about those evil women taking away your magazines that you and nobody else wanted to buy anyway.

>sex being sold to 13 year old boys in gaming magazines
yeah a L.A whore showing 30% of legs and slight cleavage is the same thing as Ariana Grande/Miley Cyrus
And all these boys hurry go play the game because they are in love with that whore

I don't think that the song should be banned. I just think people who take their preteens to her concerts are bad parents.

>she said in an interview about her songs having double meaning and one of them is that vagina sore after sex

It's not even a double meaning. Literally what else could, "I been here all night, I been here all day, and you got me walking side-to-side" even mean? It means she's bowlegged from being marathon-fucked.

Again, missing the point.
One might lead to a boy getting a boner and masturbating.
The other might lead to a girl making bad decisions and creating pornography of herself or having sex at a young age.

One is forbidden, the other is actively promoted by everyone. There's a severe hypocrisy in that. If a boy faps to a pic of a woman in a bikini the argument is the woman who is paid to pose in the bikini is being made a victim. But at the same time it is encouraged that actual young impressionable girls take pictures in bikinis and post it on social media for attention. If you can't see a problem with that you are a damaged individual who has caught the brain virus.

I saw in a british tabloid about proud moms taking their daughters to her music show
The moms were in their 30s and 40s with lots of make up and trying to dress as 20 year old sexy girls. They were saying that "I think my daughter will love me more because I took her to see her idol"
They can pick up any mexican/italian untalented whore and make a superstar to the point the western world stop to watch her. That's all ok except a cute girl in video games or sexy magazine vidya ads

>we are no longer making men's magazines because literally nobody is buying them

Better safe than sorry


>model showing skin to advertise a game to preteen boys
>preteen girls making role models out of slutty pop singers and listening to songs about getting fucked constantly

One of these things is not like the other, user.

It's also bothersome that preteen boys idolize drug-crazed manwhores who sing/rap about fucking bitches in the clubs every night while getting drunk and high.

It would NOT be a problem if horny preteen girls were just seeing shirtless men in ads for products geared at them, which would be the actual analog for the skimpy female model.

>I saw in a british tabloid
Come on Sup Forums I know you're retarded but please try a little harder than this

>It's also bothersome that preteen boys idolize drug-crazed manwhores
The word you're looking for is "problematic" but you wouldn't dream of using that word would you, user? Because that's what THEY say and you're clearly NOTHING like them. You just want society to be free from gross, toxic, bothersome content.

but there were pictures of the proud moms with their kids and interviews. You probably can find online

This seems like a bad advertisement to me. naked women are much more interesting then video games so she just distracts from their product. I don't see why you would advertise this way unless you're product is sex related.
t. Tumblr

Pretty sure I tried to jack off to this. Good times.

I miss the old days when the problematic glass was a real and easy thing to define

Whiteys getting freaked out about sex is a big reason why non-whites have more children.

No, the word I'm looking for is bothersome. As in, it bothers me that people are raising their kids this way because I would never do that. It's not "problematic" because I don't see it as a problem that must be stopped and eliminated by force or regulation.

Those kids are free to listen to music they want to listen to and their parents are free to let them.
Do I think those parents are being bad parents? Yes.
Do I think they must be required to stop by force just because I personally disagree with their parenting? No.