B-But it’s fun!

>B-But it’s fun!

Gee I wonder what will happen to this thread.

I will bump it

Trump is a fucking joke and I'm sick and tired of Sup Forums.

But why is that wrong?
You may disagree as to whether that matters, but how is it wrong?

You'll reply to it, aiding in its continued existence, like a good retard.


>it has good atmosphere

You're right, I should support Israel like Sup Forums does.

You're just as retarded as me. Retard.

Great pol thread


>game has good gameplay
>game has great graphics
>game has amazing soundtrack
>game is still shit

>it's comfy

rip hollow knight.

Some games, like Dead Island, are just fun. Deal with it.

>opinions can be wrong
Sounds like typical Trump logic to me.

how come no political shit comes from threads with obama pics? or any other pics like bill?

>Game has everything but the first one

I really wanted to like Xenoblade Chronicles dammit. MMO combat deserves to burn in hell.

>hi, I just came here one year ago

Because they're not in office.


where do fags rank on the degeneracy destroying the west/western society/america/white people/white society scale?


Obama didn't shit talk his way to the oval office.

Our current president lives in controversy day in and day out.


The problem with the term "fun" is that it's a subjective, ever-changing, person-by-person variable that can't seriously be used in an objective discussion, because it's often used as a shield against criticism and hampers discussion at every turn.

>the game runs at 20 FPS, is broken, has multiple glitches, and isn't even finished yet. They held out the ending to sell it as DLC

You see it alot when it comes to FPS and RPG discussions, especially those made by EA and Square. Tons of flaws being ignored because, and I quote, "I'm having fun (tm)"

two scoops

Are you tired of winning yet? Holy shit, so much winning.

cuz they don't have Sup Forumstards shitting up the place.

>supports Israel
>calls them our greatest ally
>poltards still love him
good goyim

rather them then rapefugees shitskins