While playing this game, I came to realize why crossover games with a story do not blend well

While playing this game, I came to realize why crossover games with a story do not blend well.
>sluggish pace
>none of the characters are in interesting scenarios
>they all magically know each other
>average gameplay
This game is proof why not all crossovers need a complex story.

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none of them do

they should be pure gameplay, like Marvel vs. Capcom 2

MVC2 just had these implied relationships between the characters through just random background art, but didn't attempt any kind of storytelling

I'm sick of Crossover fighting games.

Are there even enough crossover games that exist for you to make this conclusion? Fighting/arena games don't count as the genre were never about the story.

>complex story.
Huh it's not complex at all

Crossover stories with this many characters never work. PxZ's appeal is more about characters interacting with each other than it is the actual plot.
that's no fighting game

>fighting game
Nigga, at least research before saying shit.

I meant in general I know what OP's game is.

At least it wasn't Namco x Capcom. That game gets tedious as fuck near the end. I wish the gameplay was a little more faster. Juggling enemies is not fun when you have to do it 50 times and maps are fuckton huge and there's not a guarantee that everybody dies in one round. Did the later games ever fix this?

am I the only one who disliked the pairs in this game compared to the first. In the first game they kept everyone pairing up with characters from their own franchise forcing great pairs like hsienko and frank

the second game had stuff like Strider and shinobi cause lol both ninjas

Will Bamco announced PxZ 3 on friday?
>director is gone
Fuck you! i still have hope!

The only reason PxZ2 was made is because of overseas sales. I don't think the miracle will happen twice user.

>they all magically know each other

Well yeah, this is the third game in the series.

We still don't know the west sales of PxZ2, they only revealed the PxZ1 sales when they announced PxZ2.

>No Shulk/Reyn pair with Dunban or Riki Solo
>Instead we got the boring ass dead waifu
Im still mad

namco x capcom
endless frontier
endless frontier exceed

Reminder that bayonetta was gonna be in PxZ2 but Kamiya had a fit about it and now regrets it.

Best intro.


At least he admits it was a mistake.

>they all magically know each other
Funny how you list that as a flaw while posting about Project X Zone 2, when it actually has the best use of that.
>all the Sega characters in your party give props to Segata Sanshiro
Feels good, man.

Everyone knows each other because all the Namco crossovers take place in the same universe

They know each other if they're from the same series/company because why waste time with so many introductions.
The game is worth playing just for the fanservice alone, but don't try to rush those missions or you'll get bored quickly.

The first X zone did not fix it. The second is marginally better, but not enough to matter.
The games are only good for fanservice. The actual gameplay is not great.

That's a massive understatement. The PxZ was a massive fucking slogfest, and while PxZ2 isn't exactly fast-paced, at least I didn't want to shoot myself after spending a few days clearing it.

You're much stronger than me if you actually finished PxZ. Bravo to your persistance you absolute madman.

I don't think 2's sales are going to turn out as well.
1 came out very early in the 3DS's life, when there weren't that many good games for it. Factor in that a lot of people who bought 1 didn't like it, and the odds for 2 having good sales aren't high.

>Playing PxZ 1
>All those reinforcements that make SRW J shy
>Literal maps filled with enemies
>Slow enemy animations
>Truckloads of HP

Say what you want about 2 going too far in the opposite direction. But holy fuck it needed to at least you can actually kill shit with ease.

>No Dante and Bayo banter
H-hopefully DMC x Bayo is a thing ever. It's very clear Kamiya's been trying to set up for it this whole time.

I liked how everyone automatically loved your pic related (forgot named) she even managed to make FUCKING VERGIL smile.

MC powers at work.

Kinda like how people make Chad jokes when Yu from Persona is in a game.

when will my wife return from the war

3rd Times the charm right guys? Also if it's guaranteed good who do you want to be added?

I want Trish/Lady and Akko/Ryuko

I want megaman zero ciel equipped with biometal z (she must have tested it on someone, not?) Team up with megaman x zero while doing her best to keep her mouth shut about the future

Bayonetta and Jeanne.
Rodin as solo.

>Someone who actually remembers ZX and Biometals

Vent and Aile or Ashe and Grey.

And another Darkstalker pair. Maybe without Morrigan this time.

I just want muh Rent a Hero in a game. Solo unit or Paired I don't really mind.

Megaman.EXE and Protoman.EXE


>>they all magically know each other

Gee I wonder why?

Are we talking the actual programs or that one time The Navis and the humans fused?

I want presea and klonoa on a team
and a fucking sonic character.
maybe throw in some digimon too but that's just a dream.

That was only in the anime.
I like their regular designs better, anyway.

Fuck Phoenix Wright being the first ever and only dual ASSIST. I WANTED HIM PLAYABLE

I don't know why they keep throwing Darkstalkers characters in this shit. Yeah, let's take characters from a series known for fast-paced action and dynamic animation and stick them in an RPG with lots of still portraits over dialogue and menu-driven turn-based battles. Totally works.

I want to add the company that made odin sphere and muramasa (i think atlus own them? And that would mean sega owns them by default) so we can have characters from those games.

>Everyones bent up about how it's a sequel so they fucking should know each other
>No one even noticed that he called the gameplay average.
Average gameplay implies it can hold the interest of a normie such as myself to the final stage.

You're just pressing a button and watching a long animation either way, my dude.

You just can't stand it that a modern game has more than 2 hours of story

You fool, a f he was "playable" then we wouldn't have get all those funny banters with everyone.

I would rather have Megaman.EXE and Megaman Starforce, just for the "dude, you look like me, im the real Megaman".

With Lan also being their together with Megaman.EXE because "time/space/reality warping shenanigans" that these crossover games do.

I want lucina to return because her pxz version is unironically the best Lucina ever, also ditch chrom because that would mean lucina has nothing to hold back her dangerous impulses.

>lan just pulls a pokemon trainer and stands in the back furiously jamming battlechips into the P.E.T. every time you put in a move.
I could dig it.

>>they all magically know each other
user, there are literally TWO games before this one.

That's because the game pretty average. It's basically
>wait for crit window
>wait for crit window
Maybe mixing up some cross attacks and what not.

It would be funny to see Lan standingi n the background like the Pokemon Trainer in Brawl, just frantically swapping out battlechips.

I just wanted to see who they would pair him up with and have him with 2 special attacks animations. My whole was to watch him do more funny things, and i love the sprite work in these games

They could have still had it so that when 2 units assist eachother in the same battle, they can also communicate post-fight. It would add alot more variety in diagloue. Considering how drawn out the chapters were, you would end up seeing almost all the battle interactions half way through the game

How good are 3DS emulators? Can they run this game?


Im glad im not the only one. Thats the exact same vision i got. Also pullig some references from BN, like throwing his PET

If they make a Switch game, should they stick to sprites again or maybe go 3D?

I was expecting her to become the buttmonkey of flat jokes, not the fangirl with dangerous lewd impulses.

I completely forgot Chrom, Lucina, and Tiki are in this game.

>not liking best dad
Whoever the writers were for this game should just do the writing for all of Fire Emblem, and i would buy all of them. They managed make both Chrom and Lucina from bland as fuck to actually lively and interesting.

Sprites are charming and lovely. But as long as they're good, I wouldn't mind 3d models.

What's EXE supermove? Does he spam cycle the best forms or spam the Dark Chips?

I don't like chrom becuase he is holding back lucina, is funny to see him drop his spaghetti but i want lucina to go all out.

It would be the life sword for ultimate meta.

>Hating Chrom's dad jokes and him putting his foot down like a real dad.

Lucina wanting to try out Estelle's Enchanting Belle outfit was hilarious because of Chrom.


Probably Hub.bat, sync with Lan to make a super charged shot. Or summon his friend Netnavis like Guts/Roll/Proto/Glide

Or it could be one of the Program Advances, like the one with Protoman and him rush the enemy with buster shots and sword slices

She holding hands with estelle was lewd.

For single target I was thinking either hub.bat or crossfusion, but neither of those are really visually distinct. Beast out followed by a Program Advance is probably the most likely since it's OP as shit and very flashy.
For multiple mooks he just uses Gater.

I dunno what Geo Stellar would be doing while all this is happening, but noise forms are probably involved.

I want God Hand Gene with Elvis as parther.

Remember that Operation Shooting Star is a thing, and both Megaman and Geo had a special Program Advance together. That could be some source material

Do you have pics of that? I realized i literally never saw stuff of that game.

The game was a bit awkward at the start, but the more I played, the more I was hooked. Combat isn't that well explained, but once it clicks, it's great. The nonstop bantz in the later chapters are amazing.

Hese are all the games PAs
It was Geo and Megaman shooting up the enemy field with Omega slicing and dicing at the same time and then a triple sword slash by all 3 of them

>no interesting scenarios
>all get teleported to Valkyries homeland amusement park
>journey togeher in a fucking time space travelling RV with a built in arcade and a microwave
>they go to a fucking courtroom, and then proceed to get drunk in the after party
>hot springs shenanigans

>they all know eachother
>literally gets mentioned several times that they all met in the previous game, and the one before that.

I'll give you sluggish pace and mediocre gameplay.

>That time Bruce Willis got into an anime SRPG

What can they change up for the third game? Make it like a hybrid SRPG with 2D Tales combat, but every attack works on a meter system or you have a battle timer?

>tfw he didn't make the cut in PxZ2
RIP anime Bruce Willis. You were too good for us.

Also he had some fun games.

RIP classic 3D arcade games. And arcade games in general. And arcades.


Should have paired him up with Frank West. They kinda toned down on bringing in regular ol' human characters in 2. Phoenix and Maya actually end up getting magic 4th wall breaking powers thanks to Morrigan