Am I right gamers?

Am I right gamers?



Is this the ideal NeoGAF game?

How dare you repost a bait thread I reposted

Why did Wolfenstein buttblast Sup Forums so hard again? I completely ignored all those threads and I dont know if there's a problem with the game or if it's just whiny faggotry

You forgot about Bioware's gender representation.

viral marketing making up false drama

Imagine having such deeply rooted hatred for a political movement that existed 55 years before you were even born that you just have to bring it up in relation to everything you do in life. Even video games.

It's whiny faggotry.

Sup Forumstards being triggered about nazis being bad, nothing new there

this is fucking wrong on so many levels please leave

it was a bad game, a complete downgrade from the previous, played it in the free weekend and finished the same day, feels like Deus EX MD where they cut half the plot for a future game/expansion, so many plot-holes that you have to wonder if its made out of swiss cheese and poor writing, seriously if you watched the trailers and gameplay teasers you watched 60% of the game. not to mention half of the game it's cutscenes and idle areas.
i can't justify paying 50% price for it, much less full price

haha I want a game where I can punch Drumpf too

>game is shit

I'm not that user, but what exactly makes Wolfenstein shit? I never played it and haven't been paying that much attention so I'm genuinely curious.

fallout "story" telling... oh boy, you are retarded
no mans skys "exploratioN"... oh boy, did you fall down the stair or something
skyrims "immersion" (bugs everywhere and very stereotype landscape)... oh boy, you making it too easy
punching nazis... mhhh ja, selling to american islanders who need their ego boost hard... it was never easier to wipe any sense and meaning from a game, just add the generic american island nazi hobo fantasy...

Please make the game. It might have success, like final fantasy 7 or 15, or kingdom hearts... bullshit sells, the masses are dumb as fuck, and the masses will pay you...

bread brain gaming, make the company and cadence into your capitalism success...



umm no sweetie, go back to Sup Forums

this is NeoGAF territory now.

Obviously the image is a joke, are you on the spectrum?

Yeah OP! Remember to #resist

Yeah because there totally wasn't massive Sup Forums-butthurt.
>T-t-they are saying people should kill trump supporters! N-nazi Germany wouldn't be so bad! F-f-fucking politicaly loaded game!
Because only in the mind of the Sup Forumsio victim is it politically loaded to fight nazis in videogames.

Sup Forums memes got a bit out of control recently and now they think killing Nazi's is leftist propaganda.

>are you on the spectrum?
of visible light?
pssshhh, I'm ultraviole(n)t

So that's a yes.

People hated it before it came out though.

i'm responding the the second portion of the comment.

Reminder that these people are allergic to lewd loli
Loli is the last chemo we have

user, this is about the Great Assblasting that happened long before anyone got to play Wolfie 2. Yes, the game is shit, but that's not what we're talking about.

u tried

Reminder that these kind of people are allergic to lewd loli

Trolls love loli though. It's Sup Forums that thinks it's degenerate.


Let's be honest, we'll never get rid of trolls they were here from the beginning. It's the newfags we need to worry about

>we'll never get rid of trolls they were here from the beginning
But that's what you're trying to do.

>this thread
I hope Hiro bans the States from accessing this place for a year on April fools.

>point out that marketing of the game is obviously tapping into current times and people's' hatred of what they perceive as modern day Nazis

This is why I hate this place. There's no room for reasonable discussion anymore because people are fucking caught up with shitposting other boards.

all that + Battlefront 2's lootbox system + Borderlands writing + Cinematic QTEs + managed by Randy Pitchford would literally be the perfect game

How about forever?

>Game that was always about killing Nazis comes out and has you killing Nazis
What's there to discuss?
>B-but they marketed towards soybois instead of me!
What exactly do you want to discuss?

>There's no room for reasonable discussion anymore because people are fucking caught up with shitposting other boards.
This was exactly the problem with Sup Forums's shitposting, yes.

the worst part is fallout 4

very embarassing todd

I hated it straight up from the concept that America would lose. It didn't help that the entire story was more or less trying to a be "get Trump out of office, him and his supporters are nazis." Im fine with nazi beating but just keep it in the classic style of what worked.

You know what? You're both right. I retract my statement.

Am I right comic book fans?

>I hated it straight up from the concept that America would lose.
That's been the premise since the last game.
>It didn't help that the entire story was more or less trying to a be "get Trump out of office, him and his supporters are nazis."
It was really just about killin' gnatsies.

>not even a cosplay of New 52 Supergirl or Spider-Gwen
You had one job and you went and fucked it up.

>the entire story was more or less trying to a be "get Trump out of office, him and his supporters are nazis."
imagine having a victim complex this bad
pls link the scene where it talks about trump?

>the entire story was more or less trying to a be "get Trump out of office, him and his supporters are nazis." Im fine with nazi beating but just keep it in the classic style of what worked.
The story was written years before Trump was elected, but it's okay. Our garbage American savior of the rich will be out of office soon enough, without the help of a video game.

Cause it was a bad game. People acted like the political commentary killed it because "alt-righters hate him!" However, in reality it was just a poorly level designed mess that wasn't fully executed on and diverged from the tone the game before it set.

Before you had a terrifying new world order you were fighting against using subversion, tactics, and losing comrades along the way who had lost their own in return.

The second decided to capitulate on that by making the whole game the baseball bat scene from Inglorious Basterds without the satire. On top of that, the characters have rarely lost anything and rarely lose anyone. They just have shitty defenses for how they survived and seemed to have never known sacrifice like the characters in the first game did (personalities completely change from the characters in the first who carry over).

Lastly, the wonder of getting to go to new places didn't have the same scope as the last game: "I'm on the motherfucking moon!" versus these spectacles that don't really vibe with anything you care about. The first game could show you have the desire to go to space influenced every aspect of the Nazi's manufactured culture, however the second game couldn't manage anything close to that amount of depth.

>an actual good post about the game
i thought i was on Sup Forums wtf

Wrong! The perfect game is:
>Henreader designed lolis
>Fortune Summoners combat
>Princess Maker style choices and multiple endings
>erogame sex scenes!

it's bad already

Who let the normalfags in?

Skyrim is a perfect example of Sup Forums's "everyone but us is wrong" brand of contrarianism, also there is literally nothing wrong with punching nazis

somebody should fiercly rape you up ass

>The story was written years before Trump was elected, but it's okay. Our garbage American savior of the rich will be out of office soon enough, without the help of a video game.

This is literally the most Sup Forumseddit post I've ever read.


Reddit loves Trump though. And those redditors come here to "spread the love".

>There are people ITT don't like loli
Pathetic election touritsts

No, they don't.

>reviewers lie through their teeth and give good scores, using words like "important" so they dont have to describe the game itself
>no one falls for it, most gamers roll their eyes
>game tanks
>Sup Forums is the one's that are triggered!!

powerful, and really makes me think

Lolis are for headpats and nothing else lewd

>He doesn't know about when r/thedonald shut down and everyone migrated here
There is not excuse for this level of newfaggotry

It shut down?

>Stupid ravioli-ravioli ironic weebs are ITT as well
Just nuke it already. Lolis are for full force mating press


Begone to facebook

Tewi is cute!

Lol most redditors like you loves the sell out old Jew and Hillary lol.

"White ass fascist Nazi pigs!!!!"

If you're going to push an anti-racist agenda, antagonizing another race is perhaps the worst way to go about it. It cheapens your attempt at a "message" and nobody will take you seriously

why do loli faggots, futa faggots, and trap faggots force their shit fetish everywhere
modern day furries

Go back to /r/politics.

short campaign comprised mostly of cut scenes with low replayability and no multiplayer. and that's before you even get onto the obvious political agenda

It's the last chemo. Won't stop until the last normalfag is gone

I die inside every time I see people repost this on facebook. Normies are the death of good video games.

>It didn't help that the entire story was more or less trying to a be "get Trump out of office, him and his supporters are nazis."

this is what happens when you let underage kids read Sup Forums

Fallout 4 has good storytelling? Did we play the same game? If you want good storytelling in a Fallout game, get some of that Fallout 2, my boy.

what kind of drugs have you shoved up your ass?
Yeah there are some normal people here too! would believe it?

I know the overlap between alt-right and autists is disproportionately high but that's what we neurotypicals call "a joke".

>Fallout 4's story telling


Probably whiny faggotry. Everyone outside of Sup Forums is at the very least pretty positive towards it.

is for Sex!

You couldn't find a Bethesda game to put under the exploration category? Let me check that Steam library, user...


>no man sky
I'm Todd and I'm offended as fuck. Kill yourself


...quite. I'm all for universal healthcare and I'm not a fan of guns. But if labelling everyone you disagree with "alt-right" works for you, then by all means.

Though I suspect it doesn't. Give it a try irl, see how far you get.

kys reddit

How about "reddit," that certainly fits.



whiter than you, mohammed

>perfect game
>no lolis
Who let facebook in?

Looool but desu I've seen worse. Nit evn gore is ebough but you think sone shitty weeb pics will make people leave? Weeeew laddy, /r9k/ on suicide watch.

This. In a decade its fans will look back on a game they thought they loved and cringe.

>user obviously having a stroke from looking at loli
It's working

Go on bro, your attempts r weak.