XBOX is dead

Bury it.

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Uh oh... What do we do now Xbros?

Is anyone really surprised?? Considering it takes the best possible hardware available to run it decently. Console processors probably won't even run it decently next gen.

Games trash anyway.

Microsoft doesn't make any profit from Xbox so why is it still around?

Same reason Sony Pictures is still around.


How did anyone with a brain expect it to run decently? The test server runs quite well on PC now but before this it struggled hard, the original map may still not run well and only the new one is optimized.

has nothing to do with what op posted.

geezus the shit flinging from sonybros is real

>Game hardly runs stable on PC for the longest time
>Runs like shit on Xbox

Wow color me fucking surprised.

>PUBG performs badly
should have been the entire title.

Look at this shit

Still better than 0 fps on ps4 sony cuck

Been playing all day I get consistent 40-50fps on xbone S...

That's entirely on the developers since PUBG is an ugly ass game at it's highest settings. If anyone else developed it, it could have ran on 7th gen systems.

I hate that so many idiots paid for an unfinished game. So many fucking stupid people in the world.

Death to XBoX
Death to Nintendo
Death to PC

For Sony I cry out in GLORY!!!

60 FPS

>chinese meme game designed to run on mongolian laptops ported to xbone
>consistent 40fps

Literally unplayable

>make a shitty port of a horribly optimized game and put it on a console with shitty hardware
>it runs like dogshit

>free dinners due to all the kids who are going to be playing this on Christmas night

Already a thread about it:

Halo 5 is better than this trash and Halo 5 is fucking garbage

spaghetti in pc, spaghetti on consoles.
No one but the developer of the game is to blame for this.

oh no no no no

It will still sell though :^) on steam & xbox.

>Crying about the spawn island frame rate
>100 players all in a tight location with guns and nades going off
>A location that doesn't matter at all how high or low the frame rate is

I mean come on just looking at the game you knew it wasn't going to run well on any console but complaining about the spawn island in any way is just silly.

Look at the time stamps and post numbers, nerd.

no shit, this game doesnt even get 60 fps on 2k computers. It's an unoptimized mess and they don't know how to fix it because it wasn't made properly from the start.

The fucking game performs badly on PC too. It's a shit overhyped game.

>og xbone literally, LITERALLY looks and runs like a vita game
this is even worse than i thought it would be

Jesus that's bad. People forget this is the stripped down version.

PUBG also performs badly on PC.

play halo, that's all we can do :(

> -and X

only if you have an intel CPU prior to coffee lake.
coffelake and ryzen are doing fine.

Imagine how far PUBG could have gone if the devs weren't incompetent and Brandon didn't get a swelled head after their initial success

Well, it actually does on the test server, it could be mostly the new map or the optimizations but a decent pc will never go below 95 FPS on the new map even on ultra. Most streamers now hover around 120-140, only when staring directly at the main city will it tickle below 100.

I've got a potato machine and I'm always over 60 now so It's pretty good, sure beats the 30-40 I was playing with.

Gunfight on xbox one

>shit devs that can't even make their game work properly on PC, even with millions upon millions of dollars from players and Tencent make a shit console port
>somehow anyone is surprised

Facts are shit flinging? Xbots are sad

>even on X

Having a controller always leads to more fun.

>Buying PUBG for Xbox
>Fortnite BR is free and a better game

Everyone who bought this pile of shit in Xbox needs to be banned from gaming for all eternity. Holy shit the stupidity

>constant 20fps is now an acceptable frame-rate to ship a game at.

The new map is much better in terms of optimization. Is that available on the xbox? And is it still

People seem to be having fun. Are you against fun, user?

>Buying an XboxOneX for that game
>It performs as bad as the OG xbox
>While there are F2P alternatives
>You lost 500 dollars

gayest gunfight in the west

this is horrible, I run at an average of 25fps on my shittop and i can barely stand it.
20fps on a console with controller its going to be horrible

>played with a controller

Why people whant to play this game on consoles?

b-but it's early access
they'll fix it eventually!

>implying the PS4 let alone the pro would be able run better
the game is optimized like shit on the PC why would in run any better on console?

It's a 12 minute video m8 that's not all on the island

>implying the PS4

>make a game that only chinks play
>release it on a console that only burgers buy

tip top kek


>the ground looks the same as in an ace combat game from ps2
>13 fps

Dont worry guys, on a couple of years the true next gen consoles would be out and this game would perform nicely.

My condolences to whoever bought a PS4 Pro or a Xbox X thinking things would be a lot different

>Fun with a 15 FPS game.

I love fun but don't be retarded

It might even could have been nearly as good as Arma 3 Battle Royale.

my 770, a nigh 5 yr old card, runs it fine

>Take one of the worst publishers in years
>Have them make a game for the worst console of this generation
>Expect a decent game

Oh I'm laffin'

Could this be the end of PUBG?
Even streamers on twitch are giving up on this game, they mostly play Fortnite or dont play BR games at all

Pubg is terrible, why does anybody enjoy playing it?

Who's laughing now retards? Now console niggers will know how it feels to get a shitty port.

But Sup Forums told me the xbox one X was going to make PC gaming obsolete

Everyone but China stopped playing PUBG.
It's only shitposters on Sup Forums that pretend that anyone still cares about this game

It's a very important point that goes towards the intelligence of those doing the review and whether or not their opinions or comments matter. The game was never going to and will never run great on consoles, not having common sense about simple situations is just silly.

My game sits around 90-110ish FPS at all times these days, I don't find the need to make comments when I sit on the spawn island and it drops to 55 when I stare at 98 other players because I have common sense.

Most powerful console EVER

Dont let reality ruin a good joke

Look at all the threads today, tonight and through the rest of the week. This place will be flooded with Xbox and PUBG threads.

It literally does not go above 30fps so you are full of shit

I've had vanilla Xbox for a long time, anyone think I can sell it and get a PS4 at least?

>on Sup Forums things that get released are discussed a lot around the release time

wow holy fucking shit user obviously we can catalog and analyze the board's tastes based on this and the data is in no way compromised by the current release climate

I'm trolling. I ordered it for my roommate since I have on PC. Oh well he will just have to deal

>The PUBG test server is the 4th most played game on steam

As man, I'm sure all 20 come owners were heart broken before they went back to halo and.....halo.

Obviously sell your console and try to get both PS4 and Switch

>I'm trolling
you really aren't

>99% are chinks and/or bots


If it's not a FIFA or Dudebro shooter it's trash

So how many actual people are playing?

>12 fucking FPS
>that resolution
come on man that's just sad

FPS is less important on console due to the smooth and slow movement of the controllers.

>Gunfight on xbox one
that's what shooter look like on consoles without extensive aim assist, basically look like garbage

All of them because it's the new map.

Normalfags will still eat this shit up they don't know any better. I've talked to people who unironically play ARK on the Xbone and that shit regularly drops into the teens.

>Implying there are any real Xboxfags on Sup Forums
I mean, PC, Nintendo, and Sony, I can see legit console warriors fighting for. But Xbox? Hell no. Nobody here unironically likes it unless it's the original.

Build a PC, you'll still all the Xbox, "exclusives" and better performance. Plus all the other PC benefits.

Are you legitimately retarded?

So all of the players are not Chinks?

What's your first language?

Playing against people this bad actually looks like it'd be fun

Can already tell this game is going to be full of people with XIM4s like Overwatch is.

Except you gotta play with pc fags

>Hey everyone Wichard Fwum Digital Foundry here
I love digitalfoundry but Richard's voice always makes me laugh.

>Unoptimized game that already runs shit runs even worse on a low tier PC console

>Except you gotta play with pc fags
Xboners already have to play many of their exclusives with PCfags as it is.

Xbone is basically windows pc as far as devving games go. If it runs on pc but shit on bone then the people who ported it are literal subhumans who somehow fucked up the impressive task of copy&paste.

This says more about pubg than microsoft.