3D-era Sonic games

What are the must-play 3D-era Sonic games?

Sonic Unleashed and Colors, unironically.

None of them are really must plays...


There are zero must play 3d Sonic games, and certainly not

Adventure 2

the best sonic game

Adventure 2, colors, generations

This. Anyone who says otherwise is a fucking retard.


Sonic and Secret Rings is the only good one.

Are there any texture mods to SA2b to make it not look like shit on PC? I'm about to jump in again, but I was looking around and didn't find anything, so I wanted to be sure.

None are very good. I've played a considerable amount of both Adventures and they're incredibly janky games. The engine/physics/gameplay doesn't have a solid foundation.

It's bizarre how Sega thoughts they held a candle to Nintendo's output. Mario 64 & OOT blow them out of the water. All they have is a "cool" factor because of the cinematic movements - which either barely work, or you have little to no control over.

They're almost cringeworthy.


"Must play" as in they are good or "Must play" to see how bad they are?

Seriously though why can't they make a truly great Sonic 3D game, is it because the formula doesn't translate well to 3D or are the devs incompetent hacks?

This unironically. I had a newfound appreciation for many early 3D games which had far more solid foundations than Adventure 1&2.

Castlevania 64, MegaMan Legends, Goemon, OOT, Mario 64, MGS - they completely demolish 3D Sonic games.

>incompetent hacks

That's the answer.

According to pcgamingwiki, the PC version is crap
>Visually identical to Gamecube for better and worse, but with downgrades: simplified fog, missing vertex lights and missing colored/moving lights

Hard to say really. They all change so much and most are janky as fuck so I can't really say one is good to start on.
I'd say just pick the gameplay style you think is the most interesting and start with the first game of that style.
So if you think the Adventure style looks fun, start with Adventure 1 and play up to Heroes. Heroes is a little bit different. It's based off one of the styles in Adventure but with a big twist.
If you think boost looks fun start with unleashed and play up to Generations. If you're not enjoying Unleashed or Colors skip to Generations. It's the best of the three.
I wouldn't bother with Forces. It's not on the same level as something like 06 but there's nothing it does the other three don't do better. It's just a "bleh" game.
Don't play Shadow, 06 or the storybook games. They're just bad. 06 is fun to laugh at but it's more fun to watch other people suffer through it than play it yourself.

Incompetent hacks.
Sega is just really bad at managing the series.

this is about right

>are the devs incompetent hacks?
Yes. Also most of the actual talent from Sonic Team typically move on to other development teams within Sega or at other publishers within a couple games, because who the fuck wants to get stuck working on Sonic games if you actually harbor some semblance of competence?

Basically Sonic Team is Sega's newbie central, since Sonic tends to sell decently no matter what, so there's no real risk. This is why Sonic Forces' main level designers were completely new hires that had never even worked on a Sonic game before.

Then that makes me think about another question, what do people expect from 3D Sonic?

>what do people expect from 3D Sonic?
Now? Mediocrity.

Nobody knows what to expect. There's many different opinions on what they think Sonic Team should do though.
You got boostfags, adventurefags, utopiafags, even lostworldfags.
Change the series so much and you're gonna get splinters in the fanbase.

Something that is just "good". Generations was the last one that had this, then came Lost World which was average at best and now we have had shit for 3D sonic. It's pretty bad the last good sonic game in general was made by fans.

This identity crisis could be due to them not knowing what Sonic's deal was about when they first transitioned to 3D. Mario went the collectathon route with 64 and that cemented his games for a good while until they returned to the "get to the end of the course" gameplay the 2D ones had.

In my opinion Sonic never got a 3D identity and has been trying to see what sticks and failing miserably every time.

Generations was fun but the fact that boost makes you invincible really brings it down to me, classic was fun though.

not a single good 3D sonic exists

I have like 3000 hours in SA2 and the PC port looks fine to me. I know some colors of Chaos aren't the right colr but that's all I've noticed/ know about

They did, SA2 exists.

>s it because the formula doesn't translate well to 3D
Sonic works betteri n 3d then 2d because you can see shit ahead of you