Why can't nips think up a good pantheon of deities? It's either uguu anime shit or bunch of nobodies that don't do anything godly at all like Shit Souls.
Why can't nips think up a good pantheon of deities...
because most if not all of japanese media that isn't uguu anime weeb shit is literally western stuff\history on steroids
they're unable to make interesting things themselves so they just straight up copy western shit
it's a sad truth, but a truth nonetheless
>inb4 weeb apologists
So gooks are incapable of putting original thought without copying? Fuck it can't be THAT hard to make aspects like knowledge and fate into something like Hermaeus Mora or carnage, change and ambition with Merunes Dagon.
>Why can't nips think up a good pantheon of deities
Because bing bing wahoo doesn't need a pantheon of deities? Are you autistic?
This thread isn't targeted towards bing bing wahoo you fucking moron. Those gook "rpg's".
I read a manga whose MC is basically Poirot-like professor doing Indiana Jones level of adventures, except more focused on Japanese mythology, and not in uguu style, so it's not like it doesn't exist, there is just not much interest where it matters.
>lets take the best of the west and mix it with our disgusting shit tier mythology
>it works!11!
fuck japan
>disgusting shit tier mythology
user, 90% of Greek mythology happened because their gods are too horny for their good, Roman mythology is second hand Greek mythology, and Nordic one is hella creepy. Japanese mythology is hardly the best, but it sure as hell ain't the worst either.
How the fuck is Nordic creepy? They seem like really nice gods because Odin himself fist fucked all the ice giants picking on mankind.
fuck off weeb
>muh nagas
disgusting piece of shit
I didn't read much in detail, but Odin being associated closely with death, Valkyries killing warriors so they can serve gods in afterlife, evenly separated between Odin and Freyja, etc. It's presented more as a warrior mythology, as opposed to a more varied mythology of other lands. It doesn't help that everything Nordic is always represented with depressing, cold colors.
Nagas? I see someone is heavily projecting here.
Naga is from hindu mythology, not Japanese shinto.
how do you know?
weeb detected
Why even worry about that when most normies are so retarded they don't know a fraction of those Daedric princes and what they do. Probably don't even know who Alkosh, Auri-el, Orkey, S'tun and zhun are without the alessian names.
>Op's pic is daedric princes
>can't talk about their source material
What's it like having severe autism?
>Dying to serve the gods in battle to prevent the end of the world is creepy
i dont know, you tell me
how's knowing literally everything from a videogame treating you, user?
scored some chicks yet?
maybe they're into molag bal as much as you are :^)
Because taking this shit seriously is fucking gay lol
Did anyone actually give an example of good or bad or is it dicksucking over and over?
I want to FUCK Peryite, goddamn.
Don't they just use the Shinto gods in most media.
Stop being a furfag.