What games have the best forest areas?
What games have the best forest areas?
Other urls found in this thread:
>skyrim will never match what people make it look like with good gameplay
>what people make it look like actually hinders the already shit gameplay
all the enbs only look good in still screenshots
they make you want to puke in motion
sounds like a load of puke to me
That's bullshit user, there thousands of ENBs, it's pretty much impossible to find one that doesnt fit your tastes
I prefer the one that doesn't look lile a PS1 game
I've spent more time trying to find them than I have enjoying any
The Witcher 3, the north-eastern area of Novigrad
they're never consistently good
they'll completely shit themselves and fuck up just between lighting inside and lighting outside
your moms pussy
there needs no be a separate board for tweens and toddlers
Turn off motionblur/DoF if you are getting that.
Unironically Skyrim
ff11 had some nice forests
This vid always exposes some salty ass sony bitches
Comfy as fuck
The Forest, seriously!
no pun intended but The Forest has a very well designed thick forest
this and Shaded Woods
actually agree
the southwestern portion of the map in horizon is really pretty and fun to explore
also too many fags in this thread dunno the diff between a forest and a jungle
TheHunter has some pretty decent forests imo
probably because it's so disingenuous, using unreleased beta footage for horizon
Everyone knows that's not what the final release looked like
yeah it looked like this
more unreleased alpha or beta gameplay, only a Sup Forumstard would believe that's real
No. That was from a guy who got the game a few days early and streamed it.
Because it wasn't the final release, hence an unfinished version. Got anything else, champ?