ITT: Buyer's remorse
Hard mode: No mainstream games that you know Sup Forums likes (witcher 3, dark souls etc)
ITT: Buyer's remorse
Hard mode: No mainstream games that you know Sup Forums likes (witcher 3, dark souls etc)
Uh kotor was mainstream as fuck in the 2000s
fuck you Sup Forums
Putrid taste OP.
Are you kidding me? I fucking hate Star Wars, but the Jedi Knight series, Galactic Battlegrounds, Shadows of the Empire and motherfucking KOTOR series are all really good. KOTOR especially, how can you not like KOTOR?
>688 hrs on record
Yeah you really seem like you hated it user
>quitting before even getting your lightsaber
smdh senpai
Stardew Valley
Witcher 2
L4D 2
I also love xwing dark forces super rebel assault
I also liked yoda stories but I am probably the only one
homo alert
kotor 1 is inferior to kotor 2 in every way imaginable.
casual filter ftw
Yeah but that doesn't mean KOTOR 1 isn't great.
not even because its bad.
its because its too hard. sure call me a casual i dont give a fuck. i dont have the patience to be fucking playing games like this anymore
guild wars 2
meant to reply to op
I bought one of those. Holy shit was that a mistake.
To be fair most of the games that I end up buying and turn out to not enjoy I get for pretty cheap anyway, but Sleeping Dogs was absolute trash even though from what I remember it had some good reviews at the time.
Knights of the Old Republic.
Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.
Killing Floor.
Battlefield 1.
Titanfall 2.
Devil May Cry 2.
Dragon Age: Origins.
The whole game's broken easy. Are you retarded?
I should have played KOTOR 1 after 2.
The way it is now I was pissed off at the simplicity of 1s story and too tired to enjoy the gameplay in 2.
Playing 1 before 2 gets you nothing, Revan as a complete mystery would have made 1 more interesting, especially when knowing the twist already. The 3 interactions that depend on knowing Kotor 1 are fucking laughable and not worth the effort, due to my combination of choices for Revans past I haven't even seen a single one.
I felt that same way about single player games in genera, now after all these years of playing multiplayer games almost exclusively, I'm starting to only want to play single player stuff that asks you to invest time into either to git gud or just as a drawn-out time investing game. Maybe you'll come around too later on.
I bought AC: Origins. I played 3 hours and dropped it like an unwanted infant. I have never liked an AC game in my life and I bought it for sixty-motherfucking-dollars. I should be incinerated for my stupidity.
I'm just gonna disqualify myself from posting the early access games I bought and that got abandoned, those are too free
not a bad game by any means, i just didn't enjoy it as much as i thought i would.
>v told you these were good
I think you're am idiot
Shit taste
I refund most of the games I don't like, but this was like a dollar so it wasn't worth the effort.
I bought a wii u.
are you confused? this is a buyers remorse thread, not a games Sup Forums told you were good thread.
Accept you're poor taste
>Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.
That game has so much content
But all of it is meaningless and boring
How do you fuck up this bad? Is it true that it was originally supposed to be an MMO?
So many Spanish 12 year olds with headsets.
Very funny, but while I'm not OP, I genuinely do regret buying KotOR on Steam. Not because of anything that the game might have done wrong, but because I couldn't even run it. Double-clicking the application on Steam did nothing.
I bought a Wii U because my friend told me he could softmod it for me.
He then stole it.
>Devil May Cry 2.
Not like anyone recommended it
Do you get banned from verbally fan-ficcing them what would happen if they were a cabin boy on one of those ships during rum night?
>falling for Sup Forumsintendos memes
Bet you bought a Wii U too kek
HARD pass
Get on my level newfags
Piratey RP would be bearable. Might even be fun when you're drunk. Not blasting Spanish rap through a shitty potato mic.
t-that's not important
No. I actually was thinking about buying one instead of a switch but it's ridiculously hard to find them for less than 300€.
Yep. It's legit the worst game I've ever played. Broken easy. So broken easy.
I played it day one. Idiot.
::makes comically exaggerated jerking off motion::
My friends have said some pretty heinous shit to people in Blackwake and haven't been banned yet
The only thing this game needs is for the kick function to actually work. You can mute spammers but if someone is actively teamkilling you and you kick him he can immediately rejoin with no penalty. Getting the aforementioned 12 year olds to vote yes is a nightmare too.
I'm a grown ass man
I can play whatever i want Sup Forums
Sometimes stomping children in a video game is the only way i'm having fun.
that game sucks dick
why would you buy any of that garbage in the first place KOTOR is actually very good but you have fucking no taste at all if you spent money on Stardew valley and overwatch, games you should have been able to tell are nu male garbage at a quick glance
Yes, you could say I am suffering some remorse for my purchase.
Most of these hours where from co-op
Played like 35 mins of story
that game has co op?
Its mainly community made minigames
Think its called snap maps in game don't remember
I was looking for something sort of like a SWAT 4 game but top down. It's not really that at all.
I played kotor 2 first.
kotor 2 should have been the first game for sure.
I'm sorry, Sup Forums.
I just don't get the appeal.
Neptunia reuses more assets than any Bethesda game. At least Bethesda tries to hide it, in Neptunia it's so blatant it's embarrassing.
cringy ass game
Cuphead is fun, but the fucking bosses where you need to keep moving on platforms or else you die is garbage boss design.
Not only that, but literally praying for bosses to have the right 1st phase so I can just not get hit by unfairness isnt really fun. Plus all the bosses are almost exactly the same
>first phase can be 1 of 3 things
>first phase ranges from really piss easy to really hard
>second phase is most fun, because its the most unique
>last phase just gives free infinite parries because why not give me ez mode
isn't the gunplay pretty good?
I'm tired of games where the characters say shit like 'oh stop putting your hands all over my tits' and there is nothing on screen that indicates this is happening.
A machine for pigs
theres probably more give me some time to think
Styx MoS.
Not because it’s bad, only because I never got around to getting a decent PC
Sup Forums is almost always wrong
I feel the same way. I spent more time in the character creator than playing the actual game.
I know this is bait but I'm still replying to it, good one.
Any game that you can get for free should be buyer's remorse unless you're a fucking retard that wants to be poorer because the industry has guilt tripped him into 'helping' developers.
I agree OP, games fucking boring
>he quit stalker after an hour
LOL it doesn't get good until about the third hour
fuck you guy who told me it was like dark souls
it's a hot steaming pile of shit
Old Tf fag here, game has kinda sucked since 2014
>YWN experience L4D2 release day ever again.
Fun fucking times.
it is bait
I got my fill of l4d and tf2 on the 360
played through stalker via gog
eye didn't really work on my old pc and I never went back to it
I do however just hate rts games and I don't know why I thought rome would be any different
>you can't survive by staying still
>garbage boss design!!
I accidentally bought 10$ worth of Playstation All-Stars DLC.
Those 10$ are the first thing I think about whenever the game is mentioned.
Final Fantasy 8, I was enjoying FF7 at the time and I got so caught up in the fun I bought FF8 to play right after.
Then I got to that temple place and I suddenly lost all momentum, dropped FF7, and never picked it back up.
Skyrim and Fallout 3 exist on my shelf, unbeaten.
I don't remember what I bought them for, I don't really regret buying them, they're just there.
>Titanfall 2
This has to be bait. May I ask why you didn't liked it?
Its pretty much entirely the combat. I had been looking for a game that played like this for a long time so naturally i dumped 400 hours into it.
I'm with you on that, if only because of how much of a pain it is to get it work well on a modern PC. I've tried 2 methods of running the game in wide screen and both have broken the game to the point where I can't even get past the prologue. Shit like soft locks on dialogue, losing my movement control but still have access to other controls on my keyboard, alt tabbing back into the game not even working. KOTOR 2 is as simple as downloading 1 workshop mod and it works perfectly.
>Losing movement control
Turn off/on vsync. Whichever you have set, switch it to the other one. Not being able to move inexplicably is a common bug and that solves it for some reason.
Christ. This is almost as bad as Battlefront 2 not working if you don't have something plugged into your audio port.
I beat this game for the first time on my tablet because i was able to play in bed before i went to sleep every night. It controlled like shit (obviously) and the turret sections between planets was a nightmare but overall it was pretty fun.
Every guild quest is a fetch quest. Also, horrendous combat system.
I like alien games, but I completely forgot I had this and forgot to refund it.
And also, Pokken and XCX on the Wii U.
Only played skyward sword, and Aria and Dawn of Sorrow...