HERE COMES A NEW WHORE!! Also Hunie Pop thread

This bitch seems to have things as bad as Audrey too. What are your thoughts Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck I misspelled "pot".

She's not a new char. It's her

Thanks for the sex, homie.


"Ex-porn star" isn't an occupation

It's an improvement honestly

Holy fuck my dick

Bitch deserved it.

Fucking nice, can't wait to see how her daughter turned out

I'm an ex-con and that's my occupation for the rest of my life.

Post plane crasher

>age: 38
>has the same generic moeblob anime face as a 15 year old high school student would

also this:

What'd you do to get locked up?

holy fucking shit

So this game takes place 2 years later I suppose. Wonder if we'll get updates on all of them

He cracked Denuvo

Aggravated assault.

Holy human shit how did I not notice.

Jesus now I really hope Audrey is doing better.

Release when?


Its for character building. Granted sure its for like a porn game but still its for nerds who care about that sort of shit.

So they're making a new Hunie Pop that isn't garbage?

What am I supposed to do with this info?

Airport security

So is this continuing from the first game?

Would wife so hard

>ex porn star

True to life

>Airport security

Did they deserve it?


Why are repressed Muslims so goddamn hot?

They deserved to be put in their place for sure, but I took it way over the line.

Is this a new game or the clicker?

Violence is never the answer.
It's the question. The answer is yes.

New game

One (1) sex scene per character.

Why bother?


Everyone gets one chance to live within the law. Fuck that up, and the law stops protecting you from criminals and starts protecting everyone else from you.

And that doesn't end just because you served your sentence, either. Nothing personal, but for any law other than the law of the jungle to exist, this has to be done... and jungle law doesn't include internet.

>Airport Security

Because you has a hate-boner for them.

It's pretty obvious that to americans that is thing. It's the same reason why Mia Kalifa is popular, the forbidden fruit appeal

Did you actually take it over the line or do you just think that because it's what the law says.

I don't mind big tits, but it's lazy these are the same size as Jessie's when they are supposed to be smaller

I barely ducked attempted murder.

Sounds like the law is fucking stupid and needs to be reworked.

Nope everyone is covered by the law. even criminals.


>that one girl who's hobby is "babysitting"

The first game.

Criminals are still covered by the law. The only ones not covered are illegal aliens, and even they are protected in some areas.

no one knows, user. no one knows.


Jungle law is real. All other laws, including freedom of speech, are imaginary and only exist as long as they are backed up with lethal force.

Hate all you want, but the world is a better place for having imaginary laws, and the civilizations built out of them.

Please tell me you didn't stab him/her/them, just fists right?

wtf I love islam now

Fists are a lethal weapon.

Dev confirmed retarded

Wait, there is a part 2 coming out? I actually had fun with the first one. I'll probably still be to embarrassed to buy the second one though.

Stop with the bread crumbs, gimme the full story.
Why did you beat the other person up, and how much you did?

>its okay because they're wearing burkas

>Amanda Berning will voice her again.

Can you just greentext the whole even so this back and forth can stop?
Also, how's prison food?

because non repressed whores arent

>Porn stars don't get royalties from shit they feature on
not millions, but enough to live a confortable, simple life.

The trick user is to say offensive shit or make them salty as fuck to the point they feel like lunging at you

Then you got an excuse to self defense

are the devs One of us

1. what race are you
2. who did you attack and why (who was the victim to you)
3. what race and gender was the victim

One day brother we will salvage the female population of Islam and make them our wives.

>pink fairy confirmed for next game
Best timeline

>bringing race into this

I'm a white dude. My brother in law roughed up my sister. I punched him a lot more than I needed to. Super simple stuff. Also the prison food I had wasn't bad.

For once I agree with a frogposter

So it was justified.


As an honest tax paying civilian, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

That's a pretty damn good reason if you ask me.

Whats shaking, bacon?

Her smile and optimism: gone.

dev said jessie was way bigger

>An old washed up depressed alcoholic
Damn she's perfect
>tfw when no waifu who I can drink away my depression with

>looks like a high school student
What is make-up and surgery?

Lmfao I hope your sister didn't cry and go STOOOOP and then end up just going back to him anyway. At least you didn't get Sonny Corleone'd

I watch those shows like 60 Days In and I have to wonder, was settling in to the prison environment easy or hard for you? If that's the story you told your fellow inmates, I assume that they accepted you for the most part?


Not sure if i should feel sorry for Jessie.


that's way past christmas cake

It's that age where a woman is desperate to settle down with somebody if they don't have anybody. That's where I swoop in.


Where the fuck is Aubrey, though? Her voice got me hard because I liked the idea of her bitchiness being tamed by my dick and her tsundere nature

Cougar Status

>My brother in law roughed up my sister. I punched him a lot more than I needed to
so you literally did nothing wrong

As far as motives go that's one of the better ones I guess.

No one tell her I've been pounding her daughter every chance I get.

Also I'd love for a 3sum between Tiffany and Audryd.

For me and my family yes. Which is why I'm not really in the worst position now because my family is supportive.

It was a pretty jarring culture shock initially, but I didn't run into a ton of trouble inside. Most of the guys in there either didn't care about me at all or just treated me like some kind of tourist. The guys who knew why I was there pretty much always said the same thing; that they'd do it too.

looks like 2 audrey's in this game

Why do all the girls look trashy as fuck? The muslim is the only one that doesn't so far

It's the same deal as catholic schoolgirls or virgins. They put on an air of purity that makes you want to defile them.

How did her and best girl become friends? They're total opposites.

loved her in Hunie1, a bit of a letdown with her new design but she looks still lovable.

because it's full of white women

>ex-porn star

throw her in the trash