If Valve ended up selling the Half Life ip to another company, who would you want to have it...

If Valve ended up selling the Half Life ip to another company, who would you want to have it? I think I would like to see what id software would do with Half Life.

Open world game with lab building

no thanks.

id rather have it die than valve not make it

Some young, hopeful company with some success on their belt willing to honor the lore but also willing to take risks in gameplay/narrative

Retro Studios could probably work wonders with it.

What about Gearbox? They made Opp Forces right?

What if EA buys it?

Crowbar Collective :^)

Probably EA or Ubisoft. Can't decide.


Unironically also this, but give them enough money to work on it full time and competent management.

And put the guy who did MINERVA Metastasis as the lead designer.

Gearbox doesn't really have a good track record aside from the half life expansions they did and Borderlands. Everything else they do isn't really good. Battleborn was a flop and they did a terrible job with Colonial Marines.

Why? Valve releases nothing but shit now.
L4D2, DOTA2, Portal 2, all garbage.


Anyone who thinks half life would be a "killer app" is deluded. Only retarded mustards suck this series's dick this hard.

>wanting to see the half-life IP get raped
I'd prefer if it just stays dead.


>half life with executions and wub wub music
please no

You just watched the Jimquisition didn’t you?

EA. Let BioWare handle it.

Night Dive Studios

Respawn Entertainment

EA would buy it and make the crowbar a pre-order exclusive

He's going to say what people want to hear.

Naughty Dog was interested some time ago and I do feel it would work out with them.

The devs that made the riddick games.


Throw another log on the pile, I want to watch it all burn.

Stop user, you are scaring me.

Naughty Dog offered, and I honestly think that'd be a great choice. I think they'd have enough respect to stick to Half-Life's style in regards to maintaining player control and keeping Gordon silent. Uncharted and TLoU are both excellent despite what Sup Forums says. They'd be a fantastic fit.

Arkane would by my second choice, they'd probably make a rougher but more interesting game than whatever Naughty Dog would end up making.

Machine Games would be decent too, but they're Swedish and would get too weird with it, probably adding some SJW stuff. Plus they're not that good of a studio so we'd most likely end up with a worse game than HL 1 and 2.

shit man, that's a good idea right there.

Why? For what have done with all Uncharted and The Last of Us games we can easily asume they would make amazing HL title.

yea like half life 2 didn't feel enough like a movie , i'm sure fucking uncharted shit developers would make it less-movie

Most people on Sup Forums are PC-only/nintentoddlers who have literally never touched a Naughty Dog game.

come on Sup Forums, I thought you got over this after Laidlaw's fanfic thingie, let this shit go for fucks sake, why do you still keep making daily threads about this???

Before that I'd like to see how would ND even create a FPS, since I don't think I'd want a game that was FPS to suddenly go TPS just because the studio is know for them. Also I want to see how they would make their games without scripted setpieces that take your controls away, since part of the charm of the original HL was that even with all that cutscene shit they never took your controls away (at least not in HL1, in HL2 they did it like what, 4-6 times over the course of HL2-HL2:E2?)

I only really give a shit about Nintendo and that's only because of a couple of flagship games they put out. I guess they wouldn't be suited for this, unless perhaps they get the Metroid Prime guys to do it. I've played neither Half-Life nor Metroid.