"fortnite is better than pubg"

Why does Sup Forums say this?

I've just got pubg (on xbone, no hate) and it is MUCH better.

Other urls found in this thread:


whatever flows your boat fuckin bigot

>better map
>better combat
>more items and customization
>no gay cartoon art style
>no dumb building mechanic to muddy the focus of the game

>better combat

Yeah this is the main point, the gunplay is infinitely better.

Fortnite is fun but it just can't hook me like PUBG.

PUBG has its problems with gunplay, but Fortnite feels a million times worse. They can't tell if they want to make it a precise shooting game or a more arcadey one. So you have guns that are just a million times better than any other gun. At least in PUBG when you get a sniper, you still can't kill anyone in one shot unless you get a headshot so it's not that OP when someone got lucky.

both shit. dont waste money.


It's literally just pic related butthurt the biggest game this gen is a pc/microsoft exclusive again (same thing happened with minecraft)

fortnite has no vehicles nuff said

got it. never played it before. looks and plays like absolute shit, and i mean absolute shit, but it's fun and might be the best game i've played in a long time
just can't get over how fucking shitty it is

Their both shit, but Fortnite is at least free

It's free so all the 3rd world cockroaches/kids who can't buy their own games praise it

a lot of Sup Forums wants gaming to be their super secret club so whenever something gets popular they hate it, especially if it's a game they're bad at

i paid 20 or 30 bucks for it on xbox

I like fortnite a lot but haven’t tried tried PUBG. I think I’ll have to download the trial or whatever on xboner and just see how it is

he means fortnite


I dont know but the deceiver says it flippin' sucks, dude.

So play fortnite? The pubg game mode is free

I watched 1 match on xbox and holy shit it looks bad.
>It takes like half an hour to loot
>30fps dips constantly
>aiming with a controller
Im not some pc master race faggot but i dont understand why you would play a game like this on console

Fortnite got like 13 million players in its first weekend so it’s obviously better

Most of Sup Forums is filled with 3rd worlder hues and ruskies who have potato tier computers and don't have money

No one was really talking it down in this thread though. You're just flinging shit to get replies

I prefer Fortnite where the women are thicc.

PUGB are pussy removing pussies

Why would anyone want to waste their time walking for half an hour only to get shot by some guy who you never could have seen?

It's got a lot of strategy to it.

>b-b-but it doesn't

That's the reason you're getting sneakl attacked

You say that, yet people play the shit out of the Battlefield and CoD series on consoles. Not releasing PUBG on consoles would be insane unless you hate money.
I agree with your statement though.

This game is literally coming to ps4. In fact i cant wait till it does so xbots can stop forcing themselves to like this game. Its such a shame that this trash is now a part of console war shitposting when it was already trash before xbox e3 announcement.

Cod is at least 60fps on consoles and is an actual finished product.

You on normal xbox right?

No announcement of the ps4 version. Knowing Microsoft they may actually money hat this game.

because Sup Forums is a liberal shithole since reddit and neogaf invaded. and if theres one thing that american liberals love, it's free shit.

You're fucking delusional.

Microsoft has paid Bluehole and PU a shit ton of money to keep it PC and Xbox ONLY basically forever. They even game him and paid for a separate Dev team to keep the PC and Xbox versions roughly the same.

It will NEVER come to PS4 and if it does Microsoft's lawyers will fuck him in the ass like a dead dog.

>listen to my non biased opinion
>it's not like I paid $30 for a lesser version of a free game
>totally no buyer remorse, absolutely not
>*runs at 8fps*

Microsoft nor bluehole have ever said its a permanent exclusive. Microsoft dont care if this comes out on ps4 a year later, they just need people to think its exlcusive just like tomb raider, dead rising. Every year there is always one timed exclusive that comes out for xbox, it should be common sense by now but every year theres always a few that try to make the timed exclusive sound like a permanent one. Its coming out for ps4 and either way I dont care either way nor will I play it.

Also its on mobile, not just pc and xbox. The game is gonna come out on everything eventually including the switch, though they wont all be the same version.

Since the mobile version of pubg is superior.

I hope PUBG is a lot better because I tried to like Fortnite and I really don't see the appeal.

They're both fucking trash.