Hi Sup Forums

Hi Sup Forums.

In reality do you think we will get a good star wars game in the next 3-5 years?

I'm still recovering from The Last Jedi, that movie played with my heart too much. Please refrain from posting Star Wars for a while.

I just got out of The Last Jedi, that movie is fucking tops. Someone post more Star Wars to remind me of how fucking baller it is and convince me that TLJ isn't the best star wars movie since Empire.

I'm not going to go full retard (Sup Forums) and say it was bad or that it was boring, because it wasn't. But I'm still pissed about how they mistreated Luke, he's out of character for 3/4 of the movie and the moment he isn't, he fucking dies.
Hell, not even Mark Hamill is happy with how they decided to do everything.

It's gonna take me a couple months to accept this is actually Star Wars.


>thinly veiled spoiler shitpost

I installed kotor 2 the moment I got back from the movie
it just seems fitting with TLJ's take on the force, jedi, sith etc

Gotta kill off all the old white guys for our new diverse Rebellion.

> out of character
> last we saw him was 30 years ago in canon timeline
> people can't change
> people can't evolve for good or bad

fuck off please and let go of that childish pair of eyes.

You wanted another TFA copy?

Honestly I really wouldn't mind if it had been a copy-paste of Empire.
I was pretty sure Ben would tell Rey that they're siblings, and I'm still convinced he was lying when he told her otherwise.

Do you really think Luke would try to murder a kid, regardless of how evil, let alone his own nephew?

Yes, he did try to kill Vader twice before.

Would you try to kill baby Hitler if you could?

Luke fought Vader but never with the intention of killing him.

I'm not a jew, I don't give a shit if Hitler lives. In fact he did and I still don't give a shit today.
And Vader was 40 years old when he had both duels with Luke.

>Would you try to kill baby Hitler if you could

i feel bad for you so have a (You)

y dog is sad

Because Luke is fucking dead

We can't even get a good Star Wars movie anymore, the two new movies fucking suck, the prequels were way better than that trash, just like KOTOR 2 was better than SWTOR trash

Star Wars is done user, keep your fond memories because from this point forwards its not Star Wars, its just some fanfiction self-insert fursona level of crapshoot that just so happened to buy the IP, but what made it Star Wars just isn't there anymore


Hopefully Star Wars will be dead and buried in 3-5 years

nu-SW is cancer

gonna dl it and run through some class storylines

I hate these fucking writers

I was thinking of doing it but is it worth it? End game is a meme and content after class story is also a meme.