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Video Games #4003
Video Games
Amazing graphics
Good day to you sir! Might I inquire as to a copy of Chōjigen Geimu Neputyūnu...
Japanese game
ITT Unexpected Tearjerkers
Two plane kills with a LMG to get this
What's the best line you've ever heard delivered in a game?
Why is this considered good by Sup Forums?
Has any game ever topped the facial expressiveness of LA Noire yet?
100 Hours in, not even half way done with the game...
Just got these bad boys for my Switch
Use your extensive vidya knowledge to rescue the princess
How does this game hold up so well a near decade later?
ITT: Smiles you couldn't protect
PS4 is the best console to da-
Sup Forums's top 100 vidya characters of all time
This shit went under my radar. Was it good?
He bought an xbox one
What’s the saddest video game death of all time?
Is the Wii U version of Bayonetta 1 the best version of them all?
Main character doesn't get the message
Never played Club Penguin as a kid
There are people ITT who has never played on a crt
User is cheating!!!
So with all the console wars and Xenoblade 2 and whatnot
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Is Gothic really the best RPG of all times?
Did you buy her game, user?
What visual novels are you playing?
Memes aside, is this console worth buying?
What did (((they))) mean by this?
Bad remakes/remasters
40 GOTY awards and counting
Can someone explain to me the sudden rise in use of the word "Toxic"...
It's another weekend day, and the holidays are almost here. What are ya
You have 10 seconds to describe Sup Forums with a video game screenshot
What games put your CPU to good use?
Is video game collecting dying as a modern hobby? Will we see the end of physical media in our lifetime?
Filename thread?
Bayonetta was never good
Skeletons are always low levels goons/jokes
ITT: Merchandise of forgotten/obscure games
ITT Classic vidya videos
Recommend me any good game for this amount on steam, theres literally fucken nothing
You now remember Dark Reign
Have you ever been attracted to a non-human character from a video game?
"Little" Mac
Why do you still come here?
Recommend Mobile Games
What are some survival games where you always have to keep moving...
ITT: Vidya Faps
I have been fasting for 2 days now, more 3 days to go...
What do you expect from Donkey Kong's new game?
What’s your favourite fighting game?
Ahh yes
>Sup Forums hates jap games now
I'm in the market for a PC controller. Has to be wireless...
What is the best Star Wars video game?
Throughout history, men have worn hats as a way of showing how much better they are than other men. “I buy hats...
Majority of the game is so easy that any sort of skill or tactics are meaningless
Dying joke of a game general
GOG Winter Sale
MHW beta on PS Plus
Webm thread
What the fuck?
There's people whose first game wasn't Skyrim
Why when nintendo does it, it's ok, but if any western developer does the same, Sup Forums instantly goes ape shit?
PC port when?
Do you think that game developers sometimes make characters with the sole purpose that everyone fucking hates them...
Physical collection thread
Video game characters that women will never understand
Keep it vidya
1 disc challenge
Not even out
Fucking WHAT
Confess your vidya sins
Would you buy someone a vice if they were willing to be your VR gf? And you can pick the character?
What are some games w
To not win any awards
Fire Emblem thread? What's your favorite and why?
That one nibba that always types
What is your opinion on griefing in video games? Stuff like blocking certain NPCs in MMOs...
Am I pleb if I liked the original NieR more than Automata?
This is Sup Forums's real most hated game of 2017. Say something nice to it
Purchase a console for hundreds
Here's your controller bro
Good Smartphone Games
They Are Billions
This scene was pure kino
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Huniepop 2
What games have you platinumed
What games let me have a cute doggy?
How would you design a game for women?
You got my weapon buff right user?
Why aren't there any third person shooters that have topped RE4 yet...
What do these two games have in common?
Who's the manliest character ever made?
Le run after the circle for 30min then get killed randomly game
Reminder that black flag is for free right now
Which one should I play?
Game tries to be funny
Boss fight of the year
What are some games where I can play as a girl that's actually a boy?
Xenoblade 2
Dear Sup Forums
Buy her game
Itt most disappointing pushover bosses in vidya
Nintendo buys out 100% of Bandai Namco and it's subsidiaries, plus Platinum Games
Now that the dust has settled, was this a good game?
Be jap who's afraid of guns
Ryu does not live off the land, he has no fixed address so he lives off Ken...
Catherine Follwup
How come elf women hate their own race?
Ace Combat 7
So Monsters Inc leaked for Kingdom Hearts 3. There is no way in hell this is fake...
Winter time
Murasaki is the next DLC character for Senran Kagura Shinobi Refle
Recommend me a metroidvania as fun as Dead Cells
Original Xbox backwards compatibility is awesome. Finally able to play games I missed out on...
Lube up that asshole, Sony. You're next
Dude what if vidya thing was real(istic)???
He refers to every girl in games as a wa*fu
Fact: people who dislike open world games are in denial
What is this?
Who won?
Reminder that lawbreakers is dying because of you damn internet trolls
Dead Rising
Is this the kind of VN you want in English?
It didn't age well
Rainbow Six Siege will have between 50-100 operators
What happened to Cloud?
ITT: Good games nobody talks about
Who was in the wrong here?
What do you guys think about Xenoblade Chronicles 2?
You are a 8th gen COFFEE LAKE chad gamer right Sup Forums...
With the success of Xenoblade 2 and all, can we take the time to look back at how fucking AWFUL the music is in this?
This is Yukiko Amagi, any questions?
Secret hitler thread
How's your SaGa going so far, anons?
You can't use a diamond sword irl
Japan is a more collective society but produces more authorial, evocative video games with unique character
Ok, this crossed the fucking line
Game recommendations?
Boss kills you
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 a flop?
How would you feel if Jill Valentine was the main character of Resident Evil 8?
How do we make OW less shit?
Game is homophobic
Are there ANY female protagonists you contrarians actually like?
Those bitch made anons who cry over JRPGs who are pandered to teens
Why are all of Sony's Western first party games just Uncharted in differant scenarios?
Dark Souls III had good level design
Xbox One in theory is capable of playing all Xbox 360 games
Do the Japanese actually know about this game? There is no Japanese Wikipedia article about it
How was this game so good on its pathetic budget?
How the Splatoon 2 Cover should have been
*plagiarizes Undertale*
Filename Thread
ITT: FUCK THAT LEVEL (and tell others how to get past it)
Odinsphere or Dragon's Crown
Tv = can be used for everything, 32' + can see every single thing, good colors, high quality...
Today is Christie's birthday, say something nice to her
Fanservice is ba-
OMG someone should make a Cuphead keyblade next
3D Platformers
Will Single Player games ever recover?
ITT: oh yeah that happened
Why is gaming so expensive in Latin America?
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Who would you hire to make a Gantz game?
Why are all the new Nintendo games so easy?
ITT: Mechanics that ruined the game they're in
Why don't more games support fat sliders?
Let's say HL3 was announced tomorrow
This is Makoto Niijima. She is the best girl of both her game and her series
N-n-no you don't understand the shitty controls make the game good
Why heroes might and magic 3 is so overrated
Only Nintendo knows how to make open world games
How do I enjoy this?
Wouldn't remastering Adventure 2 be easy money for Sonic Team?
ITT: scams
What is Sup Forums honest opinion on PUBG?
What happened to Nintendo's soul? Everything is so by the numbers now...
I know a lot of people love Neverwinter Nights but is it really possible to play this game without eventually...
Voices your favourite character
Let's settle this once and for all. Which one of those two is the ugliest character design of this generation?
So after you place the Lord Vessel, there are 4 places to go: New Londo Ruins, Tomb of the Giants, Duke's Archives...
Dinosaur Games shares Jet Set Radio Evolution visual proof of concept turned down by Sega
Be me
Gaming PC
MBTI Types
What's the game that you spent the most time on?
Can we have an innocent Elizabeth appreciation thread?
Australian VA > Welsh VA > Scottish VA > British VA > American VA > Japanese VA
Just discovered an old bitcoin wallet I forgot about in my thumb drive had 8 bitcoins
If there was one thing you could add and change that would personally make Conquest a better experience for yourself...
It's a hardware episode
Mafia 3
Who is the strongest male character in video games?
Switch Rumorfags
How you holding up, Sup Forums?
Can we get over the meme that boobs make a good game?
Why is this suddenly considered such a bad thing? I just dont get the uproar about it
Are you playing video games today user?
Got this game expecting nothing
The Future of Final Fantasy
The fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh
Okay lads, since the year is ending, it's time to count our losses
Two of your greatest developed childhood heroes are now cowards. How does this make you feel?
I don't see one single negative thing on that list, quite the opposite actually...
Party-based fantasy RPG
What games i should play on holidays that will make me reconsider suicide?
Mass Effect Andromeda
It's another cute anime game is actually SCARY~! episode
The main character of the last game you played has been swapped with a generic no-name Space Marine
Any functioning anons here?
Gods... I hate Gauls
Don't sexualize this robot
Which is better? And why are they the best 3D Sonic game
Our guys Fnatic wiill face Faze in Esports Championship Series later today
Street Fighter V
Was this the worst Tenchu game known to time? Were you hyped for it at all when it was announced...
Romancing SaGa 2
Gaming laptops
Where is he now?
Let's have a Advance Wars thread
Do you still buy hard copies of games?
ITT: Technology
What are you predictions for the Alien/s franchise now that Disney got its rights?
Was it autism?
Happy 6th Birthday Vita!!!
Name a more promissing RPG for 2018. I'll wait
Everything GTA6
Why is this game so perfect, lads
Most in-depth and satisfying combat in a game in the last decade
Just got bloodborne
Ace Combat 7
ITT: good/bad pixelart
Get Dorf Fort
Should I emulate Xenoblade 1 or is the 3ds worthy?
Solaire is the best NPC in the Souls serie-
Artificial scarcity for fucking cereal
Cool faction is evil
Well Sup Forums?
So you have taste? You are an EXTREEEEEEEEEEME GAYMUR?!
Why the fuck are the guns so inaccurate in this? Max Payne 3s gunplay is vastly superior, mouse on head click and done...
Everybody knows, is that
Resident Evil 4
Your daily dose
What was the point of this character?
How do we save jap games from this misery
Why are you people constantly arguing about video game systems and video games?
Is RPG the last bastion of non-casual gaming?
Why New Vegas is still the best fallout?
Youtube destroyed japanese games
Can someone explain Nia's to me?
Animal characters are better and more interesting than human characters. You cannot prove me wrong at all
Mods are the reason why PC gaming is not taken seriously
Where would you touch her Sup Forums?
I'm so fucking lost
Tell me when the Switch Pro is being announced or I'll shoot you
If you bought ryzen for gaming you should feel bad and reconsider your purchasing habits
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Vanillaware makes the best 2D Action RPGS
Game spends 10 hours letting you know that dating your teacher is a terrible idea
Is it okay to talk about GOTY now?
I was thinking about a M&B mod that replaced the factions with Sup Forums boards...
When did you realise you ps4 was shit?
''PC has a vast amount library of games''
ITT: we post the dumbest things we've done in our gaming career
Anyone else interested in Code Vein? It's like Dark Souls except with a cool anime style and normal story
Cities: Skylines
Western gamers in one pic
2 > 1 > 3
Which is your favorite Warcraft-universe race? Both playable and non-playable counts
Is Escape From Tarkov the Darksouls of FPS games?
Pubg is the better than fortnite
ITT: games we will never get
They are Billions
Dragon Ball FighterZ
When does this game get good?
What’s next for him?
December 17
Name a more pointless character in vidya
"video games journalism"
BotW being hailed as one of the most revolutionary games ever
What are some games where the government is doing unethical experiments on humans?
If kino had a name it would be Gael
Highest selling SMT game of all time
What's the best racing game out right now?
I quit my job as an emergency dispatcher. I had 34 people die on me, on calls, within roughly the last year...
Hello Sup Forumsirgins
Persona 5 vs Xenoblade
Bayonetta Switch
Really IGN? Hahahaha, this is the shit we're nominating for 2017?
Alright boys
Post only the worst party members
Do you get your games physical or digital and why?
Jet Set Radio
I am SUPER mad about the fact you killed my loser dead beat dad i never met that tried to destroy the world and is the...
Nintendo Switch
I bought EA stocks in january and couldn't be more happy. Why aren't you buying vidya stocks?
What do the P and the S in PS4 stand for?
What am I in for?
What are the best Star Wars games?
Is the Nintendo Switch a one trick pony?
Buyfag thread
Humble Bundle: Buyer remorse edition
Hollows of Sup Forums
Stand aside girls I'm about to do some REAL damage
Does Sup Forums ever game in the nude? how about with friends?
Saving content... Please don't turn off your system
Sup Forums plays alter ego: part IV
ITT: Ludo
Is it normal to talk to yourself while playing video games, as if you're playing on a couch with someone else?
Is there a non autistic reason to hate this game ?
So this is the power of VR
Would the game greatly improved if Link was a girl?
Just borrowed these games
Lenght is showed in imperial units
What went wrong?
ITT it is Sup Forums 1000AD
OpF > HL > BS
ITT: Underrated Vidya Music
How do we get more women into gaming?
Is there a Sup Forums approved "good Star Wars games" list somewhere?
Game has dab taunts
Xenoblade 2
Blocks ur path a deck with nothing but attack boosting effects and 1800 base attack monsters
Sup Forums plays alter ego: Episode III
What happened to sony's hype machine?
Thoughts on this?
At what level do you get really powerful in Morrowind, without efficient leveling?
What is she drinking?
Who is the "Snoke" of Video Games?
Whos your favorite video game character
Why dark souls 3 was so cheap, boring and uninspired?
ARMS thread
What are some franchises where second game looks worse than first?
You will never be so absolutely shit at your job that some literal who amateur makes you look like a massive trash heap...
What's the best mountains in videogames?
*force pulls star destroyer out of the sky*
20 year anniversary
What games are best played with headphones?
Why were Star Wars game so goddamn excellent?
Next DLC for Shinobi Refle
Who was in the wrong here?
I’m considering buying this for my new pc
So as someone who never ever played Monster Hunter games can Sup Forums explain to me what the appeal is?
Just installed this game. What am I in for? I've never really played a true stealth game before
Has Sup Forums played Furi? What did you think of it? Who was your favorite boss to fight?
Sup Forums plays alter ego: part II
Any good new Switch games available?
Huniepop (Hentai porn game) is visible in his steam library and he can never get rid of it
What's the most emotionally moving video game you've played?
What vidyas are best while high?
Okay Sup Forums, I built my little brother a PC for Christmas...
Daily reminder that if you use Steam instead of GOG, you are actively contributing to the decline of the vidya industry
How do you go from this
Sup Forums will defend this
Play fighting games
Fighting games have the best character designs of any genre. Prove me wrong
Does Nintendo make consoles for a mature audience, or is it more aimed at the family market?
Older games
Cosmetic micro-transactions are NOT okay
Game has quite a lot to do but no platinum trophy
How do you like your idols, Sup Forums?
Vicky 2
What's your favourite Nintendo 64 game?
It's over
Well i knew this "place" was full of idiots but this takes it quite too far, fuck you Sup Forums
What are some essential 3ds games? Just homebrewed my new 3ds and got SMT IV, Alpha Sapphire, Binding of Isaac...
Were his actions justified?
Recommend some good puzzle games Sup Forums. I wanna train myself to not be a brainlet
JoJo will never get a good game ever again
Fuck this little bitch
This game came and went and nobody gave a shit
Rimworld? Rimworld!
Webm thread?
Why didn't it catch on?
ITT: post a pic of your gf
Demon Souls is sort of primative and a few mechanics are rough around the edges
*blocks your path*
Do the reploids actually have free will or are they all just mindless robots working under the hand of humans? I mean...
Is 2017 the year that weebshit died?
Valkyria Chronicles 4
What's a comfy SNES/NES/GBC/GBA turn-based RPG to play?
Ok, so Im about to have like 1200 hundred bucks this Christmas season
PSVR on PC ?
What do you think of this game based on these four screenshots?
Sealed away with the embodiment of pure evil for 100 years
What is the absolute best cyberpunk game?
$60 gacha game
Post Yfw you beat a game on Hard Difficulty or Higher
Better free a unkillable monster from prison and surely doom the world just so I can see my daughter again
One Piece: World Seeker
Ctrl f
Tumblr nose: the game
Secret hitler thread
'Sup, Sup Forums?
This game is awful. why is it rated so high
Do you play VRChat user ?
Reccomend me some good Dungeon Crawlers like this masterpiece
Also general Zelda discussion
Tokyo Jungle
Hearts of Iron 4
This one's easy
How do you catch cheaters in fps games?
What games have the most accurate depiction of war?
Which one should I get? What's the difference?
I will post this everyday until E3
Rumor sais that Counter Strike is adding a Battle royal mode to the game?
Mario Party is the best party game on the Wi-
Why would you buy Ōkami HD again? The PS2 version was blurry, so that was understandable to buy it on PS3 again...
What are you lookin' at?
Hipsters retards on youtube destroyed japanese gaming culture
Name 1(one) well written female video game character
Kamiya does it again
Kirby has just absorbed you! what power did he get? ^//o//^
What game genres do you suck hard at Sup Forums? Despite if you tried learning and getting into and good at those genres
Hopes and dreams?
What went right?
Why people complain about Kojima burning sony money when Bungie wasted 500 million dollars in two failed FPS trash?
Im god
This game isn't trying to be scary, it's literally just trying to hypnotize me into killing myself...
Which 3DS model do you have?
Black Desert Online
Just got bloodborne
Why aren't there any games that even come close =
What the FUCK was her problem? She just bumps into me while im savin the world and starts steain my shit!
Dumb vidya arguments
Which one do I start with and why?
Stardew valley thread?
Postal 4 leaked
Final Fantasy XV has bad comba-
PSX is better than N6-
He bought an AMD CPU
Why did true turn-based combat die?
Sup Forums plays Alter-Ego
Hey user, you like video games don't you? There's this new movie coming out that you might like!
Okay, time to be serious
Mods are the reason why PC gaming is not taken seriously
Don't mind me, just posting the greatest wrestling game of all time
Sup Forums's top 100 vidya characters of all time
Looping gifs thread. Post your best ones
Sup Forums plays Jackbox
How do we fix horror genre?
How did you feel the first time you played Skyrim?
Just bought this because it was on sale on steam and I heard it's servers were back up and it's alive...
It's time for Saturday Sup Forumsingo. Are you ready?
NuLara > OldLara
Which version are you getting Sup Forums?
Disney and EA on suicide watch
Discover a defect
Star Citizen
What do you want to see in Resident Evil 8, Sup Forums?
Why do you guys hate this game so much? This game is a fun cuhrazy shooter and the girls are cute...
Airport security
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Monster hunter world has cosmetic microtransactions
She;"I don't know user, but i think Dragon Quest XI is kind of terrible...
See /vg/
ITT the worst weapon animations
Video games were so much better when I was a kid
How is this possible?
What are some games that are ruined by the inclusion of one character that nobody likes?
Why are normies suddenly interesed in pokemon and not in other iP with similar premises like yo-kai watch?
Games that are perfect but for technical limitations for their time
PUBG on consoles
How accurate is this chart Sup Forums?
Tfw you will never play Scott Pilgrim VS. The World The Game again
Doom 3 > nuDoom
Updated Pokémon game rankings now that I've had time to play and think about Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
The combat was bad. We all agree
GOTY thread
I get it now. This is the best scene the medium has ever produced
Should Video Games get political?
Best GTA ever made
Rate my night
Witch puyo wud you pop ?
Post atmospheric games. I'm really running low on them at the moment
Why aren't you playing with your sister, Sup Forums?
How many years before vidya has global illumination?
Is it stable yet?
How did you spend your prom night, Sup Forums?
What games let me play as a scantily clad brown loli?
ITT: we make a vidya version of this
How's that game/engine/toolchain cumming along Sup Forums?
I want recommendations for edgy games, preferably ones that are actually good
You are now the CEO of Bungie. After incredibly poor reception and waning profits...
What went wrong?
Would you play this, Sup Forums?
Post a very simple version of box art or iconic object from a vidya and other anons guess what it's from...
Secret Hitler Thread
Whatever happened to Youkai Watch?
Vanilla players will defend this
Can you change region and pay using PayPal on this marvelous piece of modern technology? Surely you can...
What are some games that desperately need a sequel? Pic related
X Caeli: The Iron Hand of Love
Thinking about trying Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness...
When did you realize Makoto was best girl
If you're still a silver just break your disc in half
Wizard101 and Pirate101
Was Undyne autistic?
Who was in the wrong here?
Every single game you've ever liked had something to it that ruined it for someone else...
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Overwatch is a casual ga-
Are you going to buy her game? It comes out next year
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
What's on your wishlist?
Go play Thief
/kh/ Kingdom Hearts thread?
This is the best Tales game
Is there any point in buying any game for a console if it's available on steam or otherwise on PC?
Are there any good (free if possible) dating sims so I don't feel lonely...
Splatoon splatfest thread
What would Sup Forums's ideal controller look like?
Is there even going to be anyone around to buy Persona 6...
Filename thread
What is the best AVGN episode?
What kinda mousepad does Sup Forums use?
Dragon Ball FighterZ
VA-11 Hall-A
Why are developers so shy about including girls with attractive breast sizes?
This is hands down the best JRPG I've ever played
Explain this
Rainbow Six Siege is the best competitive FPS game
How are you not fucking dying from sitting/lying down for all of your waking hours...
Do you think it was the right idea of sony to basically sponsor this guys game?
Took the Switch over 9 months to hit 10 million sales despite being a brand new console
Easy fun games thread
Humble reminder that these are the CPUs you should be looking at for gaming right now
Have you ever finished a game in one sitting?
22nd anniversary of Tales
Hollow Knight Thread
Have you ever been appalled by a video game? Because this shit is gross
When you play rpgs, do you play as a man or as a woman?
Why is this game dying?
Would you have interest in a video game character becoming a God late game?
Just Monika
ITT: The greatest rivalries in vidya
So how come in most video games shotguns become completely useless unless you're standing right in front of the enemy?
PCSX2 V1.4
Emulator thread
All right time for operation big wave!
What games let me play as a badass old man?
Uh guys
What does Sup Forums think about paid online subscriptions?
What games let me get absolutely babied by a loving maternal figure?
Why don't movies based on video games work?
Excuse me who the heck is this?
When a licensed anime game improves on the source material
Are you getting your comfy winter Ishimura fix Sup Forums?
Should I play the first two or just jump straight into 3?
Get to a desert level
This game is so FUCKING LEGIT
Army of permanently youthful and hot women
Are regulators secretly paid off by game companies or is this just OLD MEN kind of thinking
What went so horribly wrong
So did he quit YouTube or what? No new vids for half a year
Play any fighting games today, user?
Why do AI opponents still suck and will deep learning AI soon revolutionize them?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumskend
16:9 or 21:9 for gaming?
7 Years Old
Do any of the classic tomb raider games still hold up in the modern day?
Has your home town/city ever been featured in a game, or at least inspired a game setting?
Anybody remember the maximum comfiness provided by 2012-2013 golden age mindcrack?
Hi Sup Forums
Digimon Thread
Sup Forums constantly talks about Street Fighter
When did you realize that Western games are so much better than autistic Japanese games?
What was that user? you called me a sand what?
*wins capcom cup 2017*
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...