How did you feel the first time you played Skyrim?
How did you feel the first time you played Skyrim?
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i've yet to play skyrim actually
hated it. revisited it 2 years later and loved it.
I enjoyed it. A lot. Though that was years ago and I still can't find an action rpg to replace it and I can't go back.
Excited until i found how shallow and limited skyrim is
fantastic until it turned to shit 50 hours later
joked about how playing it will make me flunk uni
flunked uni 3 years after
Granted I still love the game but i just csnt force myself to slog through the main quest
I've been meaning to try the mod where you get a completely different start. Fuck being the dragonborn.
I'll never forget. I stayed home from school for a week just to play it. (I was an honor student, I could afford it)
I remember it being the most beautiful game I've ever seen at the time.
I remember talking to a horse carriage and seeing a dozen towns I could go to and thinking Jesus I have a lot to do.
I remember noticing all the cool animations they made for mundane things.
And most importantly
The first thing I did when I got to the first town, Riverwood
I punched that chicken in the street and got killed by EVERYONE.
Nothing, because I never played it.
Utter fucking disappointment that it was somehow even worse than Oblivion. My faith in Bethesda ever amounting to anything fucking died that day
I loved it first but it started getting repetitive after 1500 hours. Bethesda are fucking hacks and liars.
On release, fell asleep and returned it. Tried playing it again this year, fell asleep again. It's un-fucking-believable how boring the story and setting are.
It's outdated.
alternate start is one of the best and most essential mods imo. non dragonborn characters way more interesting imo, one of the good things about oblivion (there is only a few) is that you are just some dude in a prison cell
>That ost starts playing
I can't accurately describe but something was just missing. For some reason I didn't enjoy playing nearly as much as I did Morrowind or Oblivion. I tried desperately to like the game, I had to, this was the game I built a pc for. But I just didn't care.
Like I wanted to play Morrowind again.
addicted. i remember making my 1,000th save and thinking to myself i haven't played a game like this in a long, long time.
I was absolutely blown away and I played it for nearly 200 hours total. Nowadays I'm able to see more of the faults with the game, but even with how dumbed down it is I still find it kind of fun
Intro sequence glitched out and everyone just stood there, looping the same animations, saying nothing, forever.
is it worth pirating to play it modless
Got it when I was twelve and it was magical the first time around. Dumped probably hundreds of hours into it. Decided to get it for PC a few years later and I lost that magical feeling I had when I first played, combat was too simple, world was often barren and most of the quests were kill this bandit.
Utter fucking confusion and thinking about how Bethesda still hadn't gotten their shit together
no. Its barely worth playing
You can mod a pirated copy dingus.
I started my first playthrough of Skyrim during the winter and now I can't play it any other time of year
You can use mods with the pirated version just not workshop/ mods and fuck no don't bother
>being 18
Is this a reddit post?
>"kill this bandit"
it's an RPG! part of the fun is playing by your own rules. for example, if it's a low-level dungeon, i'll try to hoof it hoping i don't run into a dragon on the way. i usually get lost/distracted anyway though
i guess i'll give it a shot
what mods should i get then. i have a 1070 and a 7700k so i don't know if i can run the crazy graphics ones
Fuck I don't know senpai don't ask me I haven't played this shit game in over 5 years I'm sure the mod scene is way different now. The game fucking sucks you're gonna spend 6 hours installing mods then play for an hour then never play it again like everyone else
i liked it as a game but not as a tes title. that was mostly because of the comfy snow mountains and viking vibes
xD truly epic my redditor
Initially excited then I get more and more disappointed as I learned how terribly shallow the game is. How they failed to make guilds as good as ones in oblivion is beyond me.
I loved it and it was largely due to the soundtrack which I still view as one of the best of all time.
>play for an hour then never play it again like everyone else
there are a lot of people that have spent >200 hours playing it though by the looks of this thread. i think its at least worth trying
>pressing enter when you don't need to
>unneeded parenthesis
>reddit spacing
>random caps
by the nine
The world was as empty as the gameplay, lasted 10h
Then I went back with close to a hundreds mods and it was very good, got 200h+ out of it
It's like an ocean but with the depth of a pool.
Those first hours are fucking magical, I'll give Skyrim that.
Yeah they're called literal children who's first real game was Skyrim. Nobody with experience with games liked this garbage game
I thought it was silly and shallow, then I started having a bit of mindless fun with it, then I dropped it when I realized how bad of a game it was and that I could be spending my time with better games but I still did have some good times with it so it's not like I hate it.
>It's like an ocean but with the depth of a pool.
i saw someone on reddit say this. you're stealing from reddit you fag
>Nobody with experience with games liked this garbage game
why is it bad?
>people who were 12 when skyrim came out ae now 18
i fucking blinked dude
it gets parroted everywhere
but its true
Not him but I remember seeing that statement fucking everywhere back when Skyrim first came out, "ocean with the depth of a pool" was like the fucking motto of Skyrim.
Bored. Got it on release since I had extra cash and even without prior experience with TES games I was bored witless.
nice freudian slip retard. the term "wide as an ocean, depth of a pool" and other variations are used everywhere.
whatever what mods should i get
>empty world
>every dungeon is the same draugr crypt bullshit
>boring quests
>awful main storyline
>glitches out the ass
>trash floaty combat
>mediocre graphics
>"'""infinite"""" go to draugr crypt quests
>the worst guilds in the series
>dumbed down to appeal to the play testers who might as well be actual retards
>AI that's worse than games than some games from the 90s
>overall worse than both games that came before it
Schlongs of skyrim is essential. After that, whatever you feel like.
I remember thinking that the lady ordering my execution was a bitch
>enjoy game at launch and for 200+ hours
>finally get all achievements and stop playing
>few years later want to play again
>load up save
>realize the game plays like ass
>never touch it again
It will be a good memory
I never got that saying, what is depth in this case? Because compared to other open world games with ubisoft tier open worlds, it has much more "depth".
The realistic horse vagina and anus mod to really up that realism
get alternate start because the dragonborn storyline is retarded. all around ignore the main quest because its fucking boring
I got it for the first time in August just to mess around with sex mods and I thought it was stupid and didn't care about the base game or the lore.
~550 entries in Mod Organizer later I've ripped out most of the loverslab garbage and I'm still playing it. I can see why people think it's shallow but you can make something good out of it.
>woah the art is actually good and they didnt go for some weird names shit like shitwind
>first start the game
>this is a really crappy engine and the cinematic is pretty boring
>game finally lets me move on my own
>Holy shit, look at this huge world!
>a few hours later
>is this all the game has? Endless drughr caves and annoying NPCs to talk to?
>20 hours into the game
>I'm a godly archer who can't ever be touched and still the game is just fucking drauhr dungeons, I'm quitting
You forgot
>puzzles for toddlers
>dialogue that will put you to sleep
>increasing the difficulty just makes everything a hp sponge
>stealth archer OP to a ridiculous degree
>useless magic
>dungeons that are just linear corridors that loop back in on themselves
>almost every unique weapon is totally worthless because your starter iron sword does 9999 damage and one hits legendary dragons because enchanting is broken
Hey, this is slightly better than Oblivion!
I found Dawnguard better than the main stuff desu. Mod the game to hell and it becomes a great game
said a fucking moron who didn't play Oblivion
Skyrim has some redeeming qualities with mods. It's definitely an enjoyable game, though heavily flawed. I never really will understand why people think you can't enjoy more than one TES game. Morrowind is my favorite but I still enjoy Oblivion and Skyrim to an extent.
Play Enderal nigga.
I wish more people would play that mod. It's great if you're sick of Skyrim and want to try a different world and story.
The opening is a bit shite but after that it's great.
I spent 30 hours at level 2 in Oblivion then I accidentally slept and was level 21. Nice game, great scaling.
Exactly this.
Requiem made it marginally better. Now waiting for Nehrim's updated version.
Wasn't Requiem proven to be a bunch of useless placebo edits or something and Skytweak could do it better?
No clue, never played it.
The English Dub is terribad.
Requiem just made it harder and unleveled.
I had fun with it but the game at its base is pretty shallow. I did notice little things now though when I played again after so many years, like the part where you can take their cast iron pots to melt into iron ingots when they like you enough.
>How did you feel the first time you played Skyrim?
Not nearly as good as the first time I played Oblivion.
How do I get Oblivion to not look terrible and the UI not to be cluncky?
I really hope TESVI does a better job with leveled lists.
>finding Dwarven and Orcish shit in ancient Nordic ruins on Draugr
Fuck off.
Horny, bought it and immediately installed titty mods.
>I'm so glad I pirated this.
>Where is spell crafting?
>Why is Crafting so boring?
>Why are these "cities" so small?
>Why is every dungeon the same?
>Why are the Dragons so boring and small?
>Why haven't they updated their combat since Morrowind?
>Why is the selection of gear and loot so small?
>How is this game so popular?
>Even mods don't make it fun
No one talks about Enderal or Nehrim because Sup Forums is full of sycophants who worship corporations, and shit on sureAI.
Not any worse than Skyrim's
>How did you feel the first time you played Skyrim?
I got bored after an hour and went back to play Halo reach.
excited, then disappointed
at first I loved it but then I expirienced the gamebreaking bugs with the emperial army and stormcloaks questline and then I hated bethesda for not patching their games properly. and also everybody just shits on the content of bethesda games when clearly the technical issues are way more important.
I felt disappointed, I loved how in Oblivion you could play and mess with the traps, but in Skyrim you couldn't.
Does the special edition have access to all the mods the normal game had? I havent played special yet. Thinking about it but I remember reading when it came out that most mods didnt work.
Took a break from the internet and blew 80 hours in like a week. Was a great experience, but I could never get past like 5 hours on any other playthrough. Its hard to make anything but stealth archer work well
I also hate that they had the nerve to rerelease the game with a new engine and took full price for it without even bothering to fix some old bugs. and fucking nobody complained about that. everybody is too busy shitting on fallout 4 for not beeing the same as nv and focusing more on the action and sandbox aspects. its clearly a case of bad devs meet bad community.
dont bother it only has slightlyx better graphics and they didn't even fix any of the gamebreaking bugs. its literaly a waste of money if it hadnt been for free on pc because I had all the addons already I would not go out and spend money on that aweful scam.
that's how I felt about Morrowind
>spend some time on character
>begin with boring intro
>find enchanted god sword
>sell it and keep my more useful iron dagger
>follow main quest for a while, get stuck
>boring intro again
>decide to see what this world has
>find dungeon, crap loot
>next dungeon, almost 1:1 copy, crap loot
>last dungeon, also similair, skipped
>find quest
>find quest
>find quest
>kill enemy
>finish generic quest x3
>install mods
>even more places to walk to