How did you spend your prom night, Sup Forums?
How did you spend your prom night, Sup Forums?
Only good thing that came out of this game was Call
At prom. Got pancakes afterwards.
I didn't go to it, so now I know how it feels to have played MN9
We didn't have prom but christmas ball. I ate shit, danced awkwardly with a girl I wasn't into, wanted to hang out with this other girl I hate nowadays. Pretty sure I'm too apathetic.
I’m a senior, and I’m not gonna go. I went my Junior year and it sucked cock.
I'm not murrican and my high school never had prom or any equivalent to it. I don't think I would've gone either way.
Went with the girl I had liked for 4 years she never returned my feelings
I actually vividly remember my prom night since that was when I 1cc'd Touhou 10 for the first time. Time well spent
Eating Totino's Pizza Rolls
the tasted a little bit like Sonic Mania so they didn't taste that bad at all
i was a fucking embarassment, lets put it at that.
We're all Anonemoose here, user.
I didn't go to prom.
I stayed home and beat Hotline Miami 100%, went to my buddy's after party though to play more vidya with all my friends. So all n all it was a good time.
I don't remember, but I know I didn't go. Probably just played some vidya with my friends.
I went to a show with people from out of school.
Didin't you post your story here or on /jp/ once? Pretty sure I've read a similar story in the past.
Went to prom for about 30 minutes and left with friends (and gfs) to see the Silent Hill movie. Ironically the SH movie was better than the prom
I was going to go to prom with this qt homeschooled girl I knew but some asshole secretary who was admitting people said she couldn't come in since she wasn't apart of the school district. Instead we went to a park and watched the sun set then her place and watched a movie. Then cuddling
She was pretty cool, used to play a lot of mortal kombat with her
I don't understand, were people truly offended at this joke? I spent it playing vidya in my room.
Went to prom with a group of chicks cause I was an anime nerd.
Hung out with friends, my other friends who had gfs went.
Nobody was offended, the problem was that they were trying to market to anti-anime people so hard that it looked ridiculous. So we made fun back is all
It wasn't considered offensive, the issue was that it piled up on top of all the other controversies and fan miscommunication throughout the game's development, not to mention they were basically shitting on the game's own supporters and potential audience since it had an anime aestethic.
Probably not but it still goes down as a huge marketing blunder given that this game is aimed at people who liked a Japanese robot video game. Probably not a good idea to make fun of people who enjoy Japanese cartoons.
Is it worth $3?
It isn't even worth them paying you three dollars.
I don't remember but there's only three possibilities:
>playing vidya
>jacking off
>watching anime
Blog Post.
Junior year I was in JROTC. I was a PSG and my PL was a mixed white/black tomboy. We worked together on the drill team and other projects. She was one of my few female friends and she came out with the crew when we went on adolescent adventures.
Prom time came around, and of course I aint doing that shit. Prom is for idiots. QT tomboy comes up to me and subtly suggests that we should go together because niether of us have dates. Without thinking I said no. It wasn't until years later that I thought she might have been asking me out. Not the last time I have been an oblivious idiot, but there you go.
If you're still out there A*****, Im sorry I was an idiot and I totally would have gone with you if I wasnt.
Didn't even think about going. I may be a sperg but I've always been fully aware how repulsive I am to women and so didn't bother asking any out for it. Just stayed at home and played vidya.
Watching Anime
At prom. I danced with a girl who my friend brought along, was pretty fun tbqh.
had a good time with gf and friends
>I've always been fully aware how repulsive I am to women
What about you is repulsive?
MG Burst was good.
>stole another guy's prom date
>he ended up going with his group of engineering cucks without a date
>held some kind of grudge for the rest of the year that I didn't give a fuck about
>ended up getting laid after getting some pancakes at IHOP and drinking at my buddy's house
Glad I decided to get /fit/ before senior prom. Was definitely an experience ill never forget
At a Vampire the Masquerade LARP
I don't regret skipping prom but I do regret playing that shitty game.
I never went to Prom. Is it actually worth it, or is it the party with shitty school-approved music and constant supervision in a shitty venue that I think it is?
Probably playing vidya. Never gave a single shit about prom
A)Said spergery. Even though my social skills are 100x time better then they were then. I'm still just off enough that even with the purest of intentions, my presence still makes every woman I met have their creep alarm light up like a christmas tree
B)My skeleton is a bit malformed (scoliosis mainly and it's bad enough to be easily seen so no shirt fits me properly) and I suspect my facial symmetry is a tad off so even when I was in my best shape of my life, clean shaven, wore decent clothes, and started getting my hair cut at actual salons, I'm still a 5/10 at best.
I actually had a great time.