What's the best line you've ever heard delivered in a game?
>This is the enemy, and he's here on his knees!
MGSV was an unfinished and incoherent mess, but Kaz's performance was fantastic throughout.
What's the best line you've ever heard delivered in a game?
Honestly most of the voice acting in mgsv was great.
That's an enemy gunship. One burst from its machinegun can tear a man in half. Stay low and crawl along the ground.
Kaz was more Ocelot than Ocelot was Ocelot.
Biggest disappointment of this game to me, more the the cut content, the grinding and repetitive chapter 2 was the portrayal of Ocelot. They completely fucked him up in every possible way.
I don't understand this shit, why did they ruin Ocelot? He's arguably the most interesting character in the entire series, and they pulled this bullshit on him.
Senator Armstrong's performance in Shadow of War was pretty great
>why did they ruin Ocelot?
Because Kojima is a hack.
>Damn, those alien bastards are going to pay for shooting up my ride.
where, show me, i didnt notice he was voice acting in that game
It would've been understandable if he was 100% in on the body double bullshit but then one of the Truth tapes says he brainwashed himself into thinking Venom was Big Boss so they fucked it up anyway.
Cut story indicated that Ocelot from 3/5 was not the same guy as MGS1,2,4
He was Celebrimbor
Too bad there's no compilation of his victory speeches yet, that shit is really motivating
>Kaz’s speech in the E3 2013 trailer
>tragic tale of brothers-in-arms selling their morals to avenge their fallen comrades
>Kaz’s speech in the game
>deranged crazy man won’t stop ranting to himself, needs to be rafted off of Mother Base before someone gets hurt
all but ocelot, he was too tame and monotone
shit, i can see the similarities in the voice now, i have no idea how i didn't notice it before but this is real fucking great
>tfw can hear this post
Sauce please
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue.
Boss, that's the target,
He's coming too?
>As you would pass judgement on her, I have come to pass judgement on you all. Do you wish to feel the teachings born of the Mandalorian Wars, of all wars, of all tragedies that scream across the galaxy? Let me show you, you, who have forever seen the galaxy through the Force. See it through the eyes of the Exile.
That ocelot voice actor made no sense.
Sounded like they were trying to turn him into fucking Sam Elliott
We just had a thread talking about how KOTOR 2 is an affront to Star Wars norm and how Obsidian's shit writers couldn't bother keeping to the lore when he shoved his own shit into the game.
>Ocelot in MGS3/1/2/4
>Crazy guy with a torture fetish, rubbing his hands with glee every time he gets the chance for some alone time with a prisoner and a good pair of plyers
>Ocelot in MGSV
>The sole voice of reason in Quiet's torture, leaping to her defense almost immediately because he can't stand seeing someone be tortured for nothing, does the same for Huey
The writers of KOTOR 2 read, watched and played every single bit of EU content up to that date. As someone who followed it from right from the release of Heir to the Empire, KOTOR 2 perfectly fitted the lore. The game mentions everything from holovids, to refreshers, to Serocco, to tiny plot points and planets that hadn't been seen in Star Wars for a decade by the time it came out. To say that KOTOR 2 is an affront to the lore and not a perfect twist on it is just sheer madness.
>Invent some elaborate supernatural shit about Ocelot's father being able to commune with the dead to explain how he gets possessed by the arm of a dead man
>Next game
>"lol it was just a prank bro I wasn't really possessed"
I spent 10 minutes walking down a fucking river of FEELS LIKE MY NECK IS TEARING APART for this?
Wouldn't say the best but for some reason very, very memorable.
Ocelot and Kaz's radio voices are too similar, I'm still not sure who was saying which lines
>every single bit of non-canon fanfiction
I liked the sorrow though, his boss fight was funny if you didn't kill anyone.
Also it looks like the bigger Kojima's ego gets, the higher up his eyes get.
He was possessed in MGS2, but come MGS4 he's had Liquid's arm removed and fell back on self-hypnosis to trick the Patriots AI
Yeah thats my favorite line in the whole game, still gives me chills when I think about it
fucking hell, i know right. i actually didnt even know kaz was on the radio until somewhere around the last 10 missions of the game, he just sounded like a generic fuck, same goes for GZ, i had not idea miller was the one comming you.
Did they ever tell us what happened between 2 and 4?
They were canon up until Disney purchased it, a decade after KOTOR 2 came out.
The only thing that sucks dick is not being able to rewatch cutscenes in some sort of theater, FUCK.
>They were canon up until
They weren't
>Kaz's performance was fantastic throughout.
>They weren't
Yes. They were. Have you been following Star Wars for more than 3 years or not? The EU was considered canon all the way up until the Disney purchase when it was spun off into Legends aside from The Clone Wars, which was retained.
Raiden saved Sunny but got captured and turned into a cyborg ninja.
PMCs got established as a superior military force to use, which resulted in a world where war is fought for the sake of war with no ideals or religion in the mix.
>the powers of the members of the Cobra Unit were parasytes
>when there was no need at all to explain why they had powers in the first place
Like, fuck MGSV.
The night brims with defiled scum, and is permeated by their rotten stench. Just think, now you're all set to hunt and kill to your heart's content!
>KOTOR 2 perfectly fitted the lore.
You beat me to the punch
What an actual shithole.
Otacon was definitely fucking his niece.
>Ocelot in MGS2
>revealed to have the nickname Shalashaska due to his horrific torture techniques during his time in Afghanistan in the Cold War
>Ocelot in MGSV
>the nickname is just based on false rumors spread around
T-thanks, Kojima.
In the MGS Database for PS3 that came along with MGS4, it was stated that Ocelot was 100% possessed by Liquid during the Tanker incident. Following that, him and Solidus went to France where he got the robot arm and underwent brainwashing. So he was possessed during the Tanker, but just faking during Big Shell. Of course that is if you believe the Database, that thing had lots of factual errors.
the story made sense
people sperge out because the story points were presented in a non-linear way
ooooh nooo i dont understaaaaand
The story made sense. Sadly, it was complete shit.
I wonder if it was always supposed to be that way, or if it only ended up like that because MGS5's story is a clusterfuck of salvaged pieces sewed together.
>the story made sense
Dude, parasites.
>rubbing our noses in bloody battlefield dirt, all for revenge!
>actually, Kaz, revenge is bad for you and you shouldn't let the past haunt you
>okay Boss, you know best! I mean if I meet Skullface in person I'll shoot some limbs off maybe but otherwise we'll let bygones be bygones!
>Whitewashing Zero
>MG1 Boss wasn't the real boss even though in MG2 he clearly remembered first hand fighting you in MG1
>Remember when there was a voice activated super bioweapon that Big Boss could have held the entire fucking world to ransom within later games but he just happens never to mention it
It may have made sense as an isolated game, but it introduced more holes in the series plot than it solved
>I wonder if it was always supposed to be that way,
No. Kojima never planned the MGS story out. Each game was just new bullshit he made up based on recent movies he had seen.
soy tu cita para baile saco de mierda
>Kojima in charge of a story about clones
>Guy with all the recessive genes has dark hair
>Guy with all the dominant genes has light hair
>Clones age faster because they were taken from a man not a child
The man hasn't seen the inside of a bio classroom.
Wait, what? How the fuck did I miss that?
Aktschually in MGS1, Snake has blonde hair. He dyes it and cuts it so he doesn't look like Liquid.
>Clones age faster because they were taken from a man not a child
It's pretty much a throwaway line in MGS2. In MGS4 they imply that the brothers were engineered that way, along with removing their ability to reproduce.
They shouldn't mature faster but the length of BB's telomeres would definitely be a factor.
Yeah, the only way MGS fans can comprehend a story is to have a 20 minute exposition dump telling them EXACTLY what happened, how it led to something else, and how nanomachines were the convenient plot device for any questionable details within that. Psycho Mantis' ghost showing up in the middle of the ocean for some reason is totally fair game, but Vamp can't just have supernatural powers because that would be too dumb for this super-serious military story about nukes and shit.
That's old science senpai, incidence of age related conditions in cloned organisms is no higher or earlier onset than those born naturally. There was some early reporting on Dolly and the other first wave clones that they were getting shit like arthritis early but it turned out to be a mistake.
>It may have made sense as an isolated game, but it introduced more holes in the series plot than it solved
That is literally every Metal Gear Solid game including the first one.
There's only one plot device necessary.
Not Ghost Babel
Ghost Babel wasn't a Metal Gear Solid game though.
Bullshit. SS had dark hair in the MSX games, and he didn't even know of Liquid at that time.
They technically never revealed that Snake had recessive genes and Liquid had dominant, just that Snake was supposed to be the inferior and Liquid the superior.
And that wasn't the reason why they were aging.
See: It's not bullshit. Go watch the briefings in MGS1. Blonde hair. If you watch all the interviews through to the end, it ends with him cutting his hair and Naomi asking him why he's doing it. Interestingly, for those who don't know, if you only watch some briefings and then exit back to the main menu, you get an alternate scene of Campbell threatening Snake with putting him in prison for all that he's done.
Once I realized Ocelot is supposed to have a drawl and Kaz is just the generic sounding guy made it a lot less confusing.
Also why is ALL OF AFGHANISTAN raven territory?
You're right that it's never explicitly said
>Snake had recessive genes and Liquid had dominant
But the way Ocelot puts it at the end, it's very much implied that is the case. Save for the blonde hair on Liquid.
What's the fedora for, friend? I'm not the one trying to praise MGS2 as a post-modern work of art, Kojima is a joke of a storyteller and everyone knows it. No one actually thinks Big Boss is a good character, you know that right? I mean he's called fucking BIG BOSS. MGS is B-movie schlock but it's fine because Kojima comes up with weird shit that nobody else does, or more specifically he was in a fortunate position to do whatever Konami let him for 30 years because it turns out people will buy anything with a character called Solid Snake in it.
>I mean he's called fucking BIG BOSS.
Why does that make him a bad character? I mean holy fuck, that's your argument? All that talk and that's it?
>You're fine! You got all the old man's dominant genes! I got all the flawed, recessive genes.
>Don't you realise what it feels like to know you were garbage from the day you were born?
>I'm just the leftovers from what they used to create... you.
Granted Liquid might not have known shit about what he was talking about, but I'd count that as 'explicitly said' otherwise.
>Depending on the ending in the original version, he'll also reveal thatLiquid Snakehad been misled into believing he had been the inferior clone, and that the President himself is actually a product of theLes Enfants Terriblesproject with the codename ofSolidus.
Best delivery in vidya history coming through
Probably something out of Godhand. Only game to genuinly give me laughs intentionally.
They call him Big Boss because that was what the villain in the first game was called
It's the same character
Isn't that in response to the guy in the robot killing one of the characters?
You only play in a small area near the Kabul border.
>Have you ever experienced any hardship in your life?
it really hurts me more than anything in MGSV that le gay cowboy of wicked tricks and double-crossings never did any (well ok 1) tricks, never betrayed anyone, never fucking did anything but complain that i hadn't showered. fucking HELL.
Makes me wanna get back into anime.
Lots of Animu is pretty trashy