What went so horribly wrong
What went so horribly wrong
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This looks awful.
This is annoying to watch, why do they keep walking in circle, it's like someone's playing with one hand
Low budget == High Profit Margins
I feel like this was a Vita game they decided to make a PS4 game but didn't want to bother actually making better assets
You'd think this would be ported to Switch as well.
Switch already got the better version
SE didn't think the Switch would do so well ,so it never got localized.
>Square Enix
Wow it's literally the same game but you can change costumes and run slower.
0/10 Blunder of the Century.
Square only know low budget and AAA games. Also mediocre remake for a mediocre game.
Stop actingl ike this deserves a AAA budget remake
3D was a mistake.
Mana deserves better.
i dont care how bad it is, i already preordered it on steam and i will enjoy it because this was my second favorite childhood game
It looks like Wii game, I think they can do better without much straining.
A better game than Secret of Mana? Yeah the series already achieved that multiple times.
But of course you fags have to act like a small bduget thing like this that will be forgotten in a month will somehow ruin the original
The official art is really nice desu
They're charging $40 for this bullshit? I'd rather just play the original.
The physical edition is a Gamestop exclusive.
was the water sage always supposed to be a kid?
The sprite made her look OLD
Never really liked this game. I understand it's a childhood thing for most people but I didn't really like the plot, characters, and the gameplay is done better in other games in the series.
Honestly it was just the boxart the made me preorder.
I'm sure I'll enjoy the actual game well enough too, but I'm not counting on it.
fucking stupid 3d bullshit
I like Secret of Mana so yes. I think this shouldn't even exist.
I wish we had the Switch collection.
I mean, being anime tends to make you look like a kid.
Yeah nah you're just pulling shit out yo ass.
Secret of Mana was never good.
they program costumes
>instead of giving characters one slight costume change per actual gear, they use it for DLC garbage
>said DLC named after iconic gear of the game
Looks like a ps2 remake
>That awful mobile font
What's wrong with their voices?
I couldn't even make it past the intro.
Is that a new boss? I don't remember that snake thing at the start of the video.
>What went so horribly wrong
your nostalgia bubble popped.
Its just another anime japcrap game like all the others.
Cant even remember the last time I purchased a japanese videogame. you play one you've played them all
>hyaaaaa!~ hen tay, eshi!
That's a sad way of thinking.
It looks fine
>Is that a new boss? I don't remember that snake thing at the start of the video.
It's the snake you fight before getting to Flammie. It looks different from the original.
A search calls it "Great Viper":
Imagine being this defensive when bad games are made on your system.
So enlsaved and unable to cope with truth you think it's easier to make the whole world believe the source was bad.
You need help. Don't stay that retarded forever.
This looks like those Final Fantasy DS remakes. How in the fuck?
>that gameplay
Jesus Christ that's awful.
I probably would be fine with it, if it was 20 bucks cheaper and not so fucking bright. I remember the original being quite a bit moodier in parts.
3D was the mistake, this really looks like a handheld game. At this rate, I'd rateher play the original.
Fucking Square Enix had a chance to finally localize Seiken Densetsu 3, but no
They probably didn't localize it because of this Secret of Mana remake.
Once again, we get a subpar game in the place of SD3.
If this does well, maybe they'll make another, new Secret of Mana. Or at least a remake of 3.
looks like shit, I wanted to play this but my eyes are bleeding
yeah because they arent wearing faggot fursuits
The clothing is optional and based of in game armor that existed in the original.
Tl;dr you're retarded.
>SD1 remake
>SD2 remake
A lazy 3D remake of the third that nobody wants? I mean, look at this remake. They didn't do shit to fix the clunky-ass gameplay or boss design of the original. It's still gonna be a total mess to play.
The gameplay of Secret of Mana really was boring. Having to wait until 100% to attack sucked. Charging weapons was pointless. You had to level up every weapon and every magic for each character. SD3 really was an improvement across the board.
>enemy spells still stop you in your fucking tracks and are 100% unavoidable even halfway across the fucking map
>still have those worthless ass charge attacks that take literally forever to charge and barely that much more damage than as long as it takes to get as many hits in with your standard 100% stamina strike in the same time frame (fuckers didn't even remember they had them until the fucking viper fight) and to top it off, you still move stupidly slow
Fuck this shit. Just give me a new Crystal Chronicles. I'll even take a new Echoes of Time.
On the bright side
>much more MP (hopefully that's just not for the demo exhibition)
>extra scenes and side-story dialogue confirmed, hopefully it's some of the cut content (that they didn't use for Chrono Trigger) rather than shit they just made up for this remaster
Can we get this in the west now to balance that cancerous shit in the OP?
The SNES graphics hold up extremely well, it has a great sound track, and its fun as a coop game if you try to use as little magic as possible.
don't u talk shit about flammie
There wildly overestimate the value of this franchise.
Should have done something like Chrono Trigger if they wanted to get away with charging that, for this quality.
Isn't it a mobile port?
Vita. Ported to PS4
Can't blame you for thinking it looks like a mobile game though
>its fun as a coop game if you try to use as little magic as possible.
I'd rather just play a good beat 'em up at that point.
Wow, how lazy can they be? There are fuckloads of better looking Vita games. Hell, there are better looking PSP and DS games, too.
It looks like they made a mobile game but decided to put it on consoles.
>Wow, how lazy can they be?
This is Square we're talking about, here.
>buy Taito
>do nothing with 90% of your IPs
What's the fucking point then?
They're just busy butchering all of Eidos' IPs before shutting them down.
>Playstation Underground
Do they have the best Playstation games in town?
Nintendownies are literally in EVERY Sony/PlayStation related thread.
Really makes you think.
Did none of you guys not see the threads months ago with the screenshots?
>Playstation Underground
I wanted to do a sonic underground parody but nothing comes to mind that wont count as trying to bait for console wars.
Because it is.
It's a sequel to the mobile Adventures of Mana remake. Anyone who's looking at it as "WOOOOW THESE FUCKIN SHIT GRAPHICS" instead of a low budget, low price, low poly remake is a moron.
>minimap is just the old SNES level
I don't understand why anyone enjoys watching/listening to that pusillanimous gigantic fat neckbeard.
>>minimap is just the old SNES level
it's actually a weird mix of snes and mobile remake graphics
>gameplay is revealed for any game
>is literally any level of quality from shit to amazing
>Sup Forums thread
>"What went so horribly wrong"
How do you guys continue
its bad because i would rather the game look like the minimap. I mean how hard is it for square to take the original game, change the aspect ratio, maybe improve the AI, and increase weapon charge speed?
It looks fine, like the Adventure of Mana remake. A low budget, low poly game made for mobile devices that ended up getting ported to other devices again.
I'm not sure how anybody could expect anything else.
>Mana 1 remake comes out
>Mana fans think it's really good, beg for Mana 2 and 3.
>Square commissions Mana 2 remake.
>Mana 2 remake is revealed and is coming to more consoles, has better graphics than Mana 1 remake.
>Everyone ever shits themselves because Secret of Mana is such a LEGENDARY game and how DARE they give its remake a budget of less than 50Million dollars?!?
>Square launches it for $40 instead of $20 because they think they can coast on SoM's good name.
>Everyone starts posting hyperbolic bullshit.
Everything that could have went wrong did despite the remake being perfectly fine.
SNES Luka was terrifying.
Square had a godawful habit of shading the neck area so it looked like a mouth.
The difference is that the people who were going to buy it anyways, will buy it anyways, where as the people who never cared, will shitpost on how it's not 4k, lose interest, and buy it anyways when it goes on sale.
Nothing's changed. Just blunder fags have things to do
>uses Medical Herb on Pygmy status
>take off those fucking stupid costumes for your official video shit
I am so fucking #triggered
I preordered this shit for PC ages ago, at a discount too thanks to GMG
>When all the Enix games since the merger have been good.
You're tempting me to post a thinking emoji
I always saw that too
>not importing
>being EOP
Sword of Mana was fine a fine remake of Final Fantasy Adventure, Adventures of Mana was not.
This makes me want to finally play the third game, since I've played the first two without really knowing that they were actually related. I guess there is probably a good fan translation out there by now.
Also I'll just drop this track of "Final Fantasy Adventure/Mystic Quest"
You should do a quick google on how of the original staff, programmers, scenario writers, and directors were left at Square after that merger. The amount will probably surprise you.
>I mean how hard is it for square to take the original game, change the aspect ratio, maybe improve the AI, and increase weapon charge speed?
no idea. It's the like how the Lufia 2 remake was fucked up.
All they had to do was make the base game in HD
enix havent put out a single good game since they bought square
There was a Lufia remake?
Adventures of Mana was a near 1:1 remake done with different graphics that remained true to the original art and contained same but slightly adjusted gameplay that duplicated the feel of the original. Sword of Mana was none of these things.
>in HD
There's no such thing as an upres HD machine and sprite work for an entire game that size is expensive.
>Sword of Mana
Jesus Christ get the fuck out you goddamn pleb.
Adding several paragraphs to a good game doesn't make it better. All it has going for it is the sprite art. Adventures is just FFL with analog movement and polygons (and slightly altered values on attacks).
Sword of Mana was a fresh take on the game while giving it a good updated sprite look. Adventures of Mana is going to be like this newest secret of mana, a soulless reproduction
They didn't do anything to fix the shitty gameplay
Go ahead, tell me what's wrong aside from "I don't like low poly."
DQ8's pretty damn good.