BotW being hailed as one of the most revolutionary games ever

>BotW being hailed as one of the most revolutionary games ever.
>Will win multiple GOTY awards.
>Meanwhile the actual most revolutionary game of 2017 will barely win anything.

Why is this allowed?

What exactly was revolutionary about RE7? Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it, but it's just dumbed down classic RE mechanics crossed with Outlast style hide and seek first person horror.

The only thing "revolutionary" about RE 7 was the fact it worked in VR. I enjoyed RE 7, definitely way more than the shit show that was RE 6 and 5, but there was nothing really special about it. It doesn't help that the mercenaries mode of the game was sold as DLC and the only free DLC/extra content is Not a Hero.

If you're going to shitpost atleast get the game that started that style right.

>Hyper choreographed "cinematic" first-person haunted house

the 1 hour segment which is an actual game 1/3 in isn't bad though.

It's a VR experience that's actually a real proper game and it's also good.

Why do dev these days seem to think gore is the same as horror? RE7 is only scary for like the first hour or so and the rest is just typical adventure with lots of blood.

>Get this a few days ago
>However, every fucking enemy and boss is a bullet sponge
>Boss fights go from tense to tedious very fast

>Outlast style hide and seek
I kinda want to play this but while I admit I only played Outlast for little over an hour, it felt like the enemies always magically patrol wherever I'm around or only change their patrol routes after I move a set distance from their current area, and if I do get seen I'm either helpless or they don't search the room properly, is this any different or am I just a scrub?

its ok if you want to fanboy your favorite series but don't spout nonsense, re7 is decent at best and thats only in its beginning hours

>not derivative, soulless, PT copycat streamer bait

That pic suits you. You should go back

>2 enemy types
>2 bosses


Pure horror is not the point of RE7 and it was not the point of any Resident Evil.

The horror is supposed to enhance the tension and feeling of survival, so that when you beat the odds it's extremely satisfying.

>wrong turn game
>it's shit
whoda thunk

Amnesia and Outlast came out years ago.

Jack Baker's VA deserved more credit.

>2 enemy types
>2 bosses

You're free to dislike the designs but both those are factually false.

It plays nothing like Outlast.

>The first thing BotW fags do is go on the offensive because somebody doesn't like the repetitive open world, boring combat, and easily passable dungeons

I can list a dozen other GotY material games that blow this garbage straight out of the water.
>Yakuza 0
>Nier: Automata
>Super Bomberman R
>Fast RMX
>PuyoPuyo Tetris
>Sonic Mania
>Gravity Rush 2
>RotK: PUK
>Tekken 7
>Etrian Odyssey V
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2

But of course BotW gets a pass at every game awards letdown because all the cocksuckers who got triforce tattoos have to justify their $460 aftermarket Switch purchase the only way they know how. It being a good or bad game plays no factor.

Which of the RE7 DLC are actually good? Kinda thinking about buying the season pass now that End of Zoe is out.

As a Switch and PS4 owner, BOTW is far from the greatest game of the year. Yakuza 0, Nier Automata, Nioh and Gravity Rush 2 easily defeat it. BOTW is a clear cut case of the Nintendo bonus at work and people letting their emotional side, dipped in nostalgia decide for them.

Get the Bedroom DLC is you love good puzzles.
Ethan must die mode is a must and is a lot of hard fun.
21 is only good if you at all like cards.
And get the sisters DLC only if you at all cared for the story and want to see how it started.


Or maybe, just maybe, people have different opinions to you and you are actually in the minority.

>Gravity Rush 2
>better than anything
Opinion invalidated.


Wut. It did nothing new on any level and even managed to be weaker than previous entries. RE1 was revolutionary, RE4 was revolutionary, RE7 is a retreading of things done by other games but done worse just like BoTW

The only good thing RE7 did was have a hillbilly run around with the power glove smashing monsters in the face

Meanwhile BoTW made Zelda not suck as a main entry and be enjoyable for just about everyone, which took over a decade to make possible

Advice for Outlast:
>Outlast style hide and run

The game teaches you that you can run from patrols with the flooded basement area. When all else fails: run.

If you've beaten RE4 you can handle RE7.


i really liked RE7, it didn't blow me away but i liked it. That being said, the enemy design was bad - the "molded" was very uninspired and a really boring enemy. Would have strongly preferred traditional T-virus zombies over the molded. The most imposing scenes in RE7 were being faced with Jack and Marguerite in 'human' form - as in human but not quite human - very unnerving.

The Baker estate was a bit underwhelming as well, nothing at all like the Arkay mansion.


>When all else fails: run
I didn't get that impression, as I kept getting hit while running away and died which is when I got the impression that being seen is a really slow game over screen unless there's a room you can go into and close the door before the guy gets in and then just crouch behind something

>If you've beaten RE4 you can handle RE7.
I've beaten RE4 a lot of times, including in professional but the monster at the end of RE7 demo was a big pain in the ass

>art literally stolen from texas chainsaw massacre

>but it's just dumbed down classic RE mechanics crossed with Outlast style hide and seek first person horror.
It's more like a modern day Condemned.

Wow, just like playing Silent Hill 2!

Mia or Zoe?


RE takes influence from other horror films and action movies all the time.



It's the first VR "game". That's why it's revolutionary.

I've never played it, never tried VR and don't even own a console.

I dropped Mia the second she stabbed my hand the first time.

Mia is way cuter and despite being a flawed person genuinely loves you, Zoe wears stripper bras and has a shitty accent
It's not a hard choice

>shitty accent
That accent unironically makes me hard as a rock.

Because it was released too early in the year.

Are you saying you haven't played both fully? If not play both, you'll get a kick out of 'em.

Fight through any potential frustration.

>stripper bras
what not?


Condemned was nothing like RE7. It was good for one (jk I enjoyed re7)

Underrated post

I pick Zoe (the End of Zoe version of her)

Why did they make Zoe into an anime girl in End of Zoe?

Hey man, if your shit taste is inbuilt I ain't gonna fight you on it

This. This is actually one of the few games that actually made use of VR and succeeds. It should be more talked about but then again VR will never take off

If you don't like Southern girls your just gay that's a fact.

>literally yet another linear, heavily scripted, setpiece driven jumpscare fest
>with shit writing, puzzles, bosses and gameplay, plus a DLC mountain made to compensate lack of replay value
>revolutionary in any way
inb4 "m-muh BR!"

Sorry man, I prefer my women without genetic defects, ingrained fundamentalism, voices like cheese graters, Oxycontin habits or a tendency towards becoming fat and ugly as they age

Yeah, muh BR

>comparing RE7 to BOTW

Why the fuck is BOTW even being compared to a first person horror game? Just stop with this nonsense you autistic faggots

BOTW really did a number on sonygros. They can't seem to let go


The game's exploration is extremely satisfying, the combat is pretty good too. What keeps this game from being truly great is the stale formula:

- a new area of play is introduced
- you can explore until you trigger the arrival of a reviving enemy
- you then are pitted against killable enemies
- until you find a way to kill the reviving enemy for good

They should've mixed it up some more as they tried to do with DLC. Now they need to combine all the good ideas/innovations into a full, main game and then it'll be a masterpiece.

>names le "shit writing" as a negative for X resident evil game

Ah, I feel you user. You into them northern women.

Different strokes for different folks, I guess.