40 GOTY awards and counting

>40 GOTY awards and counting

super mario odyssey deserved it more 2bh

Who cares what won the meme of the year awards?

The only game people will remember from 2017 is pubg.

The Last of Us 2 will surpass it when it comes out next year, Sony can't afford to let another platform have the highest rated game this gem, I just hope that reviewers calm their biases and give it to Red Dead 3 instead since it's not lop sided like other games.

It's already getting overshadowed by fortnight

Hardly being over shadowed. Sure it's a good competitor but they both have such high player counts that it would take a big drop off for one to over take the other.

t. Epic Employee

>6 years until the next Zelda

>nintendo's development effort all on one platform
>engine and core gameplay already built
>visual style already built
>implying there won't be a majora's mask for breath of the wild in 2019/2020
>implying there won't be a 2d zelda in 2018

Go to bed Timmy.

Still overhyped shit.

>implying the will do a BotW2 and won't go back to the old formula

>The only game people will remember from 2017 is pubg.

Yeah, in a "can you believe that shit was popular that year?" way.

No one forgets mainline Zelda titles. Breath of the Wild will be no more "forgotten" than Ocarina of Time.


I'm 12 shrines in and games kinda boring. World feels big but empty as fuck, nothing in it except shrines and bokoblins. Combat is also tepid. Does it get better?

pubg will be remembered as co4, halo 3, minecraft, league etc as a true classic

botw will be forgotten

Accept it

No. I felt the same way and kept playing. If you don't like it, then stop and play something you do enjoy.

It deserved it, though I spent way more time with SMO. My runners up would be Horizon, Prey and R7

And why, exactly, do these rewards matter?

It really doesn't, the game is boring as fuck

Who would have guessed that all you'd need to do to make Zelda win dozens of awards and reach critical acclaim was have Link crossdress?


There's a lot of truth to this. Uncharted 2 won goty in the year it was released. It was released in the same year as minecraft, which wasn't even nominated.

If people voted on that years goty NOW, minecraft would clearly win by an absolutely overwhelming majority.

i expect it will be the same thing with pubg in 3 years time

even if BotW wasn't the best in the genre, I still love these "just fuck around with physics in an open world" games so I'm pleased it was successful and will look forward to the increase in such games being made

No, it doesn't. Hell, it actually gets worse.

This game is overrated as fuck. Nintendo bought out critics for reviews and the public adapted a mob mentality for praising it since Nintendo intentionally starves if fanbase for mainline console games for this reason alone - they'll eat anything you give them if you have to wait at least 5 fucking years for a shitty game.

It's got cute robots in it, so I don't mind at all.

I'm willing to accept this as a necessary sacrifice if the next game has actually long themed dungeons and content.

Best game of all time!

I secretly want you to be right and we get a brand new world in BotW's engine with its faults fixed.

I'm convinced the reason nintendo players love this game so much is because it's the first ubisoft style open world game they've ever played, while xbox, playstation and pc players grew tired of them years ago.

Armor now has durability

zelda does open world right while ubisoft fails at open world

>Like Likes exist in the game now
>They eat weapons and also armor
>It's possible that when you kill them, they don't always give you your gear back
>Armor also has durability on top of all this so you can lose it by getting hit too much anyways

of course, absolutely

Fucker nobody will remember this shitty meme game in a year or two because it will be replaced by better-playing clones.

He's right though. Your not so ambiguous feefees and blattant passive aggressive childishness can't change that fact.


that's what happened to minecraft (you DO remember minecraft, right), and it will happen to pubg

I agree 100 percent

I used to think like this, and I still understand the capitalistic nature of the marketplace, competition, etc, but about two years ago I began working midlevel at a gaming corporation (in marketing and strategy, nothing Sup Forums would be interested in) and it turns out companies don't really care if another console does better than them. They just want to (a) maximize profits per interest quotient and (b) want people to be more and more into video games in general, because they learned after 90s when competition was fierce it wasn't brand loyalty that propelled sales. It was interest in video games at all.

At the end of the day, sure, Company X would rather you buy their game/console over Company Y's, but priority seems to be in making hype as shit games and invest in the "culture" of faming.

>tfw fell for the "Master Mode" is good meme

I wish Sup Forums was more like this user.

You obviously haven't played it

I wish I hadn't


I sure as fuck hope they’ll go back