Why would you buy Ōkami HD again? The PS2 version was blurry, so that was understandable to buy it on PS3 again...

Why would you buy Ōkami HD again? The PS2 version was blurry, so that was understandable to buy it on PS3 again. The PS3 version outputs in full HD so it's not like you are going from 720p to 1080p or even an increased frame rate. Even the trophies are on the same trophy list. Why didn't they just make a 4K version?

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>Why would you buy Ōkami HD again on PS4?
FTFY. It's 4k on PC, and it's not going to be bound to a device that I will have forever unplugged in 4 years at most

>4k on PC

beauty without grace is empty

Because I never owned a PS3.

Cause I only played the awful Wii version.

Unironically what did he mean by this?

Why didn't they call it Okami 4K on PC then?

Because HD is HD. It's not a set resolution.

HD is either 1280x720 or 1920x1080 (full HD). Ultra HD is more commonly referred to as 4K and 8K.

What if I didn't buy it on PS3?

>Even the trophies are on the same trophy list.
>Muh cheevos
Im embarrassed to share a console with you people

I didn't buy it on PS3 because it looked janky plus I knew it would come to PC one day.

PS3 version is cheapest on the store. You did keep your PS3 didn't you? I wouldn't want to pay more for a contrast enhancement and removal of PlayStation Move support (I thought Move controllers worked on PS4).

Not everyone owned a PS2 or 3. $20 is literally chump change. Who gives a fuck?

Still, it shows laziness. Instead of duplicating the trophies to a new list they just linked them to the PS3 game.

The PS3 version used to go on sale for like $5. It just feels wrong to pay more for essentially the same game with a contrast enhancement.

>everyone owns a PS3

? how was it awful

>You did keep your PS3 didn't you?
implying I ever had one

Wii used standard definition resolution so didn't look much better than a PS2.

umm.... no, sweetie

*installs undetected virus*

*plays massive library of games in 4K for free*

Sure but I couldn't let myself be cucked by bitcoin miners and spyware.

The only reason to get it is if you haven't already played it. Not rocket science you fucking dolt

>not having antivirus

It's 4k on PS4 Pro and doesn't having the disgusting blur effect that exist on the PC version.

Mouse support for the drawing mechanic is super underappreciated here on Sup Forums.

>implying antivirus will catch out everything

It's snake oil.

Because it's locked to shitty 30 fps and I already own it on PS2/PS3 and can emulate it for free.

30 fps locked I guess PC fags see in 100+ fps

>with a contrast enhancement.
Source on that? But the ps3 version had screen tearing issues and the PC version is significantly improved over the rest of them. Outside of motion controls I guess.

Yes it does have that blur and PC already has a mod to remove it. and 4k is low, I'm playing this game at 8k with max MSAA.


What kind of game comes out on PC locked to 30 fps?

>inb4 game physics tied to framerate hurr
yeah fuck you they could have figured that out. I'm not giving them 20 bucks for a shitty port.


Got a link to the mod?

I sold it to a friend. I have a Vita for PS1 games, the only thing I want to play from gen 7 again is Catherine

It's the "blur" bind. It'll remove the after-image effect when you move the camera.

Publishers need to stop putting buzz words like "definitive", "remastered" and "hd" on their game titles. It makes the box art and title screens look horrible.

If you have a decent PC Catherine runs pretty well on the PS3 emulator.

*develops a poverty midset and ends up homeless*

Fuck getting the platinum in that.

Wouldn't the Xbox 360 version run better on a PC?

Thanks user


>and doesn't having the disgusting blur effect that exist on the PC version
Why would you lie about something like this? It's something that makes Okami look as good as it does and all versions except the Wii version have it.

The PS3 version is inferior though.

how? and we're talking about emulators here.

No need got it on the Wii and then later in a humble bundle for PS3 which I have move controllers for anyway.

I didn't buy it before, and now we get MODS!


How did you get rid of the fuzzy/double image?

I didn't they just weren't moving.

Yeah that's cool, but it's not worth $20 nor do I want to encourage a lazy port.

Honestly the PS2 emulation gives you 95 percent of this new port experience for no money and very little hassle.

Dang, that's the one thing I wish I could get rid of.

I never liked okami, so, no.

>95 percent
I'm playing at 2880p dude. It's like 5%.

You can a little bit.

Okami is way way way way too easy and the "drawing" is a really lame gimmick that breaks the flow of the game *constantly*

The real question here is why would you ever play this game in the first place? The game literally puts me to sleep in 5 minutes.

>t. only played for 5 minutes

No I played it for about 5 hours and I just couldn't stand the stupid drawing anymore. Why do I have to stop the game to draw a circle on some trees every 2 minuites? Why do I have to stop the game and draw a line through enemies all the time. No challenge at all. Give me some dodging and blocks instead that take skill TYVM.

All I can give the game credit for is the great art. It really make you want to play until you actually play it.

It's a cool mechanic that matches the lore and aesthetic.

Feels like a gimmick to me. I'm sure it's fine for some but I really just don't like it. There is no flow.

That's why I like the wii version the best, it's just so fast. PCSX2 also lets you uncap the frame rate which makes it fast as well presuming you're holding x. Why not use your mouse?

The same reason why Sony never made PS4 backward compatible with PS3, it’s not 4theplayer

Is there a fix to use controllers on a pirated version yet?

It’s only 20 bucks who the fuck cares it’s cheap as hell

I care because I'd rather not support a lazy port.

Vote with your dollar.

Well okay then. Enjoy not being able to use a controller

I didn't pirate the game. I made a legal rip of my PS2 version and have been playing with the microsoft/360 wired controller no problem.

buy it on xbox to get all the cheevos again
this is still the best zelda game btw

>this is still the best zelda game btw
Among 3D Zeldas, it really is. Oracles are better, but Okami blows every 3D Zelda out of the water, no contest. Gorgeous, engaging, fun, incredibly long. Literally the only negative in the entire game is lmao3orochi

To whoever bought the ps4 version, is the touchpad used for the brush mechanic? I'd like to get at least one game that actually has a use for the thing.

For some reason, I've heard it doesnt work on the PS4, but it works on your PC. I dont know how or why it does, but that's the news apparently

That sounds so dumb and unbelievable (dumbelievable?) that I believe it.


Why do they do this