100 Hours in, not even half way done with the game. I've never played a game jam packed with soo much to do and so much content. I'm not the kind of guy to play a game for 100 hours. This game single handedly rekindled my love for JRPGs after Persona 5 and Berseria left a bad taste in my mouth. Persona 5 because it shares all the faults of P4 (without the girls being as cute) and none of the good aspects of P3(such as characters doubting MC and FemMC). Berseria's world and exploration really left a lot to be desired, it's more corridors than world and it feels like the enemy placement was set by a random number generator. Exploration is a must for any role playing game, if you can't go out in to a living world then you can't really call it role playing. I want to see more of this in JRPG. Every system in the game is useful, Mercs, pouch, team attacks, combos, affinity grids, heart to hearts, battle skills, chips, Hana's growth system, field skills. You can't remove any part of the game, nothing is superfluous, and you need to take advantage of everything to get the full experience. Not sure why people are hating it. It's a great game easily 9/10 arguably 10/10 and my GOTY. And I'm not even done.
100 Hours in, not even half way done with the game...
kk the game isn't bad, but what is with people turning it into something it's not? The exploration, grind, and combat is mmo tier, and the story is average. It's an incredibly average yet people talk like it's Baldur's gate 2. It's ok to like a game and realize it's just ok.
>combat is mmo tier
Name 1 mmo that plays like XBC2.
As a guy who is playing and enjoying this game, how can you possibly like it more than Persona 5?
Persona 5 is so jam-packed with style and creativity, it was an absolute blast. This game is good, but compared to P5 it's extremely generic and boring.
>Persona 5 is so jam-packed with style and creativity
It rehashes the SMT formula, a system I've been playing since Nocturne, HARDLY original or creative. While it is stylish and cool it's all style and no substance. It also forces you to stop playing in the form of SP and ammo. In XBC2 the story continues when I say it continues and I play to my heats content without the game taking control way from me. Also, Exploring a Palace is nowhere near as engaging as exploring the world of Alrest.
Well, XBC2 rehashes same combat system for third time, has no substance nor style, and you are no more control of plot in either game.
>It rehashes the SMT formula
Is this supposed to be a bad thing? But what specifically do you mean because Nocturne and Persona 5 are drastically difference games.
club penguin
>XBC2 rehashes same combat system for third time
Man it's sooo clear you have never played any xenoblade games. Because XBC2 plays nothing like XBC or XBX. It's also a much deeper combat system than P5's so If XBC2 has no substance where does that leave P5?
>100 Hours in, not even half way done with the game
What the fuck are you even doing? I finished the story around 90 hours
loved that shit i clocked >500 hours farming bans
Filling out affinity grids, exploring all the hidden areas, opening all the treasure boxes and rooms that require field skill, questing, killing bosses, merc quests, maxing out common blades in preparation to release them.
Persona 5's certainly had a lot of style, but it's honestly very derivative, the story is a slot for like 70% of the game, and the combat is the same shit with a few extra bells and whistles.
I liked Persona 5, but XC2 does a lot more with its story and premise. The combat is completely revamped and engaging even dozens of hours in. The open areas are fun to explore. I could go on.
>the story is a slog
I didn't like the open areas as much as the ones in XCX, you could really tell that XCX's map designers didn't work on the game
>Is this supposed to be a bad thing?
Yes, especially since the core SMT formula hasn't changed since it's damn conception basically. They've just added various bells and whistles along the way. Shit's getting old.
XCX had a different approach, they made the world all connected as it was because you were flying around inside your mech for most of it, it wouldn't work as well without them
everything from Tantal onwards just feels too fucking cramped.
He is right, story puts you right into the lives and problems of character you have zero reasons to like. P4/3 where you are slowly introduced to characters and slowly help them with their problems. Yukiko for example doesn't want to bother anyone with her problems. Ann on the other hand is Ham-fisted in right from the start, why would I give a fuck if a teacher is harassing her, I don't even give a fuck. In persona 3 it's almost perfect, MC is just the new guy and nobody wants him around, then slowly you build trust THEN you help everyone. P5 expects the player to love everyone and every automatically loves Joker. It's retarded and reads like a light novel.
You say this, but it works. Also, the only series that I can think really progressed was Final Fantasy and if that's what change begets I'll keep my archaic SMT.
Haven't played XBC2, but is it still dudes standing around target auto-attacking while using special skills with cooldowns? If it is, it still is a rehash.
Persona 3 was the most fun I've had with an SMT game because it was my first one. P5 just felt like going through the motions. Doesn't help that you can already find out the weaknesses of a good amount of the demons in the current dungeon by just fusing.
If you're an easily impressable japanese highschool memer you'll love the empty "style" of Persona games.
you haven't played a lot of jrpgs then if you seriously think XC2 is the pinnacle of jrpg design
>You say this, but it works
Yeah, but it's hardly creative or original. If you have played any SMT game before the Persona games are almost too easy. It's the same problem Souls like games are having. Eventually you get soo good at the formula it's not challenging, I beat Dark Souls 3 with 4-5 death on my first run.
>Haven't played XBC2, but is it still dudes standing around target auto-attacking while using special skills with cooldowns? If it is, it still is a rehash.
No, now you might auto attack 2-3 time in a fight. It's all about switching weapons, juggling elemental damage, doing combos and team attacking for big damage in accordance to how you juggled elemental damage. If at any point you are waiting for cool downs, you fucked up hard.
I agree. I bought Switch this month, wanted to buy Zelda as my first game, but my store was out of stock so I went with Xenoblade. Never played previous games, so my opinion is not biased. Game is a blast to play. Don't listen to Sup Forums. If you love the genre you really should play it.
About battle system - it's much, much more complex than Persona 5 BATON PASS shit. Here I played like 25 hours and still discover new concepts and techniques.
So it is essentially same. So rehash.
Saying XBC2 is a rehash of XBC1 is like saying Persona 5 is a rehash of Bravely Default.
Driver and blade combos, auto-attack-cancel as well as blade switching completely change the gameplay. It plays nothing like XB1 besides the most basic mmo-like window-dressing.
Having guns in Persona 5 doesn't completely revamp the gameplay.
>Persona 3 was the most fun I've had with an SMT game because it was my first one. P5 just felt like going through the motions. Doesn't help that you can already find out the weaknesses of a good amount of the demons in the current dungeon by just fusing.
THANK YOU! YES! P4/P5 really forgot what made P3 great and only kept the shit elements for some reason. If you replace Tartarus with set dungeons P3, and put FemMC in a non psp gimped version of the game it is easily 10/10.
Great argument faggot.
It sounds like same combat system with more bells and whistles, thus rehash.
It's not even close the the same, the only similarities they share is being tab target.
>combat is mmo tier
1/10 bait
What parts are the same?
Why do people even bring up persona? Dude talks about xenoblade are Sony fanboys such insecure fgs they feel the need to enter every single switch thread and bitch and moan because we don't all enjoy gaystation 4?
>Haven't played XBC2
The problem withP5 vs XBC2 threads is that it's all about people who have played both arguing with P5-only people who don't know shit, but still think their opinion matters.
He'll probably just say it's "mmo combat with auto attacks" when that argument has already been debunked.
I own both, and it's a good game to be compared to. They are both big JRPGS. However I think it's apples and oranges. You play persona for the story and girls, you play Xenoblade for the Exploration and combat.
meant to reply to
Persona games seem easy after playing an SMT game because they are, in fact, easier. I'm not really seeing what the problem is to be honest. ATLUS has tweeked the formula plenty of times. Are you saying press turn is too easy because you think you mastered it?
>Haven't played INSERT ANY GAME HERE
That completely invalidates any opinion you have about any game.
Please come back when you've played both games.
I haven't played Persona 5 so you don't see me posting uneducated opinions about things I don't know.
JRPGs are kind of a dead genre, so there's a rivalry there. Basically Xeno, Persona, Tales, and the joke that is current Final Fantasy.
I play it for Pyra baby.
I think it isn't a good comparison at all. Different games. Compare persona to SMT 5 instead and I'm sure we all will.
Better comparison is to FF15 and this game kills that one or DQ11
You should not reply to trolls.
>If at any point you are waiting for cool downs, you fucked up hard.
Hmm, I'm at chapter 3 currently and I have to wait for cooldowns so I can start elemental combo shit. Is there a guide or a video that shows how to do it right? I was just taught the concept of Break-Topple. Also, can you please explain, sometimes after I do Topple time slows down and narrator says something like "Topple-Name of elemental attack!" What does it mean?
What are other JRPGs with exploration as good as the xenoblade games? Berseria seemed lifeless. Even FF7-9 have better exploration and those games with over worlds.
Persona has become SMT lite and there were times in P4 I actually hated the tv sections because they were a drain and wanted to just play the vn parts, I was having more fun talking and leveling up my social links that the dungeons. Persona should just be a vn
Post-release fun and pre-release hype lead to such things.
>Hmm, I'm at chapter 3 currently and I have to wait for cooldowns so I can start elemental combo shit.
There are blades with support skills that will increase the affinity gauge faster as well as equipment for your blades to do the same, accessories that do the same as well as abilities that let you keep a percentage of the gauge even after you use it up, as well as skill that let you start with the X/Y buttons active. Take a good 10-15 minutes to see what all your shit does, don't stack stats like, hp or guard.
Define "exploration". Running around a empty open field in Xenoblade is not what I call exploration.
>dead genre
10 times more alive than western RPG's that died years ago.
you haven't played P5, toddler.
>empty open field
I had the exact opposite feeling. They really should've portioned off the vn and the combat better because it was very jarring to have 5 hours of combat then 5 hours of dialogue back to back to back
Its normal at chapter 3. Combat becomes more rich every chapter you go in.
Elemental topple means that if you can go with an elemental combo while you topple you get bonus dmg and a good portion of team attack bar. When cd becomes quicker itll be easier to time your attacks and chain together all this kind of shit. Your goal will be to switch blades, do el. combos, chain shit like topple to get max. damage bonus when you reach lv 3 combo and team attacks.
Its a very satisfying system.
What I hated about P5 and P4 was how often the game will take away control from you for 20 minutes at a time when all you want to do is dungeon crawl.
I know you are trolling, so this is for lurkers who are interested in the game.
Exploration is fuckawesome. Locations are very beautiful, music is eargasm tier level. There are tons of secrets, hidden loot and side quest. Some places are locked and you need special skills, like HM moves in Pokémon. tldr: game rewards exploration.
I have lots of unrefined cores, I guess I should actually look through them. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by all new mechanics.
Also, what's the point in maxing common blades? I was just releasing them for boosters, but after reading this thread I guess I fucked up.
Any games with exploration like Xenoblade that you can compare to? XBC2's Exploration was 10/10 for me, but BotW was kinda lacking. Mainly because I didn't think shrines where all that interesting because the rewards were very mediocre. Beating a shrine feels nothing like beating a dungeon in other zelda games.
>Also, what's the point in maxing common blades?
Common blades can be very good. Also they often have field skills you may lack. You easily level them up by sending them doing merc. quests, so you don't even need to waste time using them if you don't feel to.
blade field skills are annoying, I hate having to watch their little animation and listen to 5 quotes from 5 characters when I just want to open a chest
mash AB and it will only show the first one.
>Also, what's the point in maxing common blades? I was just releasing them for boosters, but after reading this thread I guess I fucked up.
If you max them out before releasing them, they can give you overdrive protocols also if you pull them again the second time they will be 1 crown stronger and have more affinity orbs to unlock. They are great for their Field skills and if you manage to get one with all crit bonus they can be a good. Actually bother to look at their battle skills and affinity tree before you release them. I also always keep 2-4 high luck ones for pulling.
He meant Homura, it's a common mistake. One is best girl the other is voiced horribly.
It is garbage
A beautiful woman unlike the chimp Michelle Obama.
The game is a lot better than it looks. Play it and see for yourself.
>That feeling when you think you explored all of an area then 30 hours later you get a Blade quest that sends you to a part you didn't even know was there or thought you could not access.
>voiced horribly
You play with English audio? Lol gtfo
i stoped playing 60 hours and chapter 4 in to wait for the update.
Hopefully it makes some decent changes and improvements
It's just a handful of quality of life changes. Still, I took the chance to play Zelda's DLC for the time being.
Xenoblade games are the epitome of creativity.
The exploration is the best part, althoughthe world is a bit small this time around.
Is there any doubt that Poppi is the best girl of 2017?
I bought this but I've realized I'm tired of playing 25+ hour long games.
Is there japanese voice over or english only?
They did though, check the fucking credits?
Style, sure, but creativity? Not so much.
Japanese voices are a free DLC pack.
Not even her best form
Free english dub dlc
Opposite here, tired of playing short "competitive" games.
>check the fucking credits?
Maybe you should take your own advice, stupid fucking retard
Thats great. Now I'm considering buying it. Thought that it was english only.
>I'm not the kind of guy to play a game for 100 hours.
so your opinion is irrelevant
You can download Japanese voices from eshop for free.
I love Nia english voice. I dunno why, but I find incredibly arousing.
It can be kinda confusing if you buy it physically, since you have to go to the store to look for the voice pack, but it's there and you can apply it before the game starts, so go ahead, you won't be disappointed.
How do you burst elements when you have 5 orbs? Every time I try to burst 1 to go to round 2 it keeps hitting the wrong orb
Like if I try to burst a fire and keep using water it will move to a different orb like wind or electric instead
You need to use opposites also there are items that let you get adjacent all orbs
There is an accessory to always hit damaged orb instead.
I don't think it's random, the orb that will be hit is the one that slightly shine.
Beside effective elements takes priority.
Poppi Alpha, yes. The other two sluts can't compare to the purity of design of the original model.
What's more valuable for ATK blades, auto-attack damage or crit rate?
It's gets to the point where it's impossible to advance to round 2 cause it moves so much and messes up my chain because it takes 3 hits to break an orb
Has Takahashi stated why XC2 has a gacha system with Blades?
Crit rate affects both auto attacks and arts, while auto attacks only affect themselves, obviously. The downside is that crits are RNG dependent, of course. If you prefer certain damage, you should be improving your strength, not the auto attack damage.
An element will always target its elemental opposite in a chain attack. Water - Fire, Wind - Ice, Earth - Electric, Dark - Light. If there are no orbs of the opposite element, the attack will target an orb at random. There's accessories that make it so chain attack specials will always prioritize already damaged orbs if there is no opposite elements. There are also weapons like balls that can hit two adjacent element orbs at once. Furthermore, elemental specials hit in values of 1 if they're attacking an orb that resists them (orb of the same element), 2 if they're attacking a neutral orb or 3 if they're attacking an opposite element orb, and you need to hit an orb with a value of 4 or above to burst it. So if you hit an orb with a super effective element and then a resisted element, it will still burst.
Just try again, the orb stay damaged if you do another combo.
You will get the hang eventually.
>Opposite here, tired of playing short "competitive" games.
Same here. The pinnacle of "short cinematic action" genre was Uncharted 2, in my opinion. It was cinematic in a fun way and very enjoyable from the beginning to the end (almost, the final boss was shit). Then Last of Us happened and everything is an overscripted movie.
This year really delivered, with Persona, Nier sequel (still cannot believe it happened) and Xenoblade.
The most open area in 2 was Gormott and it's the starting area, AND it's not even as good as Gaur Plains. XB1 alternated between 'open area' bits and more linear 'glorified corridor' bits, in XB2 they jam hallway after hallway at you. It's insane, felt like these late game areas existed solely for cutscenes.
Well game got stuck on a loading screen and had to hard reset the game, lost probably two hours of progress as well as motivation to play for the rest of the day.
How does a game that loads off a cart even have this kind of problem?
Using an element opposite of an orb will always target it, and deals 2 of the orb's 3 hp. The issue is generally that you open by attacking the weakness of an orb, and then the other characters can't use the same element so you're left to chance on trying to hit that first orb again. Later on this becomes a non-issue since Rex will get the ability to just hit every orb at the same time, meaning any follow-ups that exploit an orb's weakness will break them.
There's also no penalty in terms of orb damage for using the same element. It counts the same as any other element the orb isn't weak to.
There's the problem with building up the chain again
It takes so long to set up I just don't know
So here's my problem. I start off round 1 using an element opposite the orb and it doesn't do anything, then the next character uses an opposite move that cracks it then the 3rd character doesn't have an opposite effect so I use the same effect and it hits a different orb
Why does my first character not crack the orb first turn?