There's people whose first game wasn't Skyrim

>There's people whose first game wasn't Skyrim
What was gaming like when it sucked? Did it suck?

it was unironically my 3rd game, i was 12 when it came out

it was around five thousand and three hundred times better than today

>tfw you were 20 in 2011
My oh my how time flies

Yes it sucked.

I wonder what music was like before Tay

I'm 20 and I have never played Skyrim in my life.

Less gay electronic dance music and more dad rock

>had only played 3 videogames by age twelve

One thing's for sure, it wasn't as buggy as Skyrim.

and you niggers say that reddit is worse

My first game was the actual most perfect game ever made so it was pretty good actually.

>What was gaming like when it sucked?
It was pretty good.

I donno man, fallout 3 was pretty buggy

Sure, there was less gay electronic dance music in the 80s. Definitely.

>i was 12 when it came out
I feel disgusted, because i was around 14 or so
Thankfully tho my literally first games was shit like Shogo, Soldier of Fortune, Hobbit, GTA 2 and shit like that. And I enjoyed first System Shock year ago, shit's much better than SS2, Bioshocks and shit made by Arkane for sure

Ah yes, the beginnings of gay electronic dance music in the 80's vs the oversaturation of gay electronic dance music today

I want people in their 20s and below to leave, Sup Forums belongs to people whos first video games were dos and older. games.

>tfw can't flee to dos anymore

25< or bust

Kill yourself

>Sup Forums belongs to people whos first video games were dos and older. games.
/vr/, muh old man
Still could you please give an advice for your fellow 25< user which DOS games I should play aside of Doom, Syndicate and System Shock?

tfw my brother and me got a nes from our dad even though we were born in 93/95

first games were super mario 1 and 3, and then he bought some serious classics for us even though he didn't play games himself most of the time.

My first game was Legend of the Seven Stars and there are voting age 20 somethings who were born after it came out.

This was my first game although technically it was my dads and was also older than me.

The hobbit was a sweet game

What if my family was really poor and we only had games of those eras for the longest time? Does that count or am I still cancer?

I know that feel.

Bethesda games don't count. Their games have actually gotten consistently less buggy with each release. Fallout 4, the buggiest game of 2015, was still Bethesda's least buggy version 1.0 of a game. This all culminates with Daggerfall which was more buggy than ALL of their future games combined. That thing had more bugs than it did actual finished features.

Eh my first game was Pokemon red then almost immediately after I finished It I somehow got gold so games always started kind of bad but as sequals came out there was always better content and bug fixes aside from when spyro became a tony hawk game

I was 15 when Skyrim came out and didn't really like it at first but it grew on me. Earlier shit was more grainy but you never noticed because that's just how shit was back then. Vidya stopped being total shit after the 90s, so it wasn't all bad.

I'm 22 but my parents only bought me Nintendo and ps1 computers were never a gaming thing in my house aside from heroes of might and magic and age of empires


>Played these games in reverse order
>Got to daggerfall
>It's an archaic piece of shit and morrowind is still my favorite

Modded oblivion is pretty good too.

I want brainlets to leave, Sup Forums belongs to people whose IQ's are 3 digits long.

>SS1 is better than SS2
You should give hexen 2 and rune a shot

same here. i'm sad that we born in 1991 haven't had the chance to properly experience the golden early 2000s

the early 2010s were great tho

What the fuck what's the average here? I'm 25 and you faggots are making me feel old af

Haha same, 1991er here. Old fags unite!

Let's go play some Tekken 3, now THAT was a fighting game


The 80s were in fact gay, but it was manly gayness.