Who won?
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From a normalfag perspective.
AT the start xbox was the very clear winner due to halo.
Later when 99.999 percent of people just played multiplats on both the ps3 was probably better due to no online fee
The fact that Microsoft actively fucked over the industry starting with online fees and third-party devs pretty much guaranteed them the title of master industry rapists.
PS3, no question.
By the end of 2010 it was outselling the 360 monthly and it had sold more in the first 4 years than the 360 did in its first 4 years. Pretty sure it had outsold the 360 outright by the launch of the PS4 and XBone and that's WITH the constant replacement buys of RROD'd 360s.
The 360 was only competitive because it launched a year earlier and it had 3 times the failure rate (hence, significantly more repeat buyers).
360 was just the console. You can argue quality all you want, 360 was just the console that the kids had.
Now PS4 is the console.
360 sold a few million more
>all that literally who non-exclusive weebtrash on the bottom
>he posted it again
Id say it was 360 in pure sales, but that might be skewed by hardware faults... i don’t know. I absolutley think PS3 had better access to games, what with classics available as well. DS3 is a Better controller too
Sony, sonychads always win, now to xboxfriends I have a message for you
>succcc succccc
>thuk thuk thuuuk
As a pony i think this is probably correct. 360 was hyper normal fag.
>all that western space/orc/military and pixar shit on the top
God id hate to be a westaboo only.
Xbox 360 was way better because that was back when Microsoft actually made good games.
Now the PS4 makes the Xbox One look like a useless pile of trash, especially if you already own a PC.
360. While PS3 sold few million more, games on 360 sold better (along with DLCs), they constantly got money from Xbox Live and 360 wasn't sold at as much loss as PS3 (though RROD fiasco really hurt early on). Also 360 pad became a standard for PC.
Also simplicity of game development on 360 compared to PS3 made many series to abandon Sony exclusivity to multiplatform development.
the wii.
Always confused as to why it's never microsoft fans getting sucked up the ass.
Don't be a faggot. There isn't a single original image on this board.
>Somebody posts the MS crucification bomb,
>Another user whines about it.
I wonder why you have a problem with it.
360 at first. Then they deliberately fucked themselves over with all the kinect bullshit and the PS3 took over toward the end.
I don't consider either one to be a clear winner of that gen. First half was simply xbox, second half was ps3
Xbox 360. PS3 never got a KH game, btw. Remasters should not be considered.
>using some Halo Reach character over Master Chief when Reach was shit
Whoever made this image needs to be shot. Back on topic Xbox 360 won.
PS3 at the very end, 360 for most of the relevant generation.
It's a shame MS didn't keep up the drive they had at the beginning to get big-name Japanese content onto the system. The initial spurt of interest wound up luring a bunch of niche companies like CAVE to the platform and they never bothered porting most of their content to PS3.
As others have said, 360 at first, ps3 by the end of the generation.
Funny you should ask with that specific image.
Sup Forums shitposting is usually Nintendo vs Sony OR Sony vs Microsoft, but ever since last gen there's barely a lick of Nintendo vs Microsoft arguments.
If I didn't know any better, I'd say that it's because Microsoft Shills and delusional babby faggots don't have an argument worth a damn to stand on against Nintendo.
Nice trigger finger, but that's Sup Forums, edgelord.
what games should I play on my ps3 lads
Overall? Xbox. The 360 spawned so many Xbox drones.
I agree with this, the 360 improved the Xbox brand a lot and created a fanbase for the future (they fucked it up with the Xbone, but still)
the PS3 on the other hand lost Sony a lot of money and a lot of fans from their PS1 and PS2 days
What a shitty generation.
Ps3 had a KH game?
But pretty much every multiplat was objectively worse. It was so bad it made me go PC.
Remasters,so yes?