Rate my night

Rate my night.

Why are you always drinking the same beer? Also FFTA2 was pretty nice in my book

needs a pizza

i bought a 6 pack and haven't finished it

Basic bitch drink and the worst tactics game.
Pretty shit. 3/10 at best.

What kind?

Portuguese, thank me later

>shilling shilling

9/10 just need something to eat with it
nuggets>pizza desu

Mushroom- Chicken- JalapeƱos

Drinkin Troegs Mad Elf and playing the 2 new RE7 DLC's here. kind of wanna get a snack but probably should take it easy.

Stuffed crust
Alfredo/white sauce
black olive

>posting a picture of a game and a drink on Sup Forums instead of actually playing the game and actually drinking

Gonna give your night a 0/10.

Get a deep dish

i keep it simple

>Stuffed crust
Shit taste.


you might as well eat shit

Are you literally me? Assuming we have similar palates, you know what else is great? The creamy alfredo sauce.

No cheese or sauce.
Chicken toppings

Trust me on this.

Do the mission quests as soon as your party is strong enough to do them.

Do not be a faggot like me, and finish up every single quest before doing the next tier of missions.

Sidequests never disappear permanently, and you keep unlocking more and more stuff as you progress through the actual game.

I love FFA2.


>not pic related

Shit taste

Are you the same guy who posted the picture with the shitty Fireball bottle?

also the auction house is broken as fuck, you can get end game gear like 1/3 through the game

Chicken Bacon Onions BBQ Sauce

fuck we come here too much

How can he eat your opinion?

I just noticed it's the same beer and pad.

>not isolation ale or bromberry

domino's is the best chain pizza, fuck off

This. Also get AP or JP or whatever it's called up. XP is easy to get, but job points will bottleneck you. And give up on a nu mou, they end up with shit-tier speed compared to everything and require a juggler to be good by postgame.

>Black Olives

My fucking nigga.


Rate mine, faggot.


>90 Shilling """""Ale""""""
Disregard OP, r8 my wild Saturday night.

Flavoured club soda is where it's at. Zero calories, no sugar, not sweet, tastes better than normal soda, cheap as fuck.

ummm what is that

It's B8 m8.

homosexuality pill

>Zero calories
So what? Calories won't kill you, user. You can have them in moderation.
>tastes better than normal "soda"
Gonna have to stop you there bud. Soda water is best served plain.

Subutex buprenorphine.
I'm not gonna take everything, only 1/4.

>premium bavariCUM
and you dare insult OP's ale

Opinion discarded

>caring about calories

What're you, a girl?

>Feeds 2-4
Who are they trying to fool? One medium is the size of a small at Little Caesars.

>here bro check out my craft beer I got for 26.99 for 4

How fucked up is it they took down the rehearsal recordings but left up the super shitty final edits? Those skits were carried by the breaks in the characters. The final edit version feels so unfunny it's sad.

try $11 for 6

Rated L for lonely

I don't know where you live where you have to spend $27 for an average sixer of craft beer, but that sucks man, my condolences.

What, you can't even get mid tier stuff for that. Where do you live?

>just two posts about the game
Hope you enjoy it, I've more than 200 hours on it


Man, the decent local craft beers that come in 4 packs are like $10+ here in NH

Texas here. You can get decent craft sixers for sub-8. >10 are specialty shit. What OP is drinking is not specialty at all.

Guess that's that whole cost of living thing at work. Always surprised at real estate costs down there

Poorfag as fuck, but seems comfy enough

Alright the subutex is starting to kick in. Bet no one here can find anything to say to make me angry now.

enjoy yourself, senpai. looks comfy

Houston is pretty god-tier when it comes to standard of living vs amenities in the US.

Half LIfe 3 isn't happening

>that xbox devkit got gutted and turned into a shitty pc case.

Trump will win 2020

Seeing what's left of Volvo it's not a bad thing

Bad for xbone fan I guess, couldn't care less.
What are the exclusives worth to emulate on the first Xbox anyway?

I'm not a burger, feel free to ruin your country even more.


You get a 5/5 for the beer and a 0/5 for the game so 5/10


Please user, if you're in CO there are better choices, if you're not there are better choices.

or you could just send me that odells so I don't have to drive 30 mins to get some decent beer

>Calories are okay in moderation
Holy shit you are a fucking retard.


Comfy Saturday nights are the best

Get the fuck out of my state that I haven't in in four years.

dude alcohol lmao

Stay in and relax or walk to the bar down the street and get tanked? I haven't gone out in several days so my need for social interaction is rising. Even introverts need to go out sometimes or I lose my shit.

What the fuck, I'm in DC and a six pack of decent stuff is 8-12 bucks for a 6 pack. Cheap shit from Trader Joes is 6 and expensive stuff can get up to 25.

>Calories are okay in moderation

>What are the exclusives worth to emulate on the first Xbox anyway?
Jet Set Radio Future
Ninja Gaiden Black
Metal Wolf Chaos

look at this big boy being very mature drinking alcohol! it certainly balances out the fact that he's a nintenbro weeb faggot.

Isn't this completely correct though? You obviously don't want to be consuming too many calories a day.


go talk to some strangers. got any coworkers or anyone you can go with?

>Pepperoni and black olives
Are you me?

Alright I take back what I said.

Now I'm moderately mad

>1 beer
sad and lonely

are you actually autistic or a child? the thread starts with someone who enjoys booze.

Not to mention aspartame gives ya cancer

The holocaust literally never happened.