What's the most emotionally moving video game you've played?

What's the most emotionally moving video game you've played?

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persona 3 portable
persona 4
half-life, mainly due to nostalgia

katawa shoujo
I got a little worked up on some of the decisions in steins;gate. Faris' was especially cruel.
Some of the cases in the DR series didn't make me tear up but made me feel bad.
999 was a roller coaster of despair and elation, haven't experienced a low-to-high since that game.
VLR was a non-stop ride through depression. To date that might be the most depressing game I've ever played.



The Last of Us
Uncharted 4
Horizon Zero Dawn

Accidentally figuring out Pray in EarthBound
Riding home in Red Dead Redemption
Spec Ops the Line made me sit down for a while


League of Legends


voting for Gonta to be the Blackened in 3-4 made me almost cry a little, because I figured him putting the wires in the machine incorrectly probably screwed with his brain, and that he had no agency in actually killing Miu

but then it turns out he did have agency and he just killed her for very, very stupid reasons

Doki Doki literature club was pretty fucking wild

Should say this is Danganronpa V3. Do not read the spoiler text if you have not played that game.

>that song that plays when you get to Mexico

Automata. Mostly because of the music I guess.

999 made me cry.

I have no emotions, no feelings

that retarded killed my wife, he deserved it

I don't think it's the MOST moving, but POP 4 final was pretty touching

>uncharted 4
Really? When? I got a little scared when I thought elena died, but that was about it.

I'll give it a little credited
>get spooked
>beat the game
>relisten to the ending theme
>feel bad for monika

That shit was really rough, they didn't deserve it. None of those kids did. I'd buy a collectors edition of a DR game where you can save everyone.

I almost teared up, for me it was moments of jubulation
>think X character died
>learn about their car accident
>jizz my pants
>get to the safe ending
>depressed again
>safe ending
>reunion scene
>this song plays

That was one great thing about 999 is that it would tear your heart out, then put it back and kiss it to make it better. I really wish VLR had some highs to go with all the lows and I sure as shit wish ZTD had any emotional scenes.

shit. Meant to say the true ending


Nier: Automata Ending E
The World Ends With You
Ghost Trick

How was Persona 4 emotionally moving at all? Nothing about it is remotely emotional except the ending which is just ridiculous because everyone's acting like the MC died even though he's just going away for a few months

It was pretty hard to read the final scenes in Rakuen through the tears, if that counts.

To date this is the best VN I have ever played. Aside from that fucking minigame between chapters. Thankfully the newer version has a way to skip it and still get the best ending. But at the same time you lose a bit of the story.

>a bit
You lose huge swaths of some of the most important bits of the story. It's not like it's hard to just follow the walktrhough if you can't git gud

I am just saying that is the only bad part about the game. There is no way to get that shit right the first time through without a walkthrough.


It probably could have been explained better.
Sona-Nyl soon

Personafags are pathetic manchildren who need a cheerleading squad of "friends" 24/7. Not having constant validation is the worst thing they can imagine, apparently.

>it is a persona 3 tards try to shit on another equally bad game as if their game is any better episode

I didn't even say anything about P3 faggot

I was already tearing up when I had to fight my companions, Tigerman, Terry, and Bo but when pic related happened I fucking exploded

fucking this

>999's True Ending.
>Danganronpa 2 fifth trial.
>V3's fourth victim. V3 spoilers: god Gonta is a fucking idiot and I hate him. Miu deserved more sympathy than him.
>Persona 3's ending

NFS payback

>Danganronpa 1 when it seemed like Sakura committed suicide because Toko and Hiro attacked her
>V3 3-6 when everyone started going suicidal after they found out it was all for nothing

only one choice

Thanks user I have it but havent started it yet. The DR fanbase is notoriously bad with spoilers

Mother 3

This, easily.

It saddens me that 0 didn't have the emotional impact that the first one did. It had potential, but didn't harness it.

>detective jowd comforting little lynn while that music played
That moment got to me. So touching. I wish they would do a spiritual successor. Ghost Trick is criminally underrated.

>Ghost Trick is criminally underrated.
Seems like it's universally loved by everyone who's played it. Capcom just didn't market it well for whatever reason. All they had to do was slap "from the creators of Ace Attorney" on some posters. Inafune was the executive producer, and this was before MN9 so they could've namedropped him too.


My guess is they didn't have faith that it would succeed. Oh how wrong they were.

It's unfortunate, but I guess it will forever be one of those games that only the lucky few who play it will get to love it for all it's splendor. Like Hotel Dusk.

This fucking game

Persona 3. It affected me deeply. With every replay the crying got worse. It sounds stupid, but I feel like I appreciate life more because of it. I don't know why it affected me so strongly, but I won't argue.

It wasn't perfect but fuck did it get me. The only word I can really use to decribe it is "genuine".

Red Dead Redemption
Silent Hill 2
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team

After several games supposed to be emotional like the Niers and some Personas, no game actually shaken me as hard as Disgaea 1. That game had no right what so ever to be so moving.

This far nothing has topped ending E in Nier Automata for me
Nothing else that I've ever played has done such a genius synthesis of both moving gameplay and a moving story/message.

There’s too many for me to list them all honestly
The most notable ones would probably be Nier, Dark Souls, Persona 3, and Metal Gear Solid 3

Utawarerumono......all of it

Maybe it is because I have two little sons and I played it when they were on another city but for me is Heavy Rain.

Do VNs count?

Angie kind of deserved it

Yeah, that was a fantastic trial.

This one

Planescape: Torment

>Peace Walker
>GTA 4 endings

You enjoying two user? Neil's pretty great so far.

>"I did my best. One thing is for certain: I'm rooting for you"
>"I've walked the same road as you, so I want to help you"
>"I won't give up! In the end, never surrender"

I haven't tried it yet

Crisis Core. The end part when protag fights the army and the wheel thing has him go through all the memories of the people he met during the game, Cloud ending up all one like some retarded puppy and that fucking song playing in the background.


Chrono Trigger

Hellblade: Senua's sacrifice
No other game can top these feels or you're an underage brainlet

Get on it, user. It even lets you bully children.

Maybe he's out there...

I'll have to get it then. I've been waiting for it got awhile

>It even lets you bully children.

>Zelda Minish Cap

When link farewells to his cap in dwarf form. Best portable zelda.

Persona 3
Persona 5 but everything is made up in the end
Red Dead Redemption
Uncharted 4 during the silent ride with Elena

It's shaping up to be just as great so far, and at more than a fair price to boot. Watts and Rosalene are top notch in this one too.
Please buy to make sure that Freebird continues to live on.


was it worth the wait?
Holy fuck

unironically Saya No Uta

It's called Finding Paradise. Haven't beaten it, but it's a bit higher quality and gets off to a stronger start than To The Moon.


Professor Layton and the Unwound Future mang. Nostalgia only makes the ending better worse
Diabolical Box gets an honorable mention.

Maybe Majora's Mask. Lots of 3rd day stuff gave me chills.

Yeah, I was expecting something like Gonta's mind was swapped with the real culprit or something, it was still a pretty emotional trial, but in hindsight, it was just plain stupid

Unironically FFXV.

>tfw Ignis loses his eyesight
>tfw last camp
>tfw Stand By Me

can you tell me the difference between the psp ones and vita ones?

Endings D into E in Automata and D in original Nier.
Vagrant Story, the moment when Ashley shows the Darkness that he's in control and meets with his "family"
Sun Rises in Okami.
THAT moment in Darkness.
Yoko tormenting Edea in Bravely Second only for Ringabel to appear and confirm his status of best boy.
True ending in Suikoden 2.

>official manga shits on everything game stood for

Yes. Zack went out like a real bad ass. Wiped out an entire army all by himself.

Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon

Man that game was one hell of a ride. Plot twists after plot twists.

mfw the painting in prison is revealed

Basically any time I'll Face Myself is playing.

yup, ending felt a little cause i spent about 60hrs with them

I'll Face Myself isn't that amazing though, it's ok 8/10 -IGN

Not really "sad" but killing all Jedi Masters in KotOR 2, and then going to the Council ruins in Dantooine to meet with the "last" of the Jedi and the realization that you're the last one hits you really hard.


>Is it as you expected?
>You said what's left of the Jedi would be here!
>Yes, and that's why this place is empty, this is all that is left. An empty chamber and an echo of what once was.

That game really is something else.

Fire Emblem (7)
Specifically Nino's entire story arc and its culmination. Everything Sonia says to her and how Jaffar turns against the fang for her. I do Linus' map first, so pitting her against Lloyd in Cog of Destiny always breaks my heart

Tfw no one mentions ffvii

I'm too old for this shit, fucking nu/v/

>Sending Nino to the Boss
How?, I mean, not for the story or whatever, but can she be strong enough to even do something at that point? Wouldnt you sending her to ehr death?

Muv luv by a solid mile. About the most I've got out of other games is a few tears during the credits or whatever, Muv Luv had me struggling to get to sleep through the tears. And then I was still crying the day after.

Fun times, man.

Breath of Fire 3, no question.

spec ops was just a bunch of war movies blended together, it was so fucking typical