Hipsters retards on youtube destroyed japanese gaming culture

hipsters retards on youtube destroyed japanese gaming culture
Thanks a lot western retards
Plz go back to watching movies or find another hobby

thanks for your opinion bro, you matter

>gaming culture
kys yourself

>japanese gaming """"""""""""culture""""""""""""

There was nothing there to destroy, fool. Doki Doki might have been a Japanese game if I didn't know better.


That game isnt japanese, its another shitty western VN

white people ruined it
why wont you crackers admit that your race is the fault of every problem?

The internet is killing all culture, get used to it.

>the fault of every problem

Learn how to speak English properly.

There was a good culture back then. We didn't have gay hipsters, degenerate LGBT ''lewd lewdxD" attention whores and (((streamers)))
It's ruined now

Not all white people but americans and western europeans. Every single cancer on youtube is made by north americans and western europeans

what kind of water do californians drink?

>Hipster weebs upset that a game got played
>muh waifus!

>hipsters retards on youtube destroyed japanese gaming culture
Most VNs are shit anyway.

>mfw western men are just as virgin and pathetic as japanese

>Japanese gaming culture
Culture is a spook, it doesn't exist

>implying Sup Forums is better than this

Tap, bottled, whichever. I can still kick your ass.

Good I fucking hate you weeaboos who praise anything from japan I bet I could just copy big rigs add a anime character on the cover and you would praise it because i'm a yellow nigger

>japanese gaming culture
>gaming culture
What? That shit doesn't exist.
In other hand, Japan is not even buying kusoges with cute anime girls anymore. Gacha shit is only popular because is mobile and you can play them 10 minutes a day to progress.

>those teeth
Anglos are so disgusting

I started watching anime in 2002. Back then me and my friends used to play soccer and basketball 3 times a week, drink and party on weekends and spend the winter watching anime and trying to get laid
what went wrong? are people born after 1995 getting estrogen supplements after birth? are doctors injecting gay dna in the baby?

It could be pretentious millenials who don't even know they are millenials.

I only wish we could destroy it again

Why does fat accumulate in the face? The adipose tissue gets too much to the point that it has to use the face?

>pretentious millenials who don't even know they are millenials
So Sup Forums?

I meant you.

>are doctors injecting gay dna in the baby?
Not really. I think kids around the 90s were handed over too much and didn't know responsibility.

How can they ever recover?

The estrogen's been in the beef, chicken, and milk for over a decade now. Guess which category of people are just now showing signs. I joined in too late and now I'm just a muscle-girl.

So Sup Forums, got it.

They can never recover. /jp/ is somehow a more tolerable place to discuss anime than Sup Forums.

>west releases basically zero good games
>wow wtf why are people playing nip games?

Muscle girls dont exist unless they run steroids


Stop using the inventions of whites if you hate them so much

You are a millennial.

>japanese gaming culture
Good. Gaming culture is a leech on society.

Nips wouldn't even have anime if it weren't for whites.

Remind yourself who started this western vn shit with Katawa Shojo.