this game is awful. why is it rated so high.
>just roundabout bro
>just use public transit bro
>just get autistic about building and designing the city
this game isnt comfy at all
This game is awful. why is it rated so high
Just play simcity 5
If the only bad thing you have to say is the cities get crowded the game is fine. Just stop being autistic user
>background image
What mods are you using user
>trying to build an intersection
>tfw every time trying to connect up roads neatly and equally
>tfw thousands waiting at one bus stop
>tfw nobody uses subway properly
>tfw coach doors on the wrong side when using left lane driving roads
>tfw whole city just gets overwhelming and start over every time
>complaining about city building in a city builder
You're retarded
I have this on Xbox One but they expect me to pay a premium for the season pass when the PC version has gone on sale for like a quarter of the price.
>start off
>basic stuff, city is fine
>add more roads and services
>after some point traffic AI shits the bed and jams the roundabout despite the 3 alternate roads to get on and off the highway
>add extra direct routes to commerical, industrial and residential zones
>add extra bridges that connect the 3 even more
>the faggot ass AI ignores it all and only wants to go to the roundabout
ive tried too hard to enjoy the game but I just cant
ive found its nice to make bus stops go to the subway stops, thereby making people who want to get somewhere the bus does not go get on the subway system, but my biggest shit it
>start out normal
>start making schools
>slowly replace my large fields of industry with offices
>later on nothing is being exported
>everything must be imported
>not enough customers
>not enough workers
>everyones so smart and educated to work in a fishstick factory
>make a new area where people prefer work over school
>slowly fill it with homes and a type of industry like wood/coal/ore
>burn the city down and start again
>Plays autistic city builder.
>Doesn't like autistic city building.
Common sense isn't your strong suit, is it?
the ai is stupid in how it will always take the shortest route, then you see backups on the fucking highway cause everyones trying to turn into a street and the people behind them are trying to go straight but HURRRRRRRDURRRRRRRR cant just go in the fast lane to avoid all that oh no lets get behind the others in the slow(turn) lane
You need paint districts and apply no heavy traffic policy to residential areas. Big vehicles will use other roads then and hopefully you haven't made too many intersections close together. One way roads help also.
Roundabouts are effective because it was made by Europeans.
This is how the rest of the world works, America. Your intersections are stressful.
This is a problem I have too when I unlock and start building offices. I think you need to strike a good balance of specialized industry and offices. For some reason the game keeps rebuilding industry when there is no one wanting to work there because offices also use the same stat.
ive tried all that, other problems always pops up before traffic can get retarded again
Yeah, I love how everyone with a high school diploma is overqualified to work in a factory and anyone with an elementary school education is too good to work in a lumberyard.
no they're very entertaining for pedestrians like me who never fell for the vehicle meme. one of my favorite things to do after walking to work and showing up ten minutes early because i didn't have to wait around in traffic, is sit in the parking lot and watch the retard rodeo to pep me up before i have to punch in.
>go to uk
>drive on "motorway"
>come off junction to a roundabout
>huge queues of traffic everywhere
>about seven sets of traffic lights to get off roundabout
Really effective bro.
we have roundabouts too, jacques
Not in most states
Wtf kind of round about has traffic lights?
Yeah, that's infuriating. They always drive in the lane they're eventually going to turn from, making multilane roads and especially highways worthless.
It doesn't help that the day-night cycle isn't long enough for traffic density to be logical. People who are going to and from work shouldn't have to compete with delivery trucks and industrial traffic since that should only be going on during the day.
There are roundabouts here too.
However they don't fit well with the American mindset. No one yields in them. It is literally everyone just hitting the gas and darting into it while forcing the people in it to slam on their brakes to avoid the new incomer. If you actually wait and yield at them for a safe opening you get people honking behind you.
The big ones usually do to prevent accidents.
Look up some traffic/road mods. Being able to manually configure which lanes can turn and controlling stuff like stop and give way signs can do a lot to help with congestion, and the traffic AI overhauls help a lot too.
it got a lot of positive attention because of how shitty simcity 5 was, in retrospect it's not that great and they have over 100 fucking dollars of dlc now
Never seen that in australia
Then again I've never seen an overhead pedestrian walkway here either
Now I want to start up a city again.
But I wish I had more things happening in the city. It seems like it's hard to "go wrong" in the game. I wish that there was a way for the simulated people to appreciate my well-made parks and neighborhoods. Honestly, the game is best when played with others watching. I get MOST autistic about balancing things that look good and things that work in the context of the game.
God dammit EU
Shame the dlc has been lacklaster, but at least they've added a lot in free patches. Nightlife buildings and tourism don't feel any different to standard commercial zones, when they could have been a fun challenge
Seriously though, why can snow only be used in snow maps, why not have a setting so that every 40 days you get a 20 day winter or something?
I know you have limited space England, but at least try...
git gud
>tfw trains queuing on train lines now
I'm fucking done with this.
>just use mods bro
>55 mods and 600 assets later and the you can finally build a realistic looking city and road system
Unfortunately drivers in the US don't know what "yield" means. Our traffic efficiency is limited by the retardation of many. I would love for us to be in the age of self driving cars already.
>There are people who donĀ“t play this game just to destroy everything with natural disasters.
The big thing you guys need to keep in mind that helps make the game a lot more enjoyable, is that no city is perfect. Go to any large real life city and it'll have traffic problems in certain areas, it'll have poorly designed old areas of the city that have been redeveloped, it'll have shitty residential districts in places nobody wants to live. It's not about fixing every problem, it's about managing them as best you can and working around them, and those problems becoming part of the charm and character of your city.
What were the devs smoking when they decided that the game needed a "deathcare" system? You collect dead bodies like they're garbage and then dig up graveyards when they run out of capacity. What kind of fucked up morbid shit is that?
The problem is more people need hospital treatment from noise and pollution. This then means more ambulances blocking roads and more deaths. It's not charming in anyway when residents become unhappy and you will get less upgraded buildings...less money to improve.
>Your intersections are stressful.
How is stopping until the green light allows you to go with no cross traffic or interference stressful in any way? I guess 4-way stops can be stressful, but an intersection with fucking traffic lights? Those aren't stressful at all, roundabouts are way more stressful than that.
I pirated it when back a year ago. Back then either housing was low-density low-income or high-density high-income, you couldn't have commie blocks with high-density and low-income. Don't know if they fixed it but that killed it for me and I never bought the game, Sim City 4 is simply superior so what's even the point.
Stops you deleting stuff and rebuilding once full. Can't you transport them to landfill or is it to a crematorium?
>play pirated version with all dlc
>like it and buy it
>no money for dlc
its my own fault
>it's a not enough electricity episode
>it's a trash building up episode
>it's a everybody dies at the same time episode
>it's a everybody use only one lane of the road episode
This game just gets tedious after a few hours.
>Unfortunately drivers in the US don't know what "yield" means.
This is absolutely true. Around my area, Stop means slow down a bit, check for cops, and roll on through, and Yield means blast through at full speed without looking at all. If you nearly run over a pedestrian or into the side of an intersecting car then it's their fault for not stopping for you no matter what.
Entertainment and night life still don't add enough character.
I remember playing SimCity 3000 as a kid and thought it was pretty challenging making your city profiltable. This game feels a bit too easy in comparision.
It shouldn't fill up at all. Cemeteries should just be a kind of park or monument. Having to manage corpse collection and "death waves" is a ridiculous gameplay element.
Shame they didn't do it more like tropico
It's probably a limit with what they can do on Unity though.
Cemeteries do fill up irl though. They have to reuse graves more frequently or expand the land.
The game is very good. The issue is it has a much higher learning curve than any Sim City game did. That being said, they could improve the UI for building roads.
Have you seen the dev team, they're all fucking hippies.
This is why you need mod to defuck AI.
the traffic during the night makes no sense so you need to install a day/night mod that makes traffic make more sense during each time frame
>schools are active during the day and not the late night
>business is open normally 24/7 so it makes sense
>industry could potentially be 24/7 so traffic stays constant
just dumb to add a daily cycle yet the city never sleeps like its fucking los vegas and the schools are also casinos in disguise
>have a shit ton of residential with school out policy
>they always get educated at some point
>missing uneducated worker everywhere at all time
this is fucking making me mad
But cities usually don't get totally designed from scratch like this. They start as a self-sufficient town and grow gradually based on need/opportunity. If you don't plan your city ahead of time you're fucked.
>not enough electricity, need more cash for another plant
>too much trash
>all the people who moved in at the first year are dead and piling up everywhere
>traffic is at a standstill cause everyones in one fucking lane
I'll add
>not enough customers
>not enough goods to sell
>not enough workers
>too many workers are overeducated
too bad nuclear bombs arent part of the disaster pack
>Have you seen the dev team, they're all fucking hippies.
Sounds like every western game right now. Hipsters and hippies with nose rings and colored hair. Also, women always have to be the head of the project for "diversity".
post some spaghetti roads
>total cost of DLC: $113
Fuck, which ones are worth getting?
Been thinking about buying this game, can't you buy the base game and pirate dlc like with other Parabux games?
Theyll be like 60% off during the next big steam sale
I agree, I modded in massive cemeteries that take up a lot of space, but are able to hold a lot more, also added custom hearses that have fucking trailers on them so they can go road by today hauling away 70+ corpses like it's 1817 or some shit. This keeps deathwaves at a minimum even if I super expand some high density residential and half the population all dies at once.
if there is one thing tropico 5 taught me, its that you need your poor and dumb people
does anyone recommend any other building/ economy games, was thinking about trying factorio?
factorio is a very different kind of autism but it's a good one.
What the fuck are you supposed to do here?
>can't figure out Skylines
Stop and give way is in vanilla now
outer circle is clockwise, inner circle is counter clockwise
Skylines would be better if retarded shit mechanics weren't broken by retarded under-the-hood shit logic. Then again, it was made by some Swedish nu-cucks more interested in diversity than talent, so what can you expect?