How do you manage to keep your vidya up to date while maintaining a health life?
I work 8 to 4 from Monday to Friday but i had these Friday and tomorrow Monday off because i had some teeth pulled out. and I've just been sitting here without any sleep since Friday night catching up to my backlog.
During the week I take around 2 hours every day to play from 6 to 8 and the rest is spent either with my girl at home or going out. But there are days where I just want to go back to being 15 and playing all day and night.
My main game is WoW and I have already been dropped out of my raiding guild because I just can't show up on time anymore.
Still haven't even started BamHam Knight and don't think I'll ever finish Withcer 3.
So anyone else also struggling to keep your hobby?
Ethan Turner
i don't have a "backlog" anymore, if a game can't hold my attention, and i'm not interested in it enough to keep playing it after working a week solid, then its not worth it to keep trying to play it.
if i lose interest, then i'm pretty much done with it.
Adrian Cooper
Drop the girlfriend for more vidya
Anthony Ward
Nice blog
Michael Powell
Easy. I work 15 days a month, while beying paid more then most people in my country who work 5 days a week.
I manage also to go out with my FWB and go drinking and partying often.
Lincoln Collins
Switch to offline games. You can press pause anytime and save. I heard of people that played skyrim for 3 years until they finished the main quest.
Jeremiah Howard
I tried to get her to play but she just sucks at it and i get frustrated.
I believe this is starting to happen to me, I don't feel like finishing Witcher 3 anymore, but WoW just feels bad to abandon it because I have 10 years invested on that game.
Well I can't get that good a job.
Oliver Morales
Go function somewhere else you drone. Fucking failed normies and their shitty lives.
Aiden Kelly
m8 wow is my main game, if i'm interested in a game, i rent it either from redbox or have a buddy with a gamefly account grab it for me, if i like it, i buy it and play it.
the last game i played and enjoyed was persona 5, otherwise i'm just playing wow. our time as adults is valuable, and shouldn't be wasted on trying to finish something for the sake of finishing it.
Dylan Scott
>playing multiplayer games There’s your problem. As an adult you should already have other people to put up with irl, you shouldn’t do that with games too.
Singleplayer games are the best.
Josiah Watson
You wanna know what is worse than wasting money? It is wasting TIME and money. And no, if you finish the game and you were not satisfied it still does not justify the purchase.
Sebastian Ward
>work + relationship >+ WoW WoW/online gaming is your problem. Multiplayer/MMO gaming is for people with too much time and not enough money to buy new games. Switch to the best single player games you are interested in and just do that.
Cameron Jackson
why this must be a priority? I wish I have a job so I can stop playing minecraft all fucking day
James Jackson
>I tried to get her to play but she just sucks at it and i get frustrated
Wrong games. Try with games where you can cooperate toward a goal or non competitive games like city builders or graphic adventures.
>I believe this is starting to happen to me, I don't feel like finishing Witcher 3 anymore, but WoW just feels bad to abandon it because I have 10 years invested on that game
I'm in the same boat user but just give it up because we aren't kids anymore and we can't invest hundreds of hours into a game anymore. It's the reason i didn't buy Witcher 3. I play WoW casually and can't raid because my schedule is too random. What I did was to get into a small guild of cool people and I mainly do Mythic+ and raid finder with some rated bgs/arenas on the side. Just accept you have different priorities and adjust your game goals.
Juan Morgan
pretty much this as well m8
its ok to adjust your priorities and hobbies as you grow older.
part of becoming an adult is realizing when to adjust goals and things along those lines.
Nathaniel Murphy
I got handed my Bachelor's yesterday and plan on taking 6 months off until Masters program begins. Am I functioning?
Anthony Peterson
Chase Hall
coop games like L4D are good for short gaming sessions.
Jace Campbell
Im the same. I even work 8 to 4 too. Honestly just excerise 30 mins a day or every other day and youll have more energy to game. Unfortunately I just dont have time now to play mindless multiplayer games anymore though. Focus on your favoirte genre of games and play those.