Would you buy someone a vice if they were willing to be your VR gf? And you can pick the character?
Would you buy someone a vice if they were willing to be your VR gf? And you can pick the character?
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Once they have the Vive there is nothing preventing them from never interacting with you again.
Would there be a way to assure it? Through like a website ebay or something?
I guess you make them give you their address before you pony up the cash for it. But nobody with 2 brain cells to rub together would ever not use a PO Box for their internet bf's gifts.
I actually look pretty cute.
Looking for VR gf
I actually look pretty handsome.
But I would never play this degenerated shit
Buying VR gf for 10 lootboxes
I’ll have to figure out how to set this up. Maybe through patreon.
>$500 for someone to talk to you for like an hour every once in a while
That sounds awful and a big waste of money.
There's gotta be a fucking limit as to what can be considered humane and this blows it the fuck up.
I want to chase cute lolis in the VR world
They spend that money on chaterbate sluts, now thanks to VR we can cash in on what chaterbate whores have been doing for 10 years. I’m sure the guy donating to these video sluts would rather have a VR girl than donate to the whores on screen that everyone is donating to at the same time.
I was thinking along with a gf patreon I could get an amazon wish list thing going too.
I want to help tiny anime girls grab things that are out of their reach
too cute
This is starting to actually sound like a legitimate use case for crypto in some way or other.
>Basically like prostitution but with less disease.
Camsluts and on-hire internet girlfriends are real, bone and flesh women; they aren't polygons with a fat male neckbeard behind them like VR sluts.
You're insane if you think camslut's customers are going to replace them for VR sluts.
If they were willing to be wingman, then yeah
T. Roastie
>I give Person B money, I get a VR gf and lose money
>Person B becomes my VR gf, gets money and a VR gf
>I could get a VR gf for free
What if they used a voice changer to be both.
*vive whatever close enough.
If you were a friend of mine, maybe I'd consider it except that it would be fucking weird in that case, so still no.
They are hitting the hard deck user-kun~ ganbatte kudasai
Do any of you ever stop and think that perhaps losing weight and then bothering to talk to actual flesh and blood women might actually be easier?
t. titty streamer
As long as they use proper NATO brevity codes and no weeb or top gun shit then they can sound like a dying frog for all I care
But if you turn your friend into girl that would give you experience.
You can spend time with with VR gf on Valentine’s Day. Cam whores are just for fapping to, you can’t create a personal connection with them.
>bothering to talk to actual flesh and blood women
Or you can hire an escort and spend Valentie's day with her. Like, genuinely spend Valentine's Day eating outside, going to the amusement park and having sex instead of just looking at a screen and pretending you're "spending the day".
I can assure you that it's rewarding.
>go on camwhore site
>they literally do anything you ask for pennies and nickles
>pay $500 dollars for a fat neckbeard to stand around me while in VRchat
>even though most fags on the game will do that for free
What a hard decision to make.
Doubt you would with a fat neckbeard either.
t. roastie
I think the only use I have for VR is to live out my desperate longing to be a shota for /ss/
>spending the day with a used up roastie instead of your pure 2D waifu in VR
Have some respect for yourself
Nope, I'm engaged to one.
you must go back
I want to try it but I'm the most uninteresting man in the universe.
i only care about VR once it hits full-dive scifi levels of immersion so my homo vorefag fantasies can finally come true
Isn't that the place with the board about incels? Not everyone here is a failure at life user, even moot managed to get laid all the time and he's a literal faggot.
I wouldn't mind being someone's VR gf if they would let me be a silent loli
>Pretending something on a screen is the same as the real thing
You're the one needs to have some respect for yourself.
So you just want me to cut you in half with my katana and eat your corpse?
trying way too hard to fit in
mega cringe
You ever heard of the strong silent type? Just keep your mouth shut, she'll think you're mysterious. Women are dumb as fuck anyways, it'll take her years to figure out your don't actually have a personality.
>hard vore
>human pred
fucking gross
>mega cringe
I think you both need to go back
My man
It would be really nice to help out my current LDR, but way too expensive for us both
That's not how it works in real life, user.
If that was true I would have been swimming in pussy for years.
Who said I was a human, I could be a T-Rex or something.
Have in mind how a man who is willing to pretend to be an anime girl on the internet, act like one and be the girlfriend of another male in the internet is very, very mentally ill.
By involving yourself with one of these you aren't doing any better than when you start dating a chick that cuts herself.
>fit in
If I wanted to fit in I would applaud you for reveling in the fact that you're a lazy, pathetic, genetic dead end. And you don't get to take pride in being a useless drain on humanity. If you want someone to support your degeneracy then kill yourself, that's something I can approve of. It would probably be the bravest thing you ever did.
Go on...
It is though, I've been doing it for years. You just got to learn to hide the fact that it's bullshit.
seething lol
does anyone want to be my internet bf you don't ever have to show yourself IRL just act cute online
are you cute?
I ahve this great idea to completely replace my monitor with a VR helmet. But I hear you get dizzy and shit, is it true or is it just the same fags who complained about nausa from the 3DS and threw their Wiimotes into the TV screen?
Why do people pretend that this is a bad thing? The whole point is that you can be whatever you want to be. The person piloting the polygons is irrelevant.
if i was cute why would i be asking for an internet bf on Sup Forums?
This would probably be the best way to do it, unless there is a good voice changer that doesn’t sound like a robot.
All of the lolis in VRchat are silent.
You could be cute without being outgoing for example.
Matsix is an anime girl until proven otherwise
It depends on you biologically. I have played some of the most VR intensive games for 5+ hours and didnt feel a thing. The only real issue I have is the headset gets sweaty, and the image is a little blurry (not enough to care personally as the experience more than makes up for it).
so lonely.......
Shinogiri Zun] Aitsu, Doutei Yamerutteyo! | That guy said he's gonna stop being a virgin! (Nyotaika Dynamites) [English] [desudesu]
>have a VR headset and hotas joystick
>don't have any flight sims
Which do I go for? Flaming Cliffs 3?
Picture quality is CRT-tier. If you played Dead Rising 1 on a non-HD television back in the day, it's like that.
no, but it might be fun to have VR sex with an actual female.
As in you're both wearing the headsets while having physical sex, but you see a husbando and waifu respectably.
You know. So neither one of you need to focus on the fact that you're both ugly NEETs.
Nope, that shit would bang together when you try to kissu~. Not to mention, you can't VR away physical size.
>camslut's customers are going to replace them for VR sluts
Camsluts are funded by normies. Non-normies in general hate 3DPD and would probably let spite fuel their erections for anime girls piloted by other men.
Wouldn't it be nice if there was some kind of VR middle school where you could be the child you ever wanted to be, regardless of your sex ? Would be enough to make me buy a VR headset
You could probably pull this off in VRChat if you found enough roleplaying autists to populate the classroom and one roleplaying autist to be the teacher.
No it's not fatso.
White "people" are so fucking pathetic.
>Or you can hire an escort
Lmao I'm not putting my dick some slut that was probably blacked and without question ride the cock carousel.
As a cute boy that isn't outgoing, why do you ask?
Why is it not?
Because people want a cute gf or bf
out of things to simulate, school is not one of them, I have nightmares still
Makes sense. Being a NEET is a mistake, I'll never meet my future husband at this rate.
Times are changin
i'm more of the persuasion to hang out in such chatrooms as a giant robot.
Anyone got a fetish for watching entire cities getting leveled?
I've been NEET for 10 years and I've really let myself go ever since I broke up with my gf, so I know that feel. Not even overweight but man I'm out of shape since I stopped working out years ago. I finally decided it's time to unfuck myself recently.
You can do it too user, I believe in you!
Don't fall for the 3DPD meme.
I'm not out of shape or anything, I just can't really go on a date with anyone without any money.
I want a succubus (male) VR girlfriend.
what's the name of this animu again?
But muhhh 3dpd!!!!!
I thought you wanted an online bf or something anyway. I manage to save money from neetbux each month, not a whole lot but it's enough to live on and save a bit each month. Living alone sucks though after 10 long years, wish I had a flatmate or something. Wonder if I should get myself a vive for christmas or something.
It doesn't matter if the QT 3.14 VR girl is a guy. That's probably just a roastie trying to protect the survival of the camslut.
Camsluts have a monopoly on getting betabux and they don't even have to pay attention to that guy, but with VR, a guy can get betabux now too by pretending to be their VR waifu. It's the same thing with human women brothels that shut down sexbot brothels. They're mad that VR girls and sexbots are better at their job than them.